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What are you reading in 2017?
TransMonk Jan 03 2017 08:05 PM |
Somehow, I made it to nearly 42 years old without reading To Kill A Mockingbird, so I'm taking a stab at it this week.
DocTee Jan 03 2017 08:36 PM Re: What are you reading in 2017? |
Definitely on my to-read list.
cooby Jan 03 2017 08:58 PM Re: What are you reading in 2017? |
I have just started Vic Sages book and I am also reading Stephen Kings bazaar of bad dreams.
sharpie Jan 03 2017 10:41 PM Re: What are you reading in 2017? |
For the third year in a row I started the year off with a volume of Karl Ove Knausgaard's MY STRUGGLE.
Vic Sage Jan 04 2017 04:26 PM Re: What are you reading in 2017? |
wow, mentioned in the same breath as Stephen King! Huzzah! Thanks, Coobs. I hope you enjoy it.
Vic Sage Jan 04 2017 04:45 PM Re: What are you reading in 2017? |
i just finished this:
Fman99 Jan 04 2017 04:46 PM Re: What are you reading in 2017? |
At the recommendation of a coworker I am reading "The Last Kingdom," by Bernard Cornwell, the first book in the "Saxon Stories," some 9th century-era historical fiction about Danes and Englishmen and what not. It's all right.
Vic Sage Jan 04 2017 04:58 PM Re: What are you reading in 2017? |
there was a BBC/Netflix mini-series based on that book, and it was very good, in a GoT way.
cooby Jan 04 2017 05:02 PM Re: What are you reading in 2017? |
OMG, my husband lives for Bernard Cornwell books. I've read a few of them myself, very good.
cooby Jan 04 2017 05:04 PM Re: What are you reading in 2017? |
I am indeed! I will write a better "book report" after I'm done.
Benjamin Grimm Jan 04 2017 05:05 PM Re: What are you reading in 2017? |
I'm currently reading a book about 1913 called, for some unknown reason, 1913.
TransMonk Jan 05 2017 01:27 AM Re: What are you reading in 2017? |
I read 1913 a few years back. An interesting look at different regions in the world prior to WWI.
Mets Guy in Michigan Jan 05 2017 01:42 AM Re: What are you reading in 2017? |
For Christmas, my wife gave me Ulysses S. Grant's "Personal Memoirs." I've heard for years that it's really great, but never got around to checking it out. It's never been out of print -- and is really, really long. And he doesn't even get to his presidency.
Frayed Knot Jan 05 2017 01:53 AM Re: What are you reading in 2017? |
I'm like that with fiction too. Not that I dislike reading it but more that I have trouble picking out what I think I may like - although hit on 4 of the 6 fiction books I read in 2016 so maybe I'm getting better at it. But, am starting 2017 with non-fiction, specifically THE TUNNELS: Escapes Under the Berlin Wall and the Historic Films the JFK White House Tried to Kill It's early '60s Berlin, the wall has just gone up, Berliners are trying all sorts of methods to get friends and family out of the east, U.S. TV networks get involved and are skirting the line between covering news and creating it by cooperating with some of the tunnel diggers, and Kennedy's State Department is surprisingly timid about 'making waves' and becomes at times hostile to the whole idea of escapes to the west getting publicized.
Rockin' Doc Jan 05 2017 02:51 AM Re: What are you reading in 2017? |
I read non-fiction probably 90% of the time for the past several years. When I do read fiction, I have generally enjoyed the books, but I definitely gravitate to non-fiction.
Mets Guy in Michigan Jan 05 2017 03:35 AM Re: What are you reading in 2017? |
My boss once said that when he was younger he used to read only non-fiction because he wanted to learn. Then he switched to mostly fiction because he wanted to escape the stress of the working world. Then, when he got involved in politics, he switched back to non-fiction because the stuff he was experiencing was crazier than anything he was reading in fiction.
Fman99 Jan 05 2017 01:25 PM Re: What are you reading in 2017? |
I read both, probably non-fiction about 60-70% of the time. It's easier for me to find non-fiction that I like or believe I might like. With fiction, I'm more selective on what I enjoy.
