Seems like I'm not the only one to have a refrigerator delivery problem from Lowe's (see my earlier post in this thread): ... n-we-want/
[/Lowe’s Home Delivery: “Don’t You Fucking Worry About Your Delivery Time, We’ll Deliver When We Want………”
Posted by ToddSullivan on September 19th, 2016 Tags: hd low
It’s been a long long time since I’ve taken time here to bitch about something. Years in fact. Here is a saga with Dell and then Comcast . But sometime something happens you just gotta vent…
So, we are sitting on a aging fridge and decided it was time to do a bit of an upgrade. The wife and I walk into Lowe’s last Friday pick out what we want, set up a delivery for Sunday and walk out in 1/2 an hour. Easy peasy right? No fucking way pal……. Lowe’s is just getting started with me.
We get that standard “2 hour delivery window” call from XPO Last mile and Home Delivery around 6:30 Saturday telling us they would be here “between 2-4 Sunday” . This surprise me because last time I did this with Lowe’s, they delivered themselves. Apparently Lowe’s has decided putting their delivery fate in the hands of people who probably would be unable to manage a fraternity gangbang in a whorehouse is a shrewd move.
The wife and I look at the kids schedule and decide she will skip my daughter’s soccer game to be home for the delivery. At 3:50 she texts it has not come yet so I call….. after waiting on hold the women tells me she is texting the driver for an update. I say ok and she tells me she will call me back when she has an answer.
It is not yet clear to me “I’ll call you back” is XPO Last mile and Home Delivery’s way of saying “go eat shit pal, you’ll get your fridge when we decide to drop it off” or something equally as profane.
At 4:15 the wife has come to the realization they aren’t coming and takes off for my boys hockey game so she does not miss everything because of the fridge.
At 6:15 XPO does in fact call me back…… “we aren’t coming today” ….. No shit I say. They then tell me I’ll get another call later Sunday night for Monday delivery. I’m annoyed but WTF things happen.
No call comes Sunday night so I leave a message Sunday night and then call Monday am. Delivery will be “sometime Tuesday”. Now I am pissed. I ask when on Tuesday and they tell me I’ll get another call tonight with another window. I explain that doesn’t work. I scheduled the delivery for Sunday because I knew someone would be home. I say I’d like it today please…. “let us check and call you back” they say (see above on “call you back”).
So I call back again a 9:15 and ask to talk to a manager. I get the delivery manager (or a vagrant they found in the break room stealing donuts) to talk to me. I’ll remind you each time I call I have to run through the whole story again. He says. let me check and I will call you right back (see above)
An hour later with no return call I call Lowe’s figuring they might be able to help. After all , I am guessing they have some interest in a $3500 fridge?? Maybe?? I speak to a very nice person who informs me the delivery company’s truck broke down yesterday and 6 deliveries did not get made. “So, why didn’t they call a tell us that? My wife would not have sat around waiting for hours??????” She of course has no answer because Lowe’s has outsourced their final customer engagement on big ticket items to people who simply don’t give a rats ass about Lowe’s customers.
We are now at 10:30 am and she says she will fire off an email to the manager over there and he will get back to me (see above)….
Tick, tock, tick, tock…(that is hours passing without a return call).
Now I am pissed…. I ask myself. “Why are you going through this? Our current fridge is not broken, we just got a standard LG and I can get one at HD, Sears, Amazon and even JC Penny now…why the hell am I chasing this one?” I don’t have a good answer for myself so I decide if they can’t deliver today, I’ll just cancel it…I can’t reward this shit with a complete sale for them.
So, I make one final call to XPO Last mile and Home Delivery because I still don’t know, after all this time, whether or not they will deliver the fridge today. “Nope” the women who answers tells me “sometime tomorrow”. Fuck it….. “I’d like to cancel the fridge please”…… “You’ll have to call Lowe’s” they tell me, “we just deliver them”…. “No you don’t” I say, “that is the issue….”
So I call Lowe’s and ask to talk to the store manager. I figure I at least owe them the chance to fix it at the end. I don’t know why I feel this way but someone can be the hero here and fix this…. (cue Bonnie Tyler). Do I get the store manager? NOPE… I get “customer service”. Apparently “customer service” means, “whatever happens, no one talks to a manager”. I walk through the whole story and again ask to speak to the store manager or ANY manager. “They are busy”… Well then I’d like to cancel my fridge…..
“ok”…that’s it
No attempt whatsoever to salvage the sale or get someone who could…… none….what……so …..ever….
Here is the best part….
At 2:15, not more that 15 minutes after I cancel, the XPO Last mile and Home Delivery manager calls me back. 5 hours after I first asked to talk to him and 4 hours after Lowe’s sent him an email. I proceed to tell him the story and he proceeds to blame Lowe’s. Really?
“Is it Lowe’s fault your truck broke down?” …..”um, no”
“Is it Lowe’s fault you did not contact me to tell me not to sit around waiting?… “um, no”
“It is Lowes fault I’ve called probably half a dozen times and not got a call back?” … “um, no”
“Is it Lowes fault it has taken you personally 4-5 hours for you to respond to messages and emails?” … “um, no”
“So, exactly how the hell is this Lowe’s fault??” He then launches into an obtuse explanation of delivery tickets, map routes and truck availability, none of which I am buying.
