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Fidel Zings it to Dubya
MFS62 Mar 22 2006 09:03 AM |
I heard on radio this morning that Fidel Castro will take the second place prize money earned by the Cuban national team in the WBC and donate it to the Hurricaine Katrina Relief Fund.
KC Mar 22 2006 09:05 AM |
What does the bearded bastard's contribution have to do with zinging it to Bush
Edgy DC Mar 22 2006 09:08 AM |
Actually that was the agreement negotiated with the Department of State before the tournament began. By the rules of the embargo, Cubans are not allowed to earn money in the US, so in order to play (actually, in order to get visas), they agreed up front to donate all potential prize money to hurricane relief.
KC Mar 22 2006 09:15 AM |
metirish Mar 22 2006 09:21 AM |
I fucka you Mr. Bush....
MFS62 Mar 22 2006 09:59 AM |
Nothing. Who ever said that the headline had to have anything to do with the content of the story? Its all about attracting readers, baby. Anyhow, I feel he would have done something similar if it hadn't been part of the deal to get into the tourney. Keeping the money for use within Cuba would be an admission on his part that his economic policies are not working. This gesture was more about Fidel and Cuba than about the donation itself. We know how hard it is for some politicians to admit they made a mistake. Later
KC Mar 22 2006 10:03 AM |
.... and posters
Yancy Street Gang Mar 22 2006 10:04 AM |
Edgy DC Mar 22 2006 10:09 AM |
MFS62 Mar 22 2006 10:11 AM |
To quote Lucy in Peanuts: "I never make mistakes. I thought I made one once, but I was wrong". Actually, I thought the idea that a country considered by many as one of the poorest in the world donating money to help people in a country considered one of, if not the, richest in the world was quite funny. Later
KC Mar 22 2006 10:19 AM Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Mar 22 2006 10:30 AM |
And what I think is funny, is people's dislike for presidents, managers, GM's,
Yancy Street Gang Mar 22 2006 10:21 AM |
If you want an example of that: Venezuela President Chavez Zings Bush
Edgy DC Mar 22 2006 10:27 AM Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Mar 22 2006 10:32 AM |
MFS62 Mar 22 2006 10:30 AM |
Good example.
Yancy Street Gang Mar 22 2006 10:39 AM |
True dat.
cooby Mar 22 2006 10:51 AM |
I never thought of payday as being depressing before
Willets Point Mar 22 2006 11:27 AM |
By the way - and MSF62 may already know this - but just for the record the whole Castro / Washington Senators thing is an urban legend
Johnny Dickshot Mar 22 2006 11:31 AM |
Didn't Cuba also get maimed by Katrina?
Edgy DC Mar 22 2006 11:37 AM |
That snopes link says that only the Dominican Republic as supplied more foreign born players to the major leagues than Cuba, but the baseball-reference link they support that with shows them fourth or fifth, depending on whether you count Puerto Rico.
Willets Point Mar 22 2006 11:45 AM |
Interesting. The sentence refers to a North American baseball league so I guess they mean Canadians are not foreign-born North Americans(???) and they're including Puerto Rico with the US. Still doesn't explain Venezuela. There's either been a surge of Venezuelan-born players since the article was written or they goofed. You should write them.