Benjamin Grimm Jan 05 2017 01:40 PM Re: What are you reading in 2017? |
I find non-fiction more satisfying. It makes up about 80 per cent of the books I read.
sharpie Jan 05 2017 02:23 PM Re: What are you reading in 2017? |
More fiction than non-fiction. I read plenty of non-fiction via newspapers or magazines but great masterfully-written fiction speaks to me in ways that most non-fiction doesn't. I do love great narrative non-fiction but while facts from those books may stay with me, the greatest moments for me in my reading life are scenes or even lines from literature that return to me at unexpected times.
metsmarathon Jan 05 2017 02:38 PM Re: What are you reading in 2017? |
i don't read too much fiction, though when i do i tend to read thriller-y spy stuff, or covert stuff, and what not. the kind of books that movies starring tom cruise or matt damon might get made out of. or star wars books.
RealityChuck Jan 05 2017 02:51 PM Re: What are you reading in 2017? |
Finished book four of Jack Vance's Demon Princes series.
HahnSolo Jan 05 2017 02:55 PM Re: What are you reading in 2017? |
As usually happens around the holidays or early in the new year, I read the new Michael Connelly novel. This one, The Wrong Side of Goodbye, features Harry Bosch and is pretty good but not his best.
seawolf17 Jan 05 2017 03:19 PM Re: What are you reading in 2017? |
That Larson book is FANTASTIC, Chuck. One of my favorites. And I used to really enjoy Harry Bosch; I need to catch up on him.
Vic Sage Jan 05 2017 07:28 PM Re: What are you reading in 2017? |
i read fiction, and non-fiction ABOUT fiction.
A Boy Named Seo Jan 05 2017 09:07 PM Re: What are you reading in 2017? |
When it's not fiction, it's some baseball book filled with stats.
A Boy Named Seo Jan 06 2017 02:24 AM Re: What are you reading in 2017? |
This ↑↑↑ Dark Matter ↑↑↑ is pretty damn good so far. Next I think is this ---->
MFS62 Jan 06 2017 02:38 PM Re: What are you reading in 2017? |
After two eye surgeries in the past five four weeks (the second two days ago), I hope to be contributing to this thread in the near future. My eyes have been so bad for the past few years (even with glasses) that I couldn't read for more than minutes at a time.
John Cougar Lunchbucket Jan 06 2017 03:24 PM Re: What are you reading in 2017? |
Reading that Tom Petty bio but don't love it so far. Wishing it was a little more journalistic and a little less musician-centric.
batmagadanleadoff Jan 06 2017 10:02 PM Re: What are you reading in 2017? |
I read mostly fiction. I like it when authors just make shit up to throw out there.
TransMonk Jan 13 2017 09:32 PM Re: What are you reading in 2017? |
I'm a mostly non-fiction guy, but I just finished Zero K by Don DeLillo and it was one of the best pieces of contemporary fiction I've experienced in a while.
MFS62 Jan 13 2017 11:13 PM Re: What are you reading in 2017? |
Just picked up the 2017 Baseball America Almanac today.
cooby Jan 16 2017 05:13 PM Re: What are you reading in 2017? |
After my son and his wife heard me lament that my library never seems to have a copy of "In Cold BLood" on hand, they got me my own for Christmas.
John Cougar Lunchbucket Jan 17 2017 03:26 AM Re: What are you reading in 2017? |
I just started that Altamont book Seoy mentioned above. Finished the Petty book which got somewhat better as it went.
Fman99 Jan 17 2017 12:50 PM Re: What are you reading in 2017? |
I read it for the first time just within the last year or two. It's superbly written, but, yeah, it's also quite a bummer.
Frayed Knot May 19 2017 03:52 AM Re: What are you reading in 2017? Edited 3 time(s), most recently on May 19 2017 11:51 PM |
This thread gets lots of January action and then again in December but is pretty much ignored in between, so I thought it needed a kick up.
seawolf17 May 19 2017 12:08 PM Re: What are you reading in 2017? |
Sounds interesting; will definitely check it out.
metirish May 19 2017 12:34 PM Re: What are you reading in 2017? |
Got a Kindle Paperwhite , loving it
RealityChuck May 19 2017 01:41 PM Re: What are you reading in 2017? |
Gene Wolfe's Book of the New Sun. One of about three multivolume epic novels* I've ever read. I decided to read it again before my eyes aren't good enough to read the print.