“Well, doesn’t common sense tell you if you can’t delivery 6 items because a truck breaks down on Sunday that you probably should be delivering them Monday??” I catch myself realizing “common sense” and XPO Last mile and Home Delivery are obviously mutually exclusive items.
“Well” he answers and then again muttering and stuttering babbles a wholly nonsensical explanation before I cut him off….
“Just stop….”
“Goodbye”… I hang up.
Seriously Lowe’s?? I remember ordering a grill from Lowe’s about 5-6 years ago. It came fully assembled the next day in a nice white and blue Lowe’s delivery truck. It was right on time and they hauled the old one away. Could not have gone any easier. That is why We went back this time
When you are selling big ticket items, and the last person who comes into contact with your goods and customers is a company that clearly does not care AT ALL, you have a problem. This isn’t about a truck breaking down, shit happen. I was perfectly ok getting the fridge today. This is about countless unreturned calls, promises broken and a general run around (or incompetence). It is also because not a single person “was in charge” and could help. Everyone had to “check with someone else” (but I could not just talk to that “someone else”) and everything was someone else’s job/fault. Not a single person had the ability to fix the issue (or cared to) or even give me a definitive answer one way or the other (or cared to).
Utter ambivalence. Even when I called to cancel, the women at Lowe’s acted as if I was returning a $7 screw driver, not a $3500 fridge.
Suffice it to say Home Depot will probably sell me the fridge now and the washer/dryer we will be in the market for next.quote]
themetfairy May 26 2017 09:27 PM
Re: Things You Didn't Know Until You Learned About Them in 2
Gloria Steinem is Christian Bale's stepmother.
Benjamin Grimm Jun 06 2017 05:43 PM
Re: Things You Didn't Know Until You Learned About Them in 2
"Reality Winner" is a person, not a racehorse.
Mets Willets Point Jun 07 2017 08:47 PM
Re: Things You Didn't Know Until You Learned About Them in 2
Benjamin Grimm wrote: "Reality Winner" is a person, not a racehorse. |
It's possible that there's also a racehorse with that name, though.
Benjamin Grimm Jun 07 2017 08:50 PM
Re: Things You Didn't Know Until You Learned About Them in 2
And if not, there probably will be before long.
RealityChuck Jun 11 2017 01:51 AM
Re: Things You Didn't Know Until You Learned About Them in 2
Eiji Sawamura was the Cy Young of Japanese baseball (they named their award for top pitcher after him, too), who played in the 1930s and 40s. In 1944, he was serving in the Japanese army when the ship transporting him was sunk by a US submarine, killing all aboard.
Serving on that submarine was Ray Ebbets, grandson of Dodgers owner Charlie Ebbets.
LeiterWagnerFasterStrongr Jun 12 2017 05:10 AM
Re: Things You Didn't Know Until You Learned About Them in 2
"Menses" and "menstrual" come from "menstruus," derived from the Indo-European root "mens," for "month." The same root as the Spanish, French, and Portuguese (among others) words for "month."
I honestly have no idea how I didn't put that together until this far into life.
batmagadanleadoff Jun 12 2017 05:33 AM
Re: Things You Didn't Know Until You Learned About Them in 2
RealityChuck wrote: Eiji Sawamura was the Cy Young of Japanese baseball (they named their award for top pitcher after him, too), who played in the 1930s and 40s. In 1944, he was serving in the Japanese army when the ship transporting him was sunk by a US submarine, killing all aboard.
Serving on that submarine was Ray Ebbets, grandson of Dodgers owner Charlie Ebbets. |
I tried to figure out the circumstances of this anecdote without googling anything. I still haven't figured it out and I still haven't googled anything. So, how did it come to pass that Sawamura was on the same submarine that Ebbets was serving on? And why would the US sink that sub? Friendly fire? Some other snafu? Or am I like totally misunderstanding the context?
John Cougar Lunchbucket Jun 12 2017 10:26 AM
Re: Things You Didn't Know Until You Learned About Them in 2
Ebbets was crew on a US sub that destroyed a Japanese boat Sawamura was aboard.
MFS62 Jun 14 2017 12:48 AM
Re: Things You Didn't Know Until You Learned About Them in 2
Edmund Gwenn, famous for his role as Kris Kringle in Miracle on 34th Street also played the scientist in the science fiction classic Them. I should have known that many years ago, but never noticed his name in the credits of Them. Later
41Forever Jun 14 2017 01:22 AM
Re: Things You Didn't Know Until You Learned About Them in 2
MFS62 wrote: Edmund Gwenn, famous for his role as Kris Kringle in Miracle on 34th Street also played the scientist in the science fiction classic Them. I should have known that many years ago, but never noticed his name in the credits of Them. Later |
"Them" is a good movie as far as big bug movies go. Well-acted with decent effects! My wife is a big fan of such things.
