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I Like Todd

Edgy MD
May 03 2019 07:46 PM

He's not drunk up there.* He's not in love with his voice. He follow's Gary's lead. (Hell, he follows Keith's.)

You don't get the idea that he hasn't watched a game in a decade, which is what it seemed like with both Keith and Ron at the top of their careers.

He's not made uncomfortable by silence. His references aren't all from his own era. He doesn't talk to the viewer like they've never seen a game before.

* No small thing for a guy who runs with Charlie Sheen.>

Johnny Lunchbucket
May 03 2019 08:19 PM
Re: I Like Todd

I think he's 👌

May 03 2019 08:43 PM
Re: I Like Todd

Needs to simplify his rap a bit and quit shouting a lot. Has promise.

May 04 2019 12:53 AM
Re: I Like Todd

For a guy who's doing this for the first time, he's really, really good.

May 04 2019 05:11 AM
Re: I Like Todd

He's using too many words. I mean, he could be good at some point, but right now he's still over-trying. I was going heavier on the mute button and guitar playing last night compared to a usual Friday night broadcast.

Lefty Specialist
May 04 2019 07:20 AM
Re: I Like Todd

I'm pleasantly surprised. Not as bad as I thought he'd be out of the box, and with a little work and familiarity with the other guys could be pretty good.

May 04 2019 07:57 AM
Re: I Like Todd

I haven't muttered "You idiot!" while listening, but I can't say I've found him compelling yet either.

May 04 2019 09:00 AM
Re: I Like Todd

I fell for the notion that this might be the Frazier Advocacy Thread.

Silly me.

May 04 2019 05:36 PM
Re: I Like Todd

Better to break him in alongside Gary Cohen than Gary Apple.

Frayed Knot
May 04 2019 05:49 PM
Re: I Like Todd>

Edgy MD
May 04 2019 06:23 PM
Re: I Like Todd

Todd Zeile does a good Harry Carey.

Todd DiLaMuca probably does also.

May 05 2019 02:31 PM
Re: I Like Todd

He's getting better. He's learning that sometimes less is more.