Benjamin Grimm May 19 2017 01:46 PM Re: What are you reading in 2017? |
I'm reading The Confessions of Nat Turner, by William Styron. It's the first novel I've read this year, after completing nine non-fiction books.
metirish May 19 2017 01:53 PM Re: What are you reading in 2017? |
Definitely, placed a hold on it
TransMonk May 19 2017 02:30 PM Re: What are you reading in 2017? |
Edgy MD May 19 2017 02:32 PM Re: What are you reading in 2017? |
The Confessions of Nat Turner is something I've tried to read a couple of times, but haven't gotten too far. I'm sure there's a reason for Styron's stilted style, and I'm sure if I get a third of the way in, my ear and my brain will get used to it, but I haven't found the reason and I haven't made it a third of the way in yet.
sharpie May 19 2017 04:30 PM Re: What are you reading in 2017? |
I read and liked The Confessions of Nat Turner. I just finished Roberto Bolano's The Savage Detectives which is a pretty remarkable achievement.
Mets Willets Point May 19 2017 04:34 PM Re: What are you reading in 2017? |
I read a number of Styron's books, Sophie's Choice is my favorite, but never got around to Nat Turner.
Vic Sage May 19 2017 09:32 PM Re: What are you reading in 2017? |
i tried the first one at least twice. I just can't get into it, and its got a great critical rep. I guess it's me.
batmagadanleadoff May 19 2017 11:17 PM Re: What are you reading in 2017? |
I bought this book a few months ago, in a real powerful mood to read it. I haven't gotten past the first paragraph yet.
DocTee May 20 2017 01:18 AM Re: What are you reading in 2017? |
2017, so far:
Frayed Knot May 20 2017 01:33 AM Re: What are you reading in 2017? |
One of the better books I read last year.
DocTee May 20 2017 01:39 AM Re: What are you reading in 2017? |
Phenomenal. Anbinder is a solid, solid, historian-- I wish he spent as much time on recent immigration as he did on the earlier periods, but the book was already 700+ pages, and he played to his strength as a specialist in mid-19th century America. Destined to be the standard treatment on this topic for the foreseeable future.
Rockin' Doc May 20 2017 02:59 AM Re: What are you reading in 2017? |
I read that earlier this sprig. It was a good quick read that I really enjoyed. It is hard to imagine his living undetected for so long. Particularly since the locals eventually knew a "hermit" lived somewhere in the woods and began installing electronic surveillance in hopes of catching him.
Vic Sage May 24 2017 02:46 PM Re: What are you reading in 2017? |
i'm going on vacation next week and i'd like some recommendations for plane reading. Preferably, a lightweight paperback in the SF/Fantasy or pulp noir genres.
Edgy MD May 24 2017 02:59 PM Re: What are you reading in 2017? |
Emma Who Saved My Life got me through a long plane ride once. It's neither fantasy nor sci-fi, but it's New York in the late seventies and early eighties, it hits theater culture right between the eyes, and as far as I've sussed out, it's the only good novel that Wilton Barnhart had in him.
RealityChuck May 24 2017 07:41 PM Re: What are you reading in 2017? |
I'd recommend Charlie Jane Anders's "All the Birds in the Sky." Science fiction AND fantasy, and impossible to put down. It won a well-deserved Nebula Award over the weekend. ![]()
HahnSolo May 25 2017 01:48 PM Re: What are you reading in 2017? |
That's one of my all-time faves. In fact, I just ordered a used copy on line so I could re-read it. Back in 1993 I had just started working at St. Martin's Press when Barnhardt's second novel, Gospel, was coming out. The company made a big push on it, I started reading and after about twenty pages I thought "what a pretentious piece of crap, what's the big deal about this guy?" A co-worker told me I had to give Emma a chance. If you remember NYC from that era, it's almost a must-read.