Lefty Specialist Jun 14 2017 01:32 AM
Re: Things You Didn't Know Until You Learned About Them in 2
Them! also starred James Whitmore, James Arness (Marshall Dillon of Gunsmoke), Fess Parker (Daniel Boone), Richard Deacon (Mel Cooley from Dick Van Dyke), and Leonard Nimoy. It's fun to watch so much TV talent battling giant atomic-mutated ants.
Frayed Knot Jun 14 2017 01:36 AM
Re: Things You Didn't Know Until You Learned About Them in 2
And Van Morrison !! Oh wait ... that might not quite be correct.
Edgy MD Jun 14 2017 03:22 AM
Re: Things You Didn't Know Until You Learned About Them in 2
I like how the current tangent totally makes the title of this thread even more appropriate.
Fman99 Jun 14 2017 12:12 PM
Re: Things You Didn't Know Until You Learned About Them in 2
In the original Predator movie, Jean Claude Van Damme was cast as the Predator, but backed out during filming because he wasn't going to get any face time out of the costume, and because it was an uncomfortable costume to wear during filming.
Benjamin Grimm Jun 14 2017 01:20 PM
Re: Things You Didn't Know Until You Learned About Them in 2
Edmund Gwenn's character in Them reminded me of Walter Bishop in Fringe.
RealityChuck Jun 14 2017 01:54 PM
Re: Things You Didn't Know Until You Learned About Them in 2
Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Jun 14 2017 02:05 PM
batmagadanleadoff wrote:
RealityChuck wrote: Eiji Sawamura was the Cy Young of Japanese baseball (they named their award for top pitcher after him, too), who played in the 1930s and 40s. In 1944, he was serving in the Japanese army when the ship transporting him was sunk by a US submarine, killing all aboard.
Serving on that submarine was Ray Ebbets, grandson of Dodgers owner Charlie Ebbets. |
I tried to figure out the circumstances of this anecdote without googling anything. I still haven't figured it out and I still haven't googled anything. So, how did it come to pass that Sawamura was on the same submarine that Ebbets was serving on? And why would the US sink that sub? Friendly fire? Some other snafu? Or am I like totally misunderstanding the context? |
Sawamura was on the ship that the submarine crewed by Ebbets sunk.
RealityChuck Jun 14 2017 02:05 PM
Re: Things You Didn't Know Until You Learned About Them in 2
Edmund Gwenn, famous for his role as Kris Kringle in Miracle on 34th Street also played the scientist in the science fiction classic Them. I should have known that many years ago, but never noticed his name in the credits of Them. Later |
Them! was an excellent movie in all respects. Of special note is the Joan Weldon's portrayal of Dr. Medford -- a woman who's smart and brave and who doesn't run screaming when she sees the monsters.* She insists on going down into the ant nest even when the men say it's too dangerous for a woman.
My favorite like from the film is when the nurse is talking about the hysterical little girl and says that her aunt is coming for her. The word "aunt" is strongly stressed. :)
Edmund Gwenn never made a bad movie. Hitchcock used him in several of his UK films, and he was utterly charming as a counterfeiter in Mr. 880
*She does scream once, when one of Them sneaks up on her, but that's more because she's startled than afraid.
Edgy MD Jun 14 2017 02:14 PM
Re: Things You Didn't Know Until You Learned About Them in 2
The band Them were originally called The Gamblers, but changed their name after seeing a certain 1954 sci-fi/horror film.
Mets Willets Point Jun 14 2017 07:03 PM
Re: Things You Didn't Know Until You Learned About Them in 2
Boston cream pie is a cake.
Mets Willets Point Jun 17 2017 03:51 PM
Re: Things You Didn't Know Until You Learned About Them in 2
The area code for the Space Coast region of Florida is 321, deliberately replicating the countdown sequence of a space launch.
MFS62 Jun 18 2017 01:22 PM
Re: Things You Didn't Know Until You Learned About Them in 2
Although The Dark Side of the Moon (Pink Floyd) was Billboard's #1 album for only one week, it stayed on their top 200 list for 741 straight weeks.(1973-1988)
batmagadanleadoff Jun 18 2017 02:27 PM
Re: Things You Didn't Know Until You Learned About Them in 2
Although The Dark Side of the Moon (Pink Floyd) was Billboard's #1 album for only one week, it stayed on their top 200 list for 741 straight weeks.(1973-1988)
Later |
I knew that Dark Side was released in 1973 and that it remained on Billboard's album charts all those years. The album was highly anticipated because the band had been playing it live for quite a while before its release.
What I didn't know and wouldn't have guessed, was that it was the #1 album in '73 for just one week (knocked off the top spot by Elvis's Aloha from Hawaii). Here's the album that stayed at Billboard's top #1 spot for the most number of weeks in '73 --the year's last eight weeks (DVD sleeve pictured below):
Lefty Specialist Jun 22 2017 05:40 PM
Re: Things You Didn't Know Until You Learned About Them in 2
My son, who runs the summer reading program at the local library, had a kid register for the program the other day; he said he had the weirdest name- "Seven".
Seinfeld ended when he was three, so he had no context for why I was laughing so hard. Somewhere in my town there's a George Costanza.
