i saw storks so you don't have to.
storks used to deliver babies. then one of them didn't, so they all stopped and turned into amazon prime instead.
oh, the one baby they didn't deliver? they adopted her (reluctantly). because of course.
now it's her 18th birthday, and the boss stork tells underling stork to fire her.
hilarity(?) ensues as, instead, she mistakenly makes a baby sister for a little boy who wants a baby brother with ninja skills because his parents don't spend enough time with him. using the magical baby making machine. as you do.
things happen, there's chases and jokes and puns and wolves.
and then...
[bigpurple:3qfku2j2]spoiler alert!!![/bigpurple:3qfku2j2]
to win the day, the orphan girl makes about a million babies at the throw of a switch, answering all the baby delivery requests that'd been piling up since the storks stopped delivering babies. [u:3qfku2j2]18 years ago.[/u:3qfku2j2]
it's really quite horrifying if you actually think about it.
[bigpurple:3qfku2j2]end spoiler alert!!![/bigpurple:3qfku2j2]
the movie promises that in the preceding 18 years, babies have been delivered by other means, but misses out on offering up a clever alternative. and therein lies the problem for the movie. it's a weird universe, with opportunity for something new and clever. but instead, it just kinda falls flat, like a delivery box ready for the recycling heap.
the movie damn near bored minimm to tears. we stuck it out because we'd paid good money for the dang thing.
don't make our mistake. don't see this movie if you have to pay for it.
i guess it was harmless, and we didn't have to answer any baby-making questions after. the only one we did field was, "that's not where babies come from is it?" "what do you think?" "no - they're just being silly" "whew"
i'd score it above angry birds, if that helps. from the previews, i thought it could have promise. it never quite took flight.