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May 29 2018 06:30 AM

Went to see Solo with my daughter over the weekend. I thought it was pretty good. Surprise appearance from an important character near the end -- which I won't spoil -- and a big twist. Clearly setting it up for either more Solo movies, or threads to be picked up in other prequels.

May 29 2018 08:26 AM
Re: Solo

I thought it was good fun...maybe the most "fun" SW film ever since it mostly bypassed the weighty light/dark/Empire/Rebellion narrative.

Ehrenreich did a fine job making the character his own and not just a Harrison Ford impression.

The surprise at the end was certainly a nod to the cartoon/comic fans. I thought it was pretty bold and interesting.

I'm not in a rush to see it again anytime soon, but it was enjoyable all the same.

May 29 2018 11:58 AM
Re: Solo

Fun... but SUPER choppy/uneven for the first 2/3. It takes wing in the last 1/3... but takes a while to get there.

Liked Ehrenreich. LOVED Glover. (Khaleesi should stick to breathing fire and bedding her nephew in Westeros.)

May 30 2018 08:06 AM
Re: Solo

i'm just so offended by the fact that rey is a powerful girl force-user that i'm boycotting this movie and all other things star wars from now until eternity.

actually, i just haven't had a chance to take minimm to the theater yet. i can't fathom that there are people who actually subscribe to that first statement, but the internet sez its true.

May 30 2018 02:46 PM
Re: Solo

I'm watching Season 5 of Arrested Development and, of course, there is a slight (but accurate) reference to Solo during Episode 3.

Thanks, Ron Howard!

Jun 28 2018 07:44 AM
Re: Solo

finally saw solo last night with minimm before it disappears from theaters.

wow, what a fun ride! while some might certainly view it as a unnecessary answers to questions that didn't need to be asked, i personally don't give a shit, because it was cool, fun, not stupid, and showed the foundation of what the character of han solo is, and why for being such a scoundrel, he ultimately came back to help the rebellion at the end of a new hope.

it also had a natural continuity with the films that follow it in the timeline, but precede it in the making.

i also really, really don't care that they didnt get a guy who looks super-much like harrison ford. instead thy got a guy who evoked a young han solo, and that's far more important. there were also a number of times during the film that i got a distinct indiana jones vibe, mostly from the way the film was shot. and whether that was accidental or intentional, it really just bolstered the continuity between this han solo and his older self, as well as linking the film visually to the originals with the way it was shot. the effects were ether wonderfully practical, or exceptionally rendered, and therefore nothing like the shiny plastic prequels.

no, it wasn't an epic saga like the rest of the star wars movies, and it didn't have stakes so high that the fate of the galaxy hung in the balance throughout (although, spoilers, the stakes might've been somewhat higher than we thought all along) as it was really all about han solo fighting for a personal cause, finding his way, becoming who he was to be. but it was fun. more fun than maybe any other star wars movie, save perhaps the original. it felt natural. and real. i hope that it breathes some new life into the surrounding galaxy, with stories and characters to follow perhaps through the events of the principal movies.

while i never, ever got into the expanded universe books pre-disney's takeover, i am currently a vacuum sucking up all the star wars literature del rey can pump out (and that i can find when i drop into airports). they're building a fascinating universe that i hope the whining fanboy manchildren don't tear to pieces because it includes things like strong independent girls, people of color, and anti-oppression messaging.

also, lando fucking calrissian. that guy.

Vic Sage
Jun 28 2018 07:59 AM
Re: Solo

ditto, mostly.

Jul 03 2018 12:31 PM
Re: Solo

Thought it was fun.

Not as good as Rogue One. Better than Last Jedi.

Jul 03 2018 01:06 PM
Re: Solo

I thought it was fun. I can't really explain the lack of interest. I refuse to accept that enough people hated The Lat Jedi (which I thought was comfortably the third best of the ten) to create this big of a backlash. It might simply be that only people who grew up with the original trilogy cared about a Han Solo origin story, and that people who grew up with the prequels care more about the MCU.

Jul 03 2018 01:55 PM
Re: Solo

smg58 wrote:
It might simply be that only people who grew up with the original trilogy cared about a Han Solo origin story, and that people who grew up with the prequels care more about the MCU.

This might make a lot of sense, actually.

We saw it this weekend, and really loved it.