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It's almost Schaefer time
Yancy Street Gang Mar 10 2006 11:24 AM Edited 2 time(s), most recently on Mar 10 2006 01:58 PM |
We had the discussion last October, and since the consensus pretty much matched my personal preference, I've decided that that's what we'll go with.
Voting starts in a little more than three weeks. Be there!
seawolf17 Mar 10 2006 11:27 AM Re: It's almost Schaefer time |
Funny! You did a great job with this last year, YSG. Keep up the good work!
Elster88 Mar 10 2006 11:30 AM |
I tried last year to do each individual poster's totals, but lost steam by mid-June. I'll try again unless someone objects.
MFS62 Mar 10 2006 11:37 AM |
That's how I handled it last year, and that's why my total votes awarded for the year were fewer than others'. Later
TheOldMole Mar 10 2006 11:49 AM |
I still like the idea of more total points for a win, fewer for a loss, but I'm not complaining. Megakudos to Yancey for doing this.
sharpie Mar 10 2006 11:53 AM |
It ain't broke! Don't fix it!
Yancy Street Gang Mar 10 2006 11:59 AM |
In most cases it'll probably end up working out that way. Some losses will end up getting ten points, but most will probably get fewer. And the worst losses will get considerably fewer.
Elster88 Mar 10 2006 12:09 PM |
I read this wrong.
So it's not necessary to allocate the full ten points?
Yancy Street Gang Mar 10 2006 12:11 PM |
Johnny Dickshot Mar 10 2006 12:30 PM |
Is it too late to consider my idea of adjusting points after specified periods by team winning percentage?
Frayed Knot Mar 10 2006 12:38 PM |
Half the room was "afraid" to vote in losses because we were told that it had to be 10 points or nothing. I tried to submit one with fewer one time and was taken out in the alley and beaten (more) senseless ... or something like that. Accepting partial scores for good performances in retched games sure cure that problem.
Yancy Street Gang Mar 10 2006 12:39 PM |
That's more complexity than I personally care to take on. But the raw data (meaning the number of points that each player earned in each game) will be available to anybody who would be interested in tinkering with the totals.
Johnny Dickshot Mar 10 2006 12:41 PM |
But if we all have a different idea of how many points a given game is worth, won't that completely corrupt the data?
cooby Mar 10 2006 12:47 PM |
Is poll voting gone for good?
Yancy Street Gang Mar 10 2006 12:48 PM |
And that's one reason why I don't care to continue that 10-point requirement. Enforcing it was too much trouble and it discouraged voting. I wanted to bail on that rule before mid-season, but I didn't want to change the rules while we were underway, so I reluctanly continued to enforce.
Frayed Knot Mar 10 2006 12:53 PM |
No more so than skipped votes or artificially inflated just-so-it-will-add-up-to-ten ones.
Yancy Street Gang Mar 10 2006 12:56 PM |
I think that the 6 and 10 rules keep the points within tight enough bounds that the standards shouldn't vary that much. And the variation might have more of an impact if we took turns voting, if I did Tuesdays, and you did Wednesdays, and somebody else did Thursdays, for example. But the way the tallying is done, it's all about consensus, so the deviations should get pretty well neutralized.
Nymr83 Mar 10 2006 12:57 PM |
a worthwhile project. i still think the 6-point maximum is biased against starting pitchers. just to clarify you must distribute 10 points or is less ok?
Yancy Street Gang Mar 10 2006 01:00 PM |
The 10-point minimum is gone. If, on a day that the Mets lose 12-0 on a one-hitter, and you want to give 1 point to the guy who got the hit, that's fine. And if you want to distribute 10 points for that game, that's fine, too.
Willets Point Mar 10 2006 01:15 PM |
I have no interest in doing this anymore, so if we're to have poll voting someone else will have to pick up the ball and run with it.
ScarletKnight41 Mar 10 2006 01:32 PM |
I like the new system - thanks Yancy :)
Rockin' Doc Mar 11 2006 12:34 PM |
I am willing to run the traditional polling system for player of the games. I may not always get a poll up immediately after each game, due to my schedule, but I will try to keep them current so we don't get more than one or two games behind. As lonmg as an interest exists and people are voting, I will make every attempt to put the polls up.
Edgy DC Mar 11 2006 12:56 PM |
Always mit the victim game.
cooby Mar 11 2006 12:57 PM |
Thanks Rockin'Doc!
Frayed Knot Mar 11 2006 01:26 PM |
I got better
TheOldMole Mar 12 2006 11:44 AM |
100% behind the new system.
Nymr83 Mar 12 2006 11:46 AM |
the forum gets clutterred very fast with an IGT and two different voting systems going on for every game... if we're going to do the "Poll-vote" can i suggest that it either be put in the same thread as the schaeffer or edited into the IGT after the game?
Yancy Street Gang Mar 12 2006 01:05 PM |
Ix-nay to same thread as the Schaefer. That would make my tallying more difficult.
Nymr83 Mar 12 2006 01:09 PM |
if they're only going to stay up a few days you might as well sticky them for the duration.
Elster88 Mar 12 2006 01:20 PM |
Let's just leave it alone. The system of creating threads is just fine.
ScarletKnight41 Mar 12 2006 01:41 PM |
I concur.
Rockin' Doc Mar 12 2006 08:45 PM |
Do I sense a backlash against the poll voting? I'm not looking to clutter up the board, but cooby requested the old system be implemented in addition to the Schaeffer POTG and I hate to see her disappointed. I will run it for a few weeks at the start of the season. I guess member participation will determine whether or not the polls will remain beyond that point.
ScarletKnight41 Mar 12 2006 08:55 PM |
No backlash from me - I enjoy it.
Zvon Mar 14 2006 12:15 PM |
Centerfield Mar 14 2006 01:31 PM |
Yancy Street Gang Mar 14 2006 01:37 PM |
You're welcome! But it would probably be more accurate to say, "Thanks for your work." If it was hard work I probably wouldn't be doing it!
Yancy Street Gang Mar 30 2006 02:00 PM |
In the past week, I made some nice enhancements to my magic spreadsheet, which will make the tallying much easier for me. I'm also going to be able to leverage the UMDB. There will be a web page we can all go to to see game-by-game voting results, as well as monthly and yearly totals that will automatically update when each game is tallied.
Edgy DC Mar 30 2006 02:01 PM |
So will the UMDB pages for each game display a Crane Pool Schaefer PotG?
Yancy Street Gang Mar 30 2006 02:05 PM |
Not at first, but that's a definite possibility. Do we like that idea?
Elster88 Mar 30 2006 02:10 PM |
It'll certainly generate more forum buzz, if you include a link under some sort of "Explanation of Crane Pool Schaefer" header.
KC Mar 30 2006 02:27 PM |
I do, especially if we get some new meat around here - not that I don't like
Johnny Dickshot Mar 30 2006 02:50 PM |
Can you also set that sucker up to tally "The Refeshment Index" -- that is, Schaefer Points Per IP (pitchers) and PA (hitters?). If not I volunteer to tally that sucker with pencil and paper monthly.
Yancy Street Gang Mar 30 2006 02:57 PM |
You should be able to get that from the raw data that will be posted. The problem is if a guy pitches 2 innings and doesn't get any votes, he won't generate any data.
Yancy Street Gang Mar 31 2006 09:37 AM |
Here's what it's gonna look like.
Edgy DC Mar 31 2006 09:52 AM |
Giant Squidlike Creature Apr 27 2006 02:54 AM |
Someone asked for the rules. Here they are.