John Cougar Lunchbucket Jun 22 2017 06:21 PM
Re: Things You Didn't Know Until You Learned About Them in 2
Speaking of:
Rockin' Doc Jun 23 2017 01:43 AM
Re: Things You Didn't Know Until You Learned About Them in 2
Lefty Specialist wrote: My son, who runs the summer reading program at the local library, had a kid register for the program the other day; he said he had the weirdest name- "Seven".
Seinfeld ended when he was three, so he had no context for why I was laughing so hard. Somewhere in my town there's a George Costanza. |
UNC basketball has a player named Seventh Woods. Too bad he isn't a golfer.
Mets Willets Point Jun 30 2017 06:15 PM
Re: Things You Didn't Know Until You Learned About Them in 2
Joan Whitney Payson was related to Eli Whitney, the inventor of the cotton gin.
Edgy MD Jul 06 2017 01:56 PM
Re: Things You Didn't Know Until You Learned About Them in 2
Nicholas Kristof writes in The New York Times today about the virtues of foreign aid and how they they've helped people born with clubfoot, an easily correctable condition, but awful for people who don't receive proper treatment.
What I didn't know was that Kristi Yamaguchi and Mia Hamm are both counted among the American success stories of people born with clubfoot.
Mets Willets Point Jul 06 2017 02:02 PM
Re: Things You Didn't Know Until You Learned About Them in 2
Edgy MD wrote: What I didn't know was that Kristi Yamaguchi and Mia Hamm are both counted among the American success stories of people born with clubfoot. |
I just learned I have something in common with Kristi Yamaguchi and Mia Hamm.
MFS62 Jul 09 2017 01:22 AM
Re: Things You Didn't Know Until You Learned About Them in 2
The Bangles' song "Eternal Flame" is about the Elvis Presley Memorial in Graceland and was written after they visited it. It had been extinguished the day they saw it.
Frayed Knot Jul 09 2017 11:19 PM
Re: Things You Didn't Know Until You Learned About Them in 2
The word Denim originated as a description of fabric from the French city of Nimes, as in: cloth de Nimes
d'Kong76 Jul 09 2017 11:57 PM
Re: Things You Didn't Know Until You Learned About Them in 2
I didnt know that either. I kinda rememer dungarees are pantalon du Ngaree .
41Forever Jul 10 2017 12:03 AM
Re: Things You Didn't Know Until You Learned About Them in 2
That a U.S. Marine will not salute if his hat blows off because he is considered out of uniform.
Fman99 Jul 10 2017 01:08 PM
Re: Things You Didn't Know Until You Learned About Them in 2
41Forever wrote: That a U.S. Marine will not salute if his hat blows off because he is considered out of uniform. |
Maybe the most amazing thing that ever happened to me as a runner, is at the conclusion of the Marine Corps Marathon in Arlington, the last 200 yards or so involves running up a hill, or "taking the hill" in Marine parlance, and having U.S. Marines cheer for you to do it, and, then, after crossing the finish line, to have two Marines in uniform put your finishers medal on you and then give you a proper Marine salute. Powerful stuff there.
Rockin' Doc Jul 12 2017 03:42 AM
Re: Things You Didn't Know Until You Learned About Them in 2
Fman99 wrote:
41Forever wrote: That a U.S. Marine will not salute if his hat blows off because he is considered out of uniform. |
Maybe the most amazing thing that ever happened to me as a runner, is at the conclusion of the Marine Corps Marathon in Arlington, the last 200 yards or so involves running up a hill, or "taking the hill" in Marine parlance, and having U.S. Marines cheer for you to do it, and, then, after crossing the finish line, to have two Marines in uniform put your finishers medal on you and then give you a proper Marine salute. Powerful stuff there. |
Now that is an awesome way to end a race. I have the utmost respect for the men and women of the armed forces.
d'Kong76 Jul 31 2017 03:32 PM
Re: Things You Didn't Know Until You Learned About Them in 2
O. J. Simpson's given name is Orenthal.
Edgy MD Jul 31 2017 03:41 PM
Re: Things You Didn't Know Until You Learned About Them in 2
Howard Cosell used to call him that all the time. Orenthal James Simpson!
It's a good sports journalistic trick. Frame a larger-than-life figure before or after a big event by describing him by his full name. Bob Murphy would do it too: George Thomas Seaver, David Arthur Kingman, James Rodney Richard, Peter Edward Rose ... .
d'Kong76 Jul 31 2017 04:14 PM
Re: Things You Didn't Know Until You Learned About Them in 2
That kinda rings a slight bell. Maybe this should go in the things you may have known in the seventies but didn't stick until you learned about them again in 2017 thread.
Frayed Knot Jul 31 2017 04:29 PM
Re: Things You Didn't Know Until You Learned About Them in 2
Cosell almost never failed to call him Jackie Roosevelt Robinson -- because he was Howard and why use two syllables when you can use eight -- but mostly I think to show how close he was to him ... Howard was given to that kind of thing too y'know.
Important or milestone Home Runs used to get Philly announcer Harry Kalas to give it the full MICHAEL JACK SCHMIDT treatment.
