The Washington Nationals? I caught for those losers. You want enemy information? I got it all.
Anthony Rendon? Eats like 30 Pop-Tarts a day and is, like, TOTALLY constipated ALL the time.
Max Sherzer? Covetous weirdo. Can't see an expensive car next to him at a traffic light without having to have it. Like, he drives straight to the dealer.
Michael Taylor? The German word is saugenhintern. Like totally the biggest suckass. Managers, suits, owners ... he's always trying to ingratiate himself. Saugenhintern.
I got more of these. And I'll tell you if you put me on the big league squad. But what do you know about me? And my 2018?
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You know what you get for a walkoff RBI in Washington? A head full of chocolate syrup! Seriously, screw those guys.