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Magazine Cover Derby Round 1.30

Mays Talks About His Future Career As He Quits Mets (Jet) 7 votes

1986 World Series (Sports Illustrated) 5 votes

Move Over, A-Rod! (The Sporting News) 4 votes

The Strawberry Statement (New York Sunday News Magazine) 1 votes

Benjamin Grimm
May 07 2019 06:03 AM>

Vote for the cover that you like the best. Voting will run for seven days.

Mays Talks About His Future Career As He Quits Mets

Jet, October 11, 1973.>

1986 World Series

Sports Illustrated, October 27, 1986.>

Move Over, A-Rod!

The Sporting News, June 9, 2006.>

The Strawberry Statement

New York Sunday News Magazine, April 1, 1984.>

May 07 2019 10:52 AM
Re: Magazine Cover Derby Round 1.30

There are a lot of potentially great covers in this grouping, but they all have a flaw.

Jet: Willie didn't "quit" the Mets. He retired from baseball after what some consider the best all-around career ever. If the headline was "Mays talks about his future career after baseball" or something it would have made more sense.

I remember being disappointed with the Sports Illustrated issue when it came out. The typography seems odd, with "Series" getting much bigger type than "The World." The Ray Knight cover the next week was better.

A glorious portrait of the Captain is marred by the mere mention of ARod. Even in a situation where the MFYs are told to move over they get top billing. The subhead tells the story better. Mention David Wright by name, not ARod. Go positive! Of course, we all know ARod should have moved over to shortstop regardless, save for the stubbornness and selfishness of Jeter.

The Sunday News cover has a nice action shot of Darryl marred by horrendous cropping. Where is his foot and arm? Makes the whole thing off-center. They could have stacked that headline differently to make it fit and still include the whole body in the photo.

May 07 2019 11:45 AM
Re: Magazine Cover Derby Round 1.30

Went with Willie's iconic smile.

Edgy MD
May 07 2019 11:58 AM
Re: Magazine Cover Derby Round 1.30

I did also.

The state of the Strawberry cover may not be about cropping. The photographer may have just not captured the bat in the frame, but it was such a glorious shot of Strawberry's form that they went with it anyhow.

May 07 2019 01:28 PM
Re: Magazine Cover Derby Round 1.30

Fuck A-Rod and that whole era's "but wait, we're getting word that there might be another team in New York besides the MFYs" ethos. Also, it took me a concentrated glance to realize that's an apple David's tossing.

The Strawberry Statement indeed seems to be, "We don't very good layout artists here at the Daily News Sunday Magazine."

Willie deserves a better cover than Jet gave him.

By default, the opening, non-committal salvo from the 1986 World Series will do. I appreciate the grandeur of the moment if not the moment that's depicted. I predict SI will have better news to present soon.

Benjamin Grimm
May 14 2019 07:40 AM
Re: Magazine Cover Derby Round 1.30>

Rankings so far:

1. Casey of the Mets (Sports Illustrated)

2. The Amaysing Mets (Sports Illustrated)

3. Mets in the Stretch (Life)

4. Dr. K: Baseball's Hottest Pitcher (Time)

5. Best Infield Ever? (Sports Illustrated)

6. Struggle at the Top (Sports Illustrated)

7. Dwight the Great (Sports Illustrated)

8. The Movin' Mets (Sports Illustrated)

9. Late Innings (The New Yorker)

10. Pennant Pressure (Sports Illustrated)

11. Jay Hook of the N.Y. Mets (SarcoScope)

12. You Can Go Home Again (Sports Illustrated)

13. Doctor K (Sports Illustrated)

14. Tom & Nancy Seaver (McCall's)

15. Casey Stengel (New York Sunday News Magazine)

16. The Straw That Stirs The Mets (Sports Illustrated)

17. Darryl Strawberry: The Mets' Super Sophomore is the Apple of New York's Eye (The Sporting News)

18. The Real Tom Seaver by Bud Harrelson (Sport Magazine)

19. Iwo Jima (Jock Magazine)

20. Darryl Strawberry: No Big Apple Hype (Inside Sports)

21. Tom Seaver & The Art Of Pitching (Sport Magazine)

22. Big Gun: Dave Kingman (The Sporting News)

23. Mona Lisa (The New Yorker)

24. Armed Force (Sports Illustrated)

25. The Man Who Built the Mets (New York Times Magazine)

26. Mays Talks About His Future Career As He Quits Mets (Jet)

27. Mr. Long Ball (Sports Illustrated)

28. The Straw Man! (New York Sports)

29. Let's Go Mets! (New York)

30. The Baseball Battle for New York (Sports Illustrated)