And of course there was the ever-popular Joe Willie Namath
Lefty Specialist Jul 31 2017 05:47 PM
Re: Things You Didn't Know Until You Learned About Them in 2
Bluetooth technology is named after a 10th century king of Denmark, Harald Bluetooth.
Benjamin Grimm Jul 31 2017 06:46 PM
Re: Things You Didn't Know Until You Learned About Them in 2
Wow, he must have really been ahead of his time.
Ashie62 Aug 02 2017 02:57 AM
Re: Things You Didn't Know Until You Learned About Them in 2
Ashie1 has been gone for 555 days.
I thought I would be further along by now.
RealityChuck Aug 02 2017 05:35 PM
Re: Things You Didn't Know Until You Learned About Them in 2
Lou Gehrig may not have died of Lou Gehrig's disease.
Gehrig has four major concussions over the years along with several smaller ones, and insisted on getting back onto the field the next day instead of resting. That can lead to ALS-like symptoms. It's not conclusive, and Gehrig was cremated, so it can't be tested, but it's a possibility.
seawolf17 Aug 02 2017 05:50 PM
Re: Things You Didn't Know Until You Learned About Them in 2
RealityChuck wrote: Lou Gehrig may not have died of Lou Gehrig's disease.
Gehrig has four major concussions over the years along with several smaller ones, and insisted on getting back onto the field the next day instead of resting. That can lead to ALS-like symptoms. It's not conclusive, and Gehrig was cremated, so it can't be tested, but it's a possibility. |
"How'd he not see that coming? I mean, we used to tell him, 'Lou, there is a disease with your name ALL OVER IT, buddy.'"
Benjamin Grimm Aug 02 2017 06:02 PM
Re: Things You Didn't Know Until You Learned About Them in 2
A young Walt Disney created a cartoon character named "Oswald the Rabbit". Oswald's cartoons were distributed by Universal, and they successfully retained the rights to that character. When Disney struck off on his own, he had to do so without Oswald, so he created a new character, Mickey Mouse.
That's pretty well known by anyone who knows the history of Disney.
However, I recently learned that Disney regained the rights to Oswald in 2006. Universal is now part of NBC and Disney is now part of ABC. Disney Company exec Bob Iger decided that Oswald had to come home to Disney, so he engineered a trade between ABC and NBC. Because NBC wanted Al Michaels for Sunday Night Football, ABC traded him to NBC for Oswald the Rabbit!
Ceetar Aug 02 2017 06:37 PM
Re: Things You Didn't Know Until You Learned About Them in 2
Benjamin Grimm wrote: A young Walt Disney created a cartoon character named "Oswald the Rabbit". Oswald's cartoons were distributed by Universal, and they successfully retained the rights to that character. When Disney struck off on his own, he had to do so without Oswald, so he created a new character, Mickey Mouse.
That's pretty well known by anyone who knows the history of Disney.
However, I recently learned that Disney regained the rights to Oswald in 2006. Universal is now part of NBC and Disney is now part of ABC. Disney Company exec Bob Iger decided that Oswald had to come home to Disney, so he engineered a trade between ABC and NBC. Because NBC wanted Al Michaels for Sunday Night Football, ABC traded him to NBC for Oswald the Rabbit!
that's interesting. Wouldn't Oswald be public domain now anyway though? (maybe not in 2006 yet?) I mean, Mickey is.
seawolf17 Aug 02 2017 06:52 PM
Re: Things You Didn't Know Until You Learned About Them in 2
Oswald was a main character in the "Epic Mickey" series of games that Disney released for Wii several years ago, so they're using him, too.
sharpie Aug 02 2017 07:21 PM
Re: Things You Didn't Know Until You Learned About Them in 2
Wouldn't Oswald be public domain now anyway though? |
Term of copyright for corporate works is 95 years. Oswald debuted in 1927 so it is under copyright protection until 2022. Congress could well extend the period, however, as it has done several times.
Ceetar Aug 02 2017 07:25 PM
Re: Things You Didn't Know Until You Learned About Them in 2
sharpie wrote:
Wouldn't Oswald be public domain now anyway though? |
Term of copyright for corporate works is 95 years. Oswald debuted in 1927 so it is under copyright protection until 2022. Congress could well extend the period, however, as it has done several times. |
hmm, I guess Mickey's not public domain. I could've sworn that happened.
sharpie Aug 02 2017 07:39 PM
Re: Things You Didn't Know Until You Learned About Them in 2
Disney lobbied heavily in 1998 to extend the copyright period from 75 years to 95 in anticipation of Mickey going public domain in a few years.
Ceetar Aug 02 2017 07:52 PM
Re: Things You Didn't Know Until You Learned About Them in 2
sharpie wrote: Disney lobbied heavily in 1998 to extend the copyright period from 75 years to 95 in anticipation of Mickey going public domain in a few years. |
yeah, I remember that, but somehow I imagined it coming up again in like 2012 and entering the public domain. It coincided with all sorts of Mickey stuff being released with MLB shops and it seemed to make so much sense. I'm so confused now.
Benjamin Grimm Aug 02 2017 08:36 PM
Re: Things You Didn't Know Until You Learned About Them in 2
That merchandise must have been because of a deal between Disney and MLB. Mickey is definitely not in the public domain.
