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Edgy MD
Jan 03 2020 08:55 AM

Have we just launched into a multi-front war, against a nuclear-ambitious foe, having deliberately undermined our Western alliances and shown open contempt for NATO Article 5?

Thanks. I'll hang up and listen for your answer.

Jan 03 2020 09:02 AM
Re: War

Pretty much.

Now we just have to invade No Korea.

Jan 03 2020 09:10 AM
Re: War

2020 sucks so far.

Lefty Specialist
Jan 03 2020 09:16 AM
Re: War

Iranians aren't stupid. They know we can't actually invade them. They'll wage war asymmetrically- hitting soft targets, hacking, the like. And terrorism, which concerns me when I work in Manhattan and have a son who works a few blocks from the White House.

Edgy MD
Jan 03 2020 10:23 AM
Re: War

Lefty Specialist wrote:

Iranians aren't stupid. They know we can't actually invade them. They'll wage war asymmetrically- hitting soft targets, hacking, the like. And terrorism, which concerns me when I work in Manhattan and have a son who works a few blocks from the White House.

Well, we can invade them. But yeah, I anticipate the fronts will be technological and rear guard actions, and scattered attacks on civilians. And then, maybe a strike against Tel Aviv.

When do we stop sucking?

Jan 03 2020 10:30 AM
Re: War

Edgy MD wrote:

When do we stop sucking?>

Double Switch
Jan 03 2020 11:36 AM
Re: War

This is exactly what Trump must do to get impeachment out of the headlines. And not briefing the House beforehand should add another article.

Jan 03 2020 11:49 AM
Re: War

Double Switch wrote:

This is exactly what Trump must do to get impeachment out of the headlines. And not briefing the House beforehand should add another article.

Agree. There's no reason not to just keep adding articles at this point. Just fucking bring him up on everything, because you name it, he's fucking done it.

Jan 03 2020 12:00 PM
Re: War

He just called me but I hung up.

Lefty Specialist
Jan 03 2020 12:03 PM
Re: War

Yup, there's no doubt he's trying to change the subject. Question is, will the media let him.

(Haha, just kidding. Of course they'll let him. We'll be able to more to a carbon-free economy with all the flag-waving Fox will be doing.)

Jan 03 2020 06:49 PM
Re: War

Edgy MD wrote:

When do we stop sucking?

I'm hoping later this year. November-ish.

Jan 03 2020 06:53 PM
Re: War

The media (And every living, breathing American who wants him gone) should start calling the attack on the embassy "Trump's Benghazi". Whether or not the circumstances are close, its is the kind of thing that his supporters would understand - a surprise attack for which we were totally unprepared and would go straight to his credibility as someone who "knows everything".


Jan 03 2020 07:09 PM
Re: War

Good thing we still have that nuclear agreement with them; that'll really help keep a-- oh.

But at least we can call the Kurds or our Syrian militia allie-- oh.

At least-- AT LEAST-- we've got a strong, eager NATO to back us up.

Jan 04 2020 03:17 PM
Re: War


Jan 06 2020 08:46 AM
Re: War

Edgy MD wrote:

When do we stop sucking?

I'm hoping later this year. November-ish.

Problem is, there's still an enormous swath of this country this will still suck.

Lefty Specialist
Jan 06 2020 08:57 AM
Re: War

Apparently now a tweet is all that's required to inform Congress that you're assassinating a foreign leader of a country you're not at war with (yet).

These are the times in which we live.

Edgy MD
Jan 06 2020 09:56 AM
Re: War

Apart from American targets, he's inviting reprisals against Trump-branded properties around the globe.

Lefty Specialist
Jan 06 2020 10:47 AM
Re: War

Yeah, knowing how personally he takes his image, I would guess an attack on one of his properties would mess with his head quite a bit.

(Note to self: Cancel golf trip to Doral.)

Jan 06 2020 11:46 AM
Re: War

Worse by the hour

Could someone go into the Oval Office & handcuff him?

The Pentagon must consider not carrying out his orders.

Maybe Bolton can testify and GOP Senators can bail on Trump.

Everyone deserves one coup'detat in their lifetime.

Jan 06 2020 12:14 PM
Re: War

The Pentagon that presented assassination as an option? The ones that presumably are drawing up, or had already drawn up, plans to attack historical sites? Those guys?

Jan 06 2020 06:46 PM
Re: War

If the Iranis want to retaliate at a "cultural" site that will strike to the heart of TRump supporters, they should attack the Grand Ol' Opry.


Jan 06 2020 07:22 PM
Re: War

If the Iranis want to retaliate at a "cultural" site that will strike to the heart of TRump supporters, they should attack the Grand Ol' Opry.

Making jokes about middle east terrorists killing Americans on American soil

is just not cool. I know you think it's clever and funny, but it's not.

Jan 07 2020 06:41 AM
Re: War

=kcmets post_id=29355 time=1578363738 user_id=53]
I know you think it's clever ... but it's not.

Neither is Trump's threat to attack Irani cultural sites. It would be against international law. I was pointing out the absurdity of it all. Sorry if you didn't like the analogy.