Edgy MD May 25 2017 03:32 PM Re: What are you reading in 2017? |
Wow, funny to have similar assessments of Emma and of Barnhart.
A Boy Named Seo May 25 2017 05:26 PM Re: What are you reading in 2017? |
Got your airplane book right here. Wish I had a quiet plane ride coming up to sit and re-read it. DARK MATTER -> ... 1101904224
cooby May 26 2017 12:12 PM Re: What are you reading in 2017? |
Started reading John Oates' book last night and was delighted that he mentioned Lebanon baloney
HahnSolo May 26 2017 01:07 PM Re: What are you reading in 2017? |
Mets Willets Point May 26 2017 01:47 PM Re: What are you reading in 2017? |
Apparently something that culturally unites Pennsylvanians.
cooby May 26 2017 02:09 PM Re: What are you reading in 2017? |
Just thrilled someone as cool as he is knows what it is!
metirish May 31 2017 02:18 PM Re: What are you reading in 2017? |
Finally finishing the Smiley/Karla trilogy
cooby Jun 01 2017 10:14 AM Re: What are you reading in 2017? |
What is The Constant Gardener about?
metirish Jun 01 2017 01:43 PM Re: What are you reading in 2017? |
Spy is not about a gardener constantly gardening :)
cooby Jun 01 2017 04:22 PM Re: What are you reading in 2017? |
Ashie62 Jun 13 2017 07:23 PM Re: What are you reading in 2017? |
Read three music autobios
Edgy MD Jun 13 2017 07:36 PM Re: What are you reading in 2017? |
I'm surprised that that's all the condescension he could muster. Morrissey can be a vicious Aloysius.
John Cougar Lunchbucket Jun 17 2017 03:44 PM Re: What are you reading in 2017? |
I liked the Springsteen autobio a lot but got kinda mad at him at the end when he made a big deal about making pancakes for his kids. I mean, geez, Bruce. You're supposed to be connecting with the working man and he's all about giving his live-in staff a morning off.
Frayed Knot Jul 25 2017 01:08 AM Re: What are you reading in 2017? Edited 2 time(s), most recently on Sep 16 2017 09:29 PM |
Rockin' Doc Jul 25 2017 03:21 AM Re: What are you reading in 2017? |
I read A Man Called Ove earlier this year, due on your recommendation in the reading list for 2016. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Backman is a very talented writer. I decided to get Bear Town, due to enjoying Ove so much. Though Bear Town is vastly different from Ove in mood, it contains the same vivid imagery and detailed characters sketches. You almost feel that you know the characters within his stories.
Mets Willets Point Jul 25 2017 02:10 PM Re: What are you reading in 2017? |
Does Wally Backman have Swedish ancestry?
John Cougar Lunchbucket Jul 25 2017 02:45 PM Re: What are you reading in 2017? |
Rockin' Doc Jul 26 2017 02:03 AM Re: What are you reading in 2017? |
Fredrick Backman writes books. Wally Backman, I suspect, colors books.
Mets Willets Point Jul 26 2017 03:35 PM Re: What are you reading in 2017? |
I realize that, but they have the same surname, which prompted my question.
Frayed Knot Jul 27 2017 01:04 PM Re: What are you reading in 2017? |
According to Wikipedia (so you know it's true) Backman is listed under the category of 'Swedish surnames' -- as opposed to Bachman(n) which is more German/Swiss -- and most of the famous people listed with that name are Swedish with the occasional Finn thrown in there and those might be ethnic Swedes also since they make up a sizable minority of Finland natives. Oddly, the tally of famous Backmans on that list does not include author Fredrik (even though he does have his own Wiki-page) so, as the great American philosopher Jerry Seinfeld once observed, 'Who knows how official any of these rankings really are'.
Edgy MD Jul 27 2017 01:55 PM Re: What are you reading in 2017? |
Lots o' Swedes who joined Pa Ingalls in settling the northern plains of Minnesota and the Dakotas saw greener pastures after a few years and lit out for the newly opened Oregon Territory.
Frayed Knot Jul 27 2017 05:34 PM Re: What are you reading in 2017? |
Good that you put that up there as I couldn't find my copy.
