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The Photos in the Time of the Coronavirus Thread

Apr 19 2020 01:32 PM
Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Apr 19 2020 02:23 PM


Apr 19 2020 01:33 PM
Re: The Photos in the Time of the Coronavirus Thread

Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Apr 19 2020 02:26 PM


Apr 19 2020 01:34 PM
Re: The Photos in the Time of the Coronavirus Thread

Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Apr 19 2020 02:25 PM


Apr 19 2020 01:35 PM
Re: The Photos in the Time of the Coronavirus Thread

Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Apr 19 2020 02:25 PM


Apr 19 2020 01:35 PM
Re:The Photos in the Time of the Coronavirus Thread

Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Apr 19 2020 02:25 PM


Apr 19 2020 01:36 PM
Re:The Photos in the Time of the Coronavirus Thread

Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Apr 19 2020 02:25 PM


Apr 19 2020 01:38 PM
Re:The Photos in the Time of the Coronavirus Thread

Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Apr 19 2020 02:25 PM


Apr 19 2020 01:39 PM
Re: The Photos in the Time of the Coronavirus Thread

Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Apr 19 2020 02:24 PM


Apr 19 2020 01:41 PM
Re: The Photos in the Time of the Coronavirus Thread

Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Apr 19 2020 02:24 PM


Apr 19 2020 01:49 PM
Re: The Photos in the Time of the Coronavirus Thread

Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Apr 19 2020 02:24 PM


Apr 19 2020 01:49 PM
Re: The Photos in the Time of the Coronavirus Thread


Apr 19 2020 05:08 PM
Re: The Photos in the Time of the Coronavirus Thread

I keep on coming across articles that say that DIY masks won't prevent the wearer from catching the coronavirus. But some of these masks look impenetrable. Like the clear plastic water jug masks, for example. What am I not getting?

Apr 19 2020 06:47 PM
Re: The Photos in the Time of the Coronavirus Thread

basically coronavirus is tiny. small enough to pass through most filtering media. which is why those N95 filters are so critical. they have tiny tiny holes between the fibers that make them, but enough so that you can still breathe. the fibers also have a slight static charge, so they pull the virus out of the air and make 'em stick to the mask so they can't get through as easily.

most of the masks above, especially the water jug ones, do not seal very well. they protect from flying mouth-juices, but the airborne particles just kinda float around em.

the masks are most improtant, from a "everybody must wear them" standpoint, in preventing YOU from getting other people sick, as it catches most of your own mouth-juices, and also makes it harder for the airborne virus to get out. basically, if you cough wearing a mask, the mask catches what you eject. and with this stupid fucking virus, you can be spewing virus before you even know you're sick.

it does make it a little harder for the virus to get through, but if instead of the virus, you think about how much those masks are going to prevent you from smelling a stank fart. most ain't gonna do squat. if you can smell a fart in your mask, you can catch covid in your mask. you may smell it less, but enough stink an still get through to make you gag. and therefore enough viral load could still get through.

facemasks are important for healthcare workers because they can be close enough to the sick that cough-ejecta can get in their eyes. and that's what those clear masks block.

Benjamin Grimm
Apr 19 2020 06:55 PM
Re: The Photos in the Time of the Coronavirus Thread

So you're saying that the best way to test the effectiveness of a mask is to ask someone to do a stinky fart for you?

Apr 19 2020 07:10 PM
Re: The Photos in the Time of the Coronavirus Thread

But if you cant smell the fart, you might have covid-19. Loss of sense of smell is a common early symptom

Apr 19 2020 07:15 PM
Re: The Photos in the Time of the Coronavirus Thread

There ain't a mask made my collard-green farts can't penetrate this evening.

Apr 19 2020 09:06 PM
Re: The Photos in the Time of the Coronavirus Thread

the damn masks make me so itchy, i spend half the time rubbing at my face with them on. (have a couple of N95s around)

Apr 19 2020 09:24 PM
Re: The Photos in the Time of the Coronavirus Thread

I can't wear the one I have (a hardware store painting/sanding mask I had in

the garage) for more than a min or two walking around without getting dizzy.

Breathing your own breath and carbon dioxide is just not for me.

And I know damn well if I pass out in the supermarket there isn't going to

be anyone there to swoop in to see if I'm ok!!

Apr 20 2020 12:39 PM
Re: The Photos in the Time of the Coronavirus Thread

=kcmets post_id=35449 time=1587353049 user_id=53]
And I know damn well if I pass out in the supermarket there isn't going to

be anyone there to swoop in to see if I'm ok!!

try going to a supermarket where they don't already know you... ;)

Apr 20 2020 12:50 PM
Re: The Photos in the Time of the Coronavirus Thread

*Tsssst* that's gonna leave a mark!

Chad ochoseis
Apr 20 2020 03:05 PM
Re: The Photos in the Time of the Coronavirus Thread

=batmagadanleadoff post_id=35431 time=1587337711 user_id=68]
I keep on coming across articles that say that DIY masks won't prevent the wearer from catching the coronavirus. But some of these masks look impenetrable. Like the clear plastic water jug masks, for example. What am I not getting?

In addition to what marathon said, that Norton Anti-Virus CD is from 2003. It won't be able to stop the latest viruses.

Apr 20 2020 03:20 PM
Re: The Photos in the Time of the Coronavirus Thread

basically coronavirus is tiny. small enough to pass through most filtering media. which is why those N95 filters are so critical. they have tiny tiny holes between the fibers that make them, but enough so that you can still breathe. the fibers also have a slight static charge, so they pull the virus out of the air and make 'em stick to the mask so they can't get through as easily.

most of the masks above, especially the water jug ones, do not seal very well. they protect from flying mouth-juices, but the airborne particles just kinda float around em.

the masks are most improtant, from a "]
I keep on coming across articles that say that DIY masks won't prevent the wearer from catching the coronavirus. But some of these masks look impenetrable. Like the clear plastic water jug masks, for example. What am I not getting?

In addition to what marathon said....

Thanks for the long response. Much appreciated. I get that the virus is tiny, microscopically so. I also get that the virus can slip through your masks and other protective gear if the equipment isn't sealed properly to your face