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The Initial Initial

Edgy MD
Aug 15 2016 01:08 AM

Looking at the presence of T.J. and René Rivera on the same team and in the same lineup, but with no initial initial on the backs of their uniforms to distinguish one name from the other, it strikes me that I haven't seen an initial initial on a Met uniform to distinguish a player from his namesake in quite some time. It's so out of fashion as to have become unremarkable. We lived through dos Torreses in 2015 with no distinction, correct? And two Youngs in 2014?

When was the last time we included the initial initial? Is this totally out of practice league-wide?

[fimg=182:1x0191pc][/fimg:1x0191pc] [fimg=400:1x0191pc][/fimg:1x0191pc]

Frayed Knot
Aug 15 2016 02:49 AM
Re: The Initial Initial

Gary brought this up a couple days ago. Said it had been several years since they've used initials when duplicate last names were involved but didn't seem to know exactly when the practice was dropped or why.
And all this just as Spanish names across baseball are belatedly getting all their accents and tildes in place.

Mets Guy in Michigan
Aug 15 2016 02:54 AM
Re: The Initial Initial

I think it makes sense to have no initial. People do have the giant numbers below the names to help tell people apart.

Aug 15 2016 12:16 PM
Re: The Initial Initial

I think the Bobby Joneses ruined it for everyone.

John Cougar Lunchbucket
Aug 15 2016 12:30 PM
Re: The Initial Initial

I should know this but can't remember the last time they did it.

I don;t think they ever did M FRANCO and J FRANCO, so probably prior to that.

Aug 15 2016 12:40 PM
Re: The Initial Initial

RealityChuck wrote:
I think the Bobby Joneses ruined it for everyone.

W. B. Jones and B. B. Jones! Ah, the memories...

John Cougar Lunchbucket
Aug 15 2016 12:55 PM
Re: The Initial Initial

K HENDERSON and S HENDERSON, maybe? Hard to find a shot of Ken in a Mets uni.

Benjamin Grimm
Aug 15 2016 01:03 PM
Re: The Initial Initial

I seem to remember that Davey Johnson was JOHNSON but Howard Johnson was H. JOHNSON.

Aug 15 2016 01:04 PM
Re: The Initial Initial

I was just going to say that, but I can't find a pic of Howard's back on quick look.

Aug 15 2016 01:07 PM
Re: The Initial Initial

Here's one, but I'm certain they did it at some point. Maybe on the road?

Benjamin Grimm
Aug 15 2016 01:08 PM
Re: The Initial Initial

I found this image, on a website called

John Cougar Lunchbucket
Aug 15 2016 01:15 PM
Re: The Initial Initial

d'Kong76 wrote:
RealityChuck wrote:
I think the Bobby Joneses ruined it for everyone.

W. B. Jones and B. B. Jones! Ah, the memories...

As Ambler called him, Afro Jones.

Aug 15 2016 01:26 PM
Re: The Initial Initial

Benjamin Grimm wrote:
I found this image, on a website called

D'oh, nice DGW shot!

Aug 15 2016 01:43 PM
Re: The Initial Initial

John Cougar Lunchbucket wrote:
K HENDERSON and S HENDERSON, maybe? Hard to find a shot of Ken in a Mets uni.

Ken H. was a 1978 Met only. The Mets first wore NOB's the following season - 1979.

John Cougar Lunchbucket
Aug 15 2016 01:48 PM
Re: The Initial Initial

batmagadanleadoff wrote:
John Cougar Lunchbucket wrote:
K HENDERSON and S HENDERSON, maybe? Hard to find a shot of Ken in a Mets uni.

Ken H. was a 1978 Met only. The Mets first wore NOB's the following season - 1979.

Doh. I was thinking 1980

Edgy MD
Aug 15 2016 05:22 PM
Re: The Initial Initial

I was looking for a backside photo of Sid or Tony Fernandez from 1993. I found this.


But that's from August, and Tony had been traded back in June.

Interesting Tony Fernandez fact: The Mets got Tony in an October 1992 trade with the Padres, in which they sent over in addition to other talent, a PtBNL that was eventually named, on December 7, as 20-year-old catcher Raul Casanova.

Raul, clearly heartbroken at being sent away from the organization, stuck around in baseball long enough to eventually play for the Mets anyhow ... in 2008.

Aug 15 2016 05:57 PM
Re: The Initial Initial

Mets Guy in Michigan wrote:
I think it makes sense to have no initial. People do have the giant numbers below the names to help tell people apart.

Or, you know, their face.

Aug 15 2016 06:03 PM
Re: The Initial Initial

I'm still trying to tell the Ramirii of 2012 apart.

Edgy MD
Aug 15 2016 06:24 PM
Re: The Initial Initial

Centerfield wrote:
Mets Guy in Michigan wrote:
I think it makes sense to have no initial. People do have the giant numbers below the names to help tell people apart.

Or, you know, their face.

Well, these same arguments could be used against having names on the back at all. Yet they do!

Aug 15 2016 06:38 PM
Re: The Initial Initial

Bus pass pinned to my shirt or jacket worked at the outset of first grade. Had my name and cross streets.

Aug 15 2016 06:39 PM
Re: The Initial Initial

G-Fafif wrote:
I'm still trying to tell the Ramirii of 2012 apart.

We had more than one Ramirez?

Aug 15 2016 06:41 PM
Re: The Initial Initial

seawolf17 wrote:
G-Fafif wrote:
I'm still trying to tell the Ramirii of 2012 apart.

We had more than one Ramirez?

Ramon and Elvin, though you rarely saw them on the same mound at the same time.

Edgy MD
Aug 15 2016 06:41 PM
Re: The Initial Initial

Elvin and Ramón.

And now I ask Mets Guy in Michigan, without checking, to tell me which numbers the two of them wore.

Edgy MD
Aug 15 2016 06:48 PM
Re: The Initial Initial

RealityChuck wrote:
I think the Bobby Joneses ruined it for everyone.

Long before The Two Bobbys came along, Fresno Bobby had a 1995 conflict with Chris Jones. But Chris neither bothered wearing an initial back then either.

Aug 15 2016 06:54 PM
Re: The Initial Initial

No initial on back for Argenis Reyes:

Benjamin Grimm
Aug 15 2016 07:02 PM
Re: The Initial Initial

Instances where two Mets players had the same last name in the same season, since 1979:

YearLast Name

Aug 15 2016 07:03 PM
Re: The Initial Initial

G-Fafif wrote:
G-Fafif wrote:
I'm still trying to tell the Ramirii of 2012 apart.

We had more than one Ramirez?

Ramon and Elvin, though you rarely saw them on the same mound at the same time.

I call shenanigans that either one of them existed.

Frayed Knot
Aug 15 2016 07:09 PM
Re: The Initial Initial

Look, we all know this is the result of the cheap-ass Wilpons not wanting to pay for an extra letter [u:960z5s2x]AND[/u:960z5s2x] a freaking period to go after it.
Hell, in TJ Rivera's case you'd have to pay for two of each!!!

Or maybe they could do just one, like the shortened version of his chosen name of TJ is just T. Or maybe that's what only his best friends call him.

Aug 15 2016 07:34 PM
Re: The Initial Initial

In the history of baseball, only twice did a team have two players on the roster with the same first and last names. Both times, it was the Mets:

1962: Bob Miller and Bob Miller (Robert L. Miller was also one of three 1962 Mets to play on a Mets pennant winning team.)
2000: Bobby Jones and Bobby Jones.