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Deadpool 2

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Lefty Specialist
May 19 2018 10:11 AM

I laughed my ass off. But then my ass regenerated and I promptly laughed it off again.

May 21 2018 07:14 AM
Re: Deadpool 2

I may have to see this again. I missed some stuff because I was laughing too hard at the stuff that came before the stuff I missed...

Vic Sage
May 21 2018 12:54 PM
Re: Deadpool 2

a marker for the passage of time...

my son took his (gulp) girlfriend opening night instead of going with me.
Don't get me wrong... it was the right move. I totally respect the chasing of tail.

but now i have to wait for him to go with me on Thursday.
And he's got one foot closer to the door.

“The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ,
Moves on: nor all thy Piety nor Wit
Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line,
Nor all thy Tears wash out a Word of it.”

May 22 2018 12:01 PM
Re: Deadpool 2

Damn, that is a marker that he going with you on Thursday...

May 31 2018 03:13 PM
Re: Deadpool 2

Gave it 4 stars, not as much as I liked the first one.
And that is more than my wife gave it. She has seen all the other superhero movies the last two years and liked the humor in this one, but doesn't like to "mix humor and killing".


Lefty Specialist
Jun 03 2018 11:12 AM
Re: Deadpool 2

That's why my wife wouldn't even go. I was lucky in that Lefty Jr., who already has both feet out the door, was home for the week that D2 opened, He and I are perfectly fine with the superhero humor/homicide combo.

I do have to see it again because there are definitely things that I missed in the first go-round.