Jan 07 2020 06:46 AM
Re: War

yeah, i've seen this compared with the assassination of bin laden, and well, there's one key difference. a few, really, but the biggest of which is that bin laden was not the top general of a sovereign nation. which basically means that all iran needs to do to justify dropping a bomb on any of our generals is to first declare them a terrorist.

it's an unacceptable precedent from an unacceptable president.

i know obama did a lot of drone-striking, which was problematic on its own, but to my knowledge, his targets belonged to isis and the like (with scores of civilians and noncombatants caught in teh crossfire), not foreign military leaders.

Jan 07 2020 06:47 AM
Re: War

i'd say that i wished for the likely targets to be a trump property, but that's awfully unfair to hope for all the illegal immigrants he employs to be put in danger.

Jan 07 2020 07:56 AM
Re: War

=MFS62 post_id=29361 time=1578404481 user_id=60]I was pointing out the absurdity of it all. Sorry if you didn't like the analogy.

You made no analogy, you absurdly suggested Nashville be bombed. By Iran.

Because some of the people at the Grand Ol' Opry might support Orangehead.

Crazy talk.

Edgy MD
Jan 07 2020 08:01 AM
Re: War

=metsmarathon post_id=29363 time=1578404869 user_id=83]
i'd say that i wished for the likely targets to be a trump property, but that's awfully unfair to hope for all the illegal immigrants he employs to be put in danger.

Yeah, I certainly didn't mean to suggest that I was wishing. I was only trying to emphasize how reckless his saber-rattling was getting.

Jan 07 2020 07:37 PM
Re: War

So Iran launched missiles at American bases in Iraq and - at least reportedly - didnt hit anything? Sounds like they decided to de-escalate while saving a little face.

A friend did send me a report that an American plane was shot down but the source seems suspect and the translation actually seems wrong to me (is anyone more fluent than i am?)

[BLOCKQUOTE]כמות הדיווחים כעת לא ניתנת לאימות מיידי אז ננסה לתמצת את מה שנראה חשוב: בתקשורת הממוסדת האיראנית טוענים כי יירטו כלי טיס אמריקאי באזור עיר הנמל בנדר עבאס.

Iran downs US jet near Bandar Abbas in the [/BLOCKQUOTE]

Lefty Specialist
Jan 08 2020 05:51 AM
Re: War

No US jet down.

And the Iranians pulled their punches with the missile attack, which was more for show than anything else. The question is, will Trump double down and do something else stupid....I'm not holding my breath waiting for sanity here.

Jan 08 2020 06:45 AM
Re: War

Lefty Specialist wrote:
The question is, will Trump double down and do something else stupid....

I asked my Magic Eight Ball and it actually laughed at me. Laughed!!

Jan 09 2020 01:26 PM
Re: War

Lefty Specialist wrote:

No US jet down.

And the Iranians pulled their punches with the missile attack, which was more for show than anything else. The question is, will Trump double down and do something else stupid....I'm not holding my breath waiting for sanity here.

well it looks like Iran DID shoot a plane down, it just wasnt an American military plane but a civilian Ukranian airliner. I'm sure their Russian friends had nothing to do with that accident...

Lefty Specialist
Jan 09 2020 02:12 PM
Re: War

Sounds like somebody was a little jumpy at an anti-aircraft battery in Tehran. A lot of the people on that plane were Iranian, plus 60 Canadians. So I seriously doubt this was intentional, tragic though it is.

Lefty Specialist
Jan 09 2020 02:18 PM
Re: War

So now Trump says Iranian general Qasem Soleimani was planning to blow up the embassy in Baghdad.>

Jan 09 2020 02:53 PM
Re: War

Yep, he's nuts:


Jan 09 2020 02:55 PM
Re: War

Lefty Specialist wrote:

So now Trump says Iranian general Qasem Soleimani was planning to blow up the embassy in Baghdad.

I'm sure he was planning to do many, many bad things any one of which he deserved to die for.

I also think this particular one sounds very convenient from Trump.

Lefty Specialist
Jan 09 2020 05:33 PM
Re: War

Lefty Specialist wrote:

So now Trump says Iranian general Qasem Soleimani was planning to blow up the embassy in Baghdad.

I'm sure he was planning to do many, many bad things any one of which he deserved to die for.

I also think this particular one sounds very convenient from Trump.

Mike Pence also said he's partly to blame for 9/11.

He's certainly a bad guy, but the world is full of bad guys we don't kill because of the consequences. The Israelis could have knocked him off any time. The Bush Administration had him in their sights in 2007 and declined to target him.

It may seem like things have simmered down but they haven't. The Iranians will bide their time and when they strike, it won't have their fingerprints on it. I'm just hoping they release his tax returns.

Jan 09 2020 07:44 PM
Re: War

Can we kill one Iranian terror sponsor per tax return? I'd agree to release them as far back as they go, fradulent numbers and all!

Jan 10 2020 11:43 AM
Re: War

the argument that "he's a bad guy and deserved to die and i'm happy he's dead" does not a legal justification for murder make.

yes, the world is better off without him continuing to be an active participant in it.

but it is worse off with a nation, any nation, believing itself free to bump off any prominent member of another country with whom they have a quarrel, even if that quarrel is 'you ordered the killings of our people, and trained people to do the same'.

Jan 10 2020 01:53 PM
Re: War


Jan 10 2020 08:48 PM
Re: War

Nah. I'd rather argue for principles.

How we do things is as important as the why