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Edgy buys a field
ABG Mar 15 2006 08:33 AM |
Edgy DC Mar 15 2006 08:40 AM |
Glass, steeel and poured concrete. How DC.
Yancy Street Gang Mar 15 2006 08:50 AM |
I'm glad they're not going retro.
MFS62 Mar 15 2006 08:59 AM |
If Edgy builds it, they will come.
sharpie Mar 15 2006 09:04 AM |
The music is pretty cheesy.
ScarletKnight41 Mar 15 2006 09:14 AM |
I like the location. Getting to and from RFK last summer was unduly difficult (could the signage have been any worse? Sheesh....)
Edgy DC Mar 15 2006 09:30 AM |
The music promises an attack by Norman Bates.
cleonjones11 Mar 15 2006 07:57 PM |
Edgy is out standing in his field
Nymr83 Mar 15 2006 08:57 PM |
i cant seem to watch it on dial-up
TheOldMole Mar 15 2006 10:12 PM |
I like it.