I came so late in the offseason that Edgy was past G and had to back up to include me in his stupid poll.
You wanted more depth so that last year doesn't happen again? They got me. OK, I'm SORRY that I'm not Yu Darvish. But I played with him and I learned ALL his tricks. That's why the Mets got me. They're SMART! Why pay for Yu when you can get the guy who WATCHED Yu on a minor league deal.
But a minor league deal means I'm ... likely heading to the minors. To start off, anyhow. But I'll be back. YOU'LL SEE. And we'll set a RECORD for most A.J.s on a TEAM!
Actually what DO you see? Let me know below.
[fimg=362:3oaj6a57]https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/IssglXXyIxMZ6vPT8lIPu6NVAXk=/0x0:3844x2562/1200x800/filters:focal(1538x429:2152x1043)/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/58822051/835928544.jpg.0.jpg[/fimg:3oaj6a57] [fimg=338:3oaj6a57]http://www4.pictures.zimbio.com/gi/J+Griffin+Texas+Rangers+v+New+York+Mets+K4_4rXQZCe5l.jpg[/fimg:3oaj6a57] [fimg=368:3oaj6a57]https://i.ytimg.com/vi/OzzLa-S1d5s/maxresdefault.jpg[/fimg:3oaj6a57] [fimg=332:3oaj6a57]https://sports.cbsimg.net/images/visual/whatshot/Griffin640.jpg[/fimg:3oaj6a57]
You like curves? Check this out. I got curves.