I looked at some other characters, like Popeye and Betty Boop, and they don't really predate Mickey at all; they're from pretty much the same time period, give or take a year or two. They may very well come into the public domain in the next decade, if they haven't already.
I couldn't tell offhand if some older newspaper comic strip characters, like Buster Brown or The Yellow Kid are public domain yet. The Yellow Kid's wiki page said that he appeared recently in a Marvel comic, so that would seem to indicate that he is public.
I remember when Peter Pan became public domain. And I think Tarzan may have become public as well.
seawolf17 Aug 03 2017 01:47 PM
Re: Things You Didn't Know Until You Learned About Them in 2
The word "cutting" in the name of the Bayard Cutting Arboretum in Oakdale is part of the names of the former property owners, not an adjective.
Chad Ochoseis Aug 05 2017 02:58 AM
Re: Things You Didn't Know Until You Learned About Them in 2
seawolf17 wrote: The word "cutting" in the name of the Bayard Cutting Arboretum in Oakdale is part of the names of the former property owners, not an adjective. |
My list of place names that are named for people, even though they sound like they're not:
Outerbridge Crossing - named for the Outerbridge family, early Staten Island settlers Snowflake, Arizona - named for the town's founders, Snow and Flake. Senator Jeff Flake is a direct descendant of Mr. Flake. The High Art Museum in Atlanta The Blossom Music Festival here in Cleveland. It's the local equivalent to Tanglewood. The Blossom family was a major donor. The West Park neighborhood in Cleveland. It was founded by a Mr. West. Fortunately, it also happens to be on the west side of town.
Chad Ochoseis Aug 05 2017 02:59 AM
Re: Things You Didn't Know Until You Learned About Them in 2
Japanese professional baseball also has two leagues, one of which has the DH rule and one where the pitcher bats.
Edgy MD Aug 07 2017 02:31 AM
Re: Things You Didn't Know Until You Learned About Them in 2
There's an architectural history writer named "Clem Labine."
Benjamin Grimm Aug 14 2017 05:20 PM
Re: Things You Didn't Know Until You Learned About Them in 2
The character that Woody Allen plays in Manhattan is named "Ike Davis".
themetfairy Aug 14 2017 05:24 PM
Re: Things You Didn't Know Until You Learned About Them in 2
Benjamin Grimm wrote: The character that Woody Allen plays in Manhattan is named "Ike Davis". |
Isaac actually, but close enough!
Benjamin Grimm Aug 14 2017 06:30 PM
Re: Things You Didn't Know Until You Learned About Them in 2
A few times he was addressed as "Ike", so that counts!
cooby Aug 27 2017 12:44 AM
Re: Things You Didn't Know Until You Learned About Them in 2
Unless I totally misunderstood Greg Bell, Fred Flinstone and Life with Luigi are the same guy
Mets Willets Point Aug 28 2017 02:58 PM
Re: Things You Didn't Know Until You Learned About Them in 2
Yesterday my son asked if a team from Massachusetts had ever won the Little League World Series (Answer: No. A MA team hasn't even been runner-up). But while looking through the list of past champions I was discovered that my childhood hometown, Stamford, CT, won in 1951. In fact, in the pre-international tournament days, there were several champion teams from Connecticut. I would've never guessed that Connecticut was a hotbed of youth baseball in the 1950s.
MFS62 Aug 28 2017 03:05 PM
Re: Things You Didn't Know Until You Learned About Them in 2
Mets Willets Point wrote: Yesterday my son asked if a team from Massachusetts had ever won the Little League World Series (Answer: No. A MA team hasn't even been runner-up). But while looking through the list of past champions I was discovered that my childhood hometown, Stamford, CT, won in 1951. In fact, in the pre-international tournament days, there were several champion teams from Connecticut. I would've never guessed that Connecticut was a hotbed of youth baseball in the 1950s. |
And a team from Trumbull, CT won in 1989. Later
seawolf17 Aug 28 2017 03:19 PM
Re: Things You Didn't Know Until You Learned About Them in 2
MFS62 wrote:
Yesterday my son asked if a team from Massachusetts had ever won the Little League World Series (Answer: No. A MA team hasn't even been runner-up). But while looking through the list of past champions I was discovered that my childhood hometown, Stamford, CT, won in 1951. In fact, in the pre-international tournament days, there were several champion teams from Connecticut. I would've never guessed that Connecticut was a hotbed of youth baseball in the 1950s. |
And a team from Trumbull, CT won in 1989. Later |
Quite famously, at least locally. Chris Drury went on to a long pro hockey career too.
Mets Willets Point Aug 28 2017 04:34 PM
Re: Things You Didn't Know Until You Learned About Them in 2
I was 15 y.o. and 25 miles away from Trumbull, but totally missed out on their LLWS victory.