TransMonk Sep 25 2017 01:51 PM Re: What are you reading in 2017? |
I just wrapped up Hillary's book on why she lost and I'm moving on to Katy Tur's book on her coverage of Trump's victory.
Benjamin Grimm Sep 25 2017 01:56 PM Re: What are you reading in 2017? |
What did you think of Hillary's book?
Frayed Knot Sep 25 2017 02:22 PM Re: What are you reading in 2017? Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Sep 25 2017 02:46 PM |
These are the two (quite different) books I read on the '16 election cycle:
TransMonk Sep 25 2017 02:43 PM Re: What are you reading in 2017? |
The first half was surprisingly good with insights into the campaign team and the trail. The chapter on the emails is where it all fell apart for me. She even starts the chapter by stating that some people may want to skip it...I wish I had. FK is not far from the truth in his post above. Hillary says many times that she takes complete responsibility for the loss, but then often interjects "but"s and "however"s into the statement. She spends too much time criticizing Bernie and the New York Times (not quite calling some of their articles "fake news", but questioning sources and reporting on things that damaged her). She hits the Comey letter the hardest, all but saying it was the single reason as to why she lost. IMO, while she talks about Russian meddling, she does not spend enough time there. While the final pages gives broad methods on how Democrats can stay in involved and motivated for 2018 and 2020, the specifics are not there. I wish this book would have been called "What Next" and could have offered insights on how to fight the disinformation being peddled by the Trump administration, the media and the Russians. But overall, after finishing it, it seemed like Hillary still being bitter about losing. I hope the publication is the closing of the 2016 election so that America can move on to the future, which is now more important than ever.
cooby Sep 25 2017 11:41 PM Re: What are you reading in 2017? |
I am presently hooked on MC Beaton's Hamish MacBeth series and also Louise Penny
batmagadanleadoff Sep 27 2017 04:26 PM Re: What are you reading in 2017? |
Just finished this one.
Benjamin Grimm Sep 27 2017 05:48 PM Re: What are you reading in 2017? |
I read The Power Broker in 2003. I liked it a lot, and expect that I'll reread it some day. I'm also looking forward to reading Caro's Lyndon Johnson books, but I don't want to start until he finishes. I don't want to get into a George R.R. Martin situation.
sharpie Sep 27 2017 07:26 PM Re: What are you reading in 2017? |
I've read the Johnson books but not The Power Broker. Hard to imagine spending 30 years of your life researching and writing about anyone, let alone Lyndon Johnson. Curious Incident is a fine book.
Mets Willets Point Sep 28 2017 01:04 PM Re: What are you reading in 2017? |
Robert Caro is one dedicated dude. And he's still doing this intense research at 81!
Edgy MD Oct 12 2017 08:16 PM Re: What are you reading in 2017? |
A really big Mormon guy is struggling growing up. Apart from being abnormally tall, nothing can help him deal with his socially crippling Tourette's except voracious reading and hammering it in the weight room. So he works as a librarian and hits the basement gym during his breaks.
Chad Ochoseis Oct 27 2017 02:40 AM Re: What are you reading in 2017? |
John Cougar Lunchbucket Nov 03 2017 12:48 PM Re: What are you reading in 2017? |
Mets Willets Point Nov 03 2017 03:39 PM Re: What are you reading in 2017? |
Coming out as bisexual in 1976 literally lead to his record sales crashing in the United States. He had to basically put himself back in the closet before scoring big hits again in the 1980s.
41Forever Nov 03 2017 03:41 PM Re: What are you reading in 2017? |
These are both great books. I bought The Curious Case for my daughter last year. The Power Broker was actually part of a huge turning point in my life. I wouldn't be here today without it. I met Caro a few years ago and sheepishly put forward my rather banged-up paperback version for him to sign. He looked it kind of funny, and I explained that it had a lot of sentimental value. He was gracious.
Benjamin Grimm Nov 03 2017 03:48 PM Re: What are you reading in 2017? |
If you see Robert Caro again, ask him when he plans to finish writing his LBJ series.