Mets Willets Point Aug 28 2017 09:12 PM
Re: Things You Didn't Know Until You Learned About Them in 2
Elton John's song "Philadelphia Freedom," which I though was a tribute to Philly soul lightly themed to the US Bicentennial, was actually written about Billie Jean King's tennis team.
themetfairy Aug 28 2017 10:47 PM
Re: Things You Didn't Know Until You Learned About Them in 2
Mets Willets Point wrote: Elton John's song "Philadelphia Freedom," which I though was a tribute to Philly soul lightly themed to the US Bicentennial, was actually written about Billie Jean King's tennis team. |
I knew that!
Fman99 Aug 29 2017 02:21 AM
Re: Things You Didn't Know Until You Learned About Them in 2
themetfairy wrote:
Mets Willets Point wrote: Elton John's song "Philadelphia Freedom," which I though was a tribute to Philly soul lightly themed to the US Bicentennial, was actually written about Billie Jean King's tennis team. |
I knew that! |
As did I. It's maybe my favorite song of his.
41Forever Aug 29 2017 12:53 PM
Re: Things You Didn't Know Until You Learned About Them in 2

An awesome song!
MFS62 Aug 29 2017 01:13 PM
Re: Things You Didn't Know Until You Learned About Them in 2
Fman99 wrote:
themetfairy wrote:
Mets Willets Point wrote: Elton John's song "Philadelphia Freedom," which I though was a tribute to Philly soul lightly themed to the US Bicentennial, was actually written about Billie Jean King's tennis team. |
I knew that! |
As did I. It's maybe my favorite song of his. |
Yep. One of my favorites, too. Great pic. Later
HahnSolo Aug 30 2017 08:39 PM
Re: Things You Didn't Know Until You Learned About Them in 2
Former NHLers Stephane Matteau and Pierre Turgeon were teammates on a team that represented Canada in the 1982 Little League World Series. That was the LLWS won by Kirkland, WA.
themetfairy Sep 02 2017 12:26 AM
Re: Things You Didn't Know Until You Learned About Them in 2
The world now has five oceans - Atlantic, Pacific, Arctic, Indian and Southern.
Edgy MD Sep 07 2017 03:47 PM
Re: Things You Didn't Know Until You Learned About Them in 2
The capital city of Turks and Caicos Islands is Cockburn Town.
Benjamin Grimm Sep 07 2017 03:53 PM
Re: Things You Didn't Know Until You Learned About Them in 2
Did it get its name because it had brothels that spread STDs?
MFS62 Sep 07 2017 04:03 PM
Re: Things You Didn't Know Until You Learned About Them in 2
Some health advice. When you have to take a blood test they tell you to not eat anything for 12 hours prior to the test, and that you can only drink water and black coffee. Well, I had to have blood drawn today and followed those rules. It was tough because my "veins were flat". The person told me that those instructions should be changed. You should be told to drink a lot of water, because it "plumps up the veins" and makes it easier to insert the needle and reduces any discomfort you might have. After a few fruitless punctures, it was finally successful. I've been giving blood for over 50 years and this is the first time anyone told me that.
Lefty Specialist Sep 07 2017 07:19 PM
Re: Things You Didn't Know Until You Learned About Them in 2
Edgy MD wrote: The capital city of Turks and Caicos Islands is Cockburn Town. |
I was just there in January. T & C is a beautiful place, but it's getting flattened right now.
MFS62 Sep 08 2017 01:32 PM
Re: Things You Didn't Know Until You Learned About Them in 2
(From the baseball forum) Seth Lugo is (part?) Jewish? Later
41Forever Sep 15 2017 01:57 PM
Re: Things You Didn't Know Until You Learned About Them in 2
I had no idea that Paul McCartney wrote "Got to Get You into my Life" about pot. I thought it was a love song to a person.
Edgy MD Sep 15 2017 02:09 PM
Re: Things You Didn't Know Until You Learned About Them in 2
I think, if you give Paul long enough, he'll claim all of his songs had sordid roots.
d'Kong76 Sep 15 2017 02:19 PM
Re: Things You Didn't Know Until You Learned About Them in 2
Must have been some strong shit if Paul thought it could run and lie.
Frayed Knot Sep 26 2017 12:30 PM
Re: Things You Didn't Know Until You Learned About Them in 2
Freddie Prinze -- the comedian/actor who played Hispanic characters on TV and in stand-up during his (very brief - dead at age 22!) career -- was born Frederick Karl Pruetzel in New York City, the son of Hungarian immigrant Edward Karl Pruetzel. His mother's side of the family was Puerto Rican.
cooby Sep 26 2017 12:51 PM
Re: Things You Didn't Know Until You Learned About Them in 2
My friend Carla called him a 'Hunkarican'
Edgy MD Oct 05 2017 02:22 PM
Re: Things You Didn't Know Until You Learned About Them in 2
Actor Alan Young, who played Wilbur Post on Mister Ed, used a stage name.
His real name was Angus Young.
I'm just now realizing Mister Ed would make a great name for a metal band.
Mets Willets Point Oct 16 2017 01:43 AM
Re: Things You Didn't Know Until You Learned About Them in 2
There's a NHL team called the Vegas Golden Knights.
Edgy MD Oct 16 2017 01:50 AM
Re: Things You Didn't Know Until You Learned About Them in 2
Clarke Peters played Lester Freamon, the veteran detective on The Wire who was good at setting up surveillance equipment and supplemented his income making dollhouse furniture at his desk.
Long before that, Peters was a session singer back in the 1970s, singing the bass lines on Joan Armadrading's "Love and Affection" ("Oh give me love ...") and Heatwave's "Boogie Nights" ("Got to keep on dancin', keep on dancin' ...").
Fman99 Oct 16 2017 02:29 AM
Re: Things You Didn't Know Until You Learned About Them in 2
Cool! Saw season one of the Wire, so I know who that is, and I have heard a lot of "Heatwave" songs in my time listening to classic R&B on Music Choice/Pandora.
Mets Willets Point Oct 25 2017 01:54 PM
Re: Things You Didn't Know Until You Learned About Them in 2
The famed Catalan architect Antoni Gaudí died at the age of 73, after being hit by a trolley.
Mets Willets Point Nov 03 2017 12:59 AM
Re: Things You Didn't Know Until You Learned About Them in 2
Stevie Nicks' song "Stand Back" was inspired by listening to Prince and she even brought Prince in to play synths on the recording. There's a reason I've always liked that song more than her others.
Fman99 Nov 09 2017 02:16 AM
Re: Things You Didn't Know Until You Learned About Them in 2
Rocky Marciano died in a plane crash at age 46.
Frayed Knot Nov 20 2017 08:03 PM
Re: Things You Didn't Know Until You Learned About Them in 2
The word shrapnel is an eponym, named after British army officer Henry Shrapnel (1761-1842) who invented the exploding shell.
MFS62 Nov 24 2017 02:53 PM
Re: Things You Didn't Know Until You Learned About Them in 2
There are over 20,000 traffic tickets given out every day in New York City. And they're expecting to give out about 8,000 more than that today, because people don't know that alternate side parking laws will be enforced. Later
Ceetar Nov 25 2017 01:18 PM
Re: Things You Didn't Know Until You Learned About Them in 2
MFS62 wrote: There are over 20,000 traffic tickets given out every day in New York City. And they're expecting to give out about 8,000 more than that today, because people don't know that alternate side parking laws will be enforced. Later |
expect the NYPD/the police to be one of the vocal opponents of self-driving cars
d'Kong76 Nov 25 2017 02:43 PM
Re: Things You Didn't Know Until You Learned About Them in 2
Argentine has been being used in the news a lot the last few days. I always referred to people of Argentina as Argentinian but apparently Argentine(s) is perfectly acceptable.
Mets Willets Point Nov 29 2017 02:27 PM
Re: Things You Didn't Know Until You Learned About Them in 2
Randy Newman composed the "Be A Pepper" jingle.
dgwphotography Nov 29 2017 03:14 PM
Re: Things You Didn't Know Until You Learned About Them in 2
I had no idea that Katie Cassidy was David Cassidy's daughter.
d'Kong76 Dec 01 2017 01:00 PM
Re: Things You Didn't Know Until You Learned About Them in 2
Songfacts wrote: Toni Tennille of The Captain & Tennille and Bruce Johnston of The Beach Boys contributed backup vocals. The original plan was to have all members of the Beach Boys harmonize on "The Show Must Go On" and "Waiting for the Worms," but the idea was scrapped. |
Mets Willets Point Dec 07 2017 02:06 AM
Re: Things You Didn't Know Until You Learned About Them in 2
The Halifax Explosion (1917) and the École Polytechnique massacre (1989) both occurred on December 6. A particularly grim date in Canadian history.
Chad Ochoseis Dec 14 2017 06:48 AM
Re: Things You Didn't Know Until You Learned About Them in 2
Driving instructors now recommend that you hold the steering wheel lower than the "9 o'clock/3 o'clock" position that most of us were taught. If the airbag deploys while your hands are relatively high on the wheel, it will drive your hands into your face.
Frayed Knot Dec 14 2017 10:26 AM
Re: Things You Didn't Know Until You Learned About Them in 2
Mets Willets Point wrote: The Halifax Explosion (1917) and the École Polytechnique massacre (1989) both occurred on December 6. |
And here I thought the Halifax Explosion was a minor league hockey team.
Driving instructors now recommend that you hold the steering wheel lower than the "9 o'clock/3 o'clock" position that most of us were taught. |
I always heard it supposed to be 10 & 2. Fortunately I usually drive with one hand around a drink, the other on the girl in the passenger's seat (big nasty redhead by my side), while steering with my knees. So I guess I'm pretty safe then.
Mets Willets Point Dec 14 2017 02:37 PM
Re: Things You Didn't Know Until You Learned About Them in 2
Frayed Knot wrote:
Mets Willets Point wrote: The Halifax Explosion (1917) and the École Polytechnique massacre (1989) both occurred on December 6. |
And here I thought the Halifax Explosion was a minor league hockey team.
Wouldn't be any less tasteless than the Chicago Fire soccer team.
John Cougar Lunchbucket Dec 14 2017 04:17 PM
Re: Things You Didn't Know Until You Learned About Them in 2
We visited the Halifax Explosion museum when we were up there. Pretty interesting catastrophe