41Forever Nov 03 2017 03:54 PM Re: What are you reading in 2017? |
When I saw him, it was at a lecture for The Path to Power, I think. He told some amazing Johnson stories!
batmagadanleadoff Nov 03 2017 05:04 PM Re: What are you reading in 2017? |
I thought "Philadelphia Freedom" was the turning point. Boy did I think that song sucked. But like JCL said, Elton was Elvis Presley big for a year or two back around 1974-5.
batmagadanleadoff Nov 03 2017 05:08 PM Re: What are you reading in 2017? |
On second thought, this idea is problematic as Philadelphia was such a big hit. But boy did I hate that song.
Frayed Knot Nov 03 2017 05:33 PM Re: What are you reading in 2017? |
Yeah, I'm not buying the sexuality "reveal" as a trigger for the downfall either. The simpler explanation is that he had just peaked by then and, apparently, fucked up a lot by then.
41Forever Nov 03 2017 05:48 PM Re: What are you reading in 2017? |
Think you are spot on. A little over-exposed. A little too much attention on the costumes and a little less on the music. "Blue Moves" being a double album like "Yellow Brick Road" with just one hit -- and a very downbeat one at that. Then it went off the rails. I've seen him twice, both times on the same tour -- "Sleeping With the Past." The first show was great. The second show started late, was very disjointed. He mumbled about not playing anything new because the label wasn't supporting him. Threatened to retire, walked off the stage about two-thirds through and never came back. I don't know how often that kind of thing happened, but it's going to piss off the fans. But even at the bad show, there was a section with just him at the piano playing "Daniel" and several other classics, and it was magic. I did like "Philadelphia Freedom."
John Cougar Lunchbucket Nov 03 2017 08:09 PM Re: What are you reading in 2017? |
Doyle advances the homo thing as a reason he fell off in the US quicker than in Europe but it was really coke and the new wave that made him look ancient at like age 27 or 28.
batmagadanleadoff Nov 03 2017 09:06 PM Re: What are you reading in 2017? |
It wasn't just what I perceived to be the suckiness of Philadelphia Freedom, but that it signaled a change in Elton's musical style -- for the worse. Two of Elton's biggest hits during his mid-70s peak were covers of classic rock songs, both of which were singles, and eventually were included on compilation albums but never on an Elton album release of original material. This is a neat way to segue into the point that I'm reading that Cover Me book orignially discussed in the Keith thread. It's a well written and well researched book which I recommend.
41Forever Nov 03 2017 09:12 PM Re: What are you reading in 2017? |
This will get me shot, but I like Elton's version of "Lucy" better than the original.
Fman99 Nov 04 2017 03:26 AM Re: What are you reading in 2017? |
I love "Philadelphia Freedom," it's one of my favorites of his. I go pretty deep on his 1970's discography, and for me, the magic runs out after Caribou and Capt Fantastic, somewhere in there. I most prefer the Tumbleweed Connection album, where he (in my opinion, and, also, like a lot of his contemporaries) was most closely channeling the sounds that the Band had made popular on their first two records.
Fman99 Nov 04 2017 03:32 AM Re: What are you reading in 2017? |
This is super interesting to me. I go way back on Lenny Kravitz. His first album came out in 1989, my junior year in high school, and he was clearly channeling all of my favorite 1960s/1970s classic rock artists and bands. And he follows that same pattern, to me. I bought his sixth album the day it came out and was disappointed by it and while each record since then has had a few songs I like, they are all pretty forgettable. Phase 1 (1989-1991): Let Love Rule, Mama Said Phase 2 (1993-1998): Are You Gonna Go My Way, Circus, 5 Phase 3: Everything from Lenny through to the present day Luckily, I was able to see him live on the 5 tour, at the Roseland ballroom in NYC (with tickets I won on the nascent Internet!) in October 1998, and really enjoyed his live show at the time, right when he was to me at his creative peak.
Frayed Knot Nov 04 2017 12:16 PM Re: What are you reading in 2017? |
Yeah, I mean it's just a general theory so it doesn't necessarily work with every band. Nirvana was huge and new practically simultaneously so they wouldn't really fit. Guys with lengthy resumes like
cooby Nov 07 2017 05:25 PM Re: What are you reading in 2017? |
So he really is saying Sugar Bear. Thought I was mishearing. I'm gonna get this book. I loved Philadelphia Freedom. Too bad it's about tennis if that's true. Kinda ruins it for me
Edgy MD Nov 07 2017 05:40 PM Re: What are you reading in 2017? |
This was good, but the last four chapters about searching for an overarching philosophy about physical fitness and reconciling his incertitude in his professed faith with his love for his family and the faith community they're a part of becomes a slog. It's at it's best when telling stories of the public library, denizen of horny teenagers, adults marginalized by mental health problems, and adults with drug or legal problems looking for a way to work their shit out while parking (or even abandoning) their children. Baltimore is just starting to get the clue and channel social assistance resources through the public library. It seems to be a wave of the future.
Vic Sage Nov 29 2017 06:05 PM Re: What are you reading in 2017? |
i'm loving the crap out of READY PLAYER ONE. The upcoming Spielberg adaptation got me curious so i picked it up and now can't put it down. With elements of WILLY WONKA, TRON and HUNGER GAMES, playing out in a virtual world of 80s pop culture, it's incredibly readable and right down my alley.
metsmarathon Nov 29 2017 08:16 PM Re: What are you reading in 2017? |
i'm about halfway through that one, and need to make more time to actually read it. it's really an outstanding read.
Benjamin Grimm Dec 31 2017 02:37 PM Re: What are you reading in 2017? |
My end-of-year list for 2017:
DocTee Dec 31 2017 03:25 PM Re: What are you reading in 2017? Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Dec 31 2017 10:07 PM |
[u:l7eympvk]Station Eleven[/u:l7eympvk]. Emily St. John Mandel.
sharpie Dec 31 2017 08:19 PM Re: What are you reading in 2017? |
MY STRUGGLE: BOOK FOUR -- Karl Ove Knausgaard
Frayed Knot Dec 31 2017 10:37 PM Re: What are you reading in 2017? Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Dec 31 2017 11:47 PM |
John Cougar Lunchbucket Dec 31 2017 11:22 PM Re: What are you reading in 2017? |
You guys are making me look bad.
Zvon Jan 01 2018 04:39 AM Re: What are you reading in 2017? |
I'm reading the 9/11 Commission Report (for the 2nd time). It really reads like a book for the most part, and fascinating how things led up to the attack. And our intelligence agencies knew something was about to happen, and knew that it involved planes, but never considered the possibility of "suicide hijackers".
Frayed Knot Jan 02 2018 12:13 AM Re: What are you reading in 2017? |
So what's the word on Thomas Nast book (BG) and on the 'Selling of the Babe' (DT)?
Rockin' Doc Jan 02 2018 04:13 AM Re: What are you reading in 2017? |
1. Norman Mailer: A Double Life by J. Michael Lennon
Benjamin Grimm Jan 02 2018 04:02 PM Re: What are you reading in 2017? |
The Thomas Nast book was somewhat interesting, but ultimately disappointing. It read more like the biography of a political commentator, and the fact that he was a cartoonist was almost incidental. We're told that he was groundbreaking and innovative, but we don't get much sense, and no examples, of what the state of political cartooning was before he came along, so it's hard to really understand how he innovated. And I would have wanted more discussion and critique of his actual artwork, in a visual sense, in addition to an examination of the message that the cartoons conveyed. I may, a few years down the road, try to find another biography of Nast that's more to my liking.
DocTee Jan 02 2018 08:46 PM Re: What are you reading in 2017? |
I really, really enjoyed "The Selling of the Babe." I ran into my local library late on the Friday before a holiday weekend (Labor Day) desperate for something to read while in the gym-- I anticipated a retelling of the old "Babe was sold to finance a Broadway play" but got something a lot better, and a lot more enjoyable. it painted a picture of the game from the perspective of many of the pivotal folks of the time--Comiskey, Rupert, etc. The book also relates how the HR and YS1 were made for each other-- the sale was a perfect storm on some points.
Rockin' Doc Jan 03 2018 02:01 AM Re: What are you reading in 2017? |
Selling of the Babe sounds interesting. Sounds like a good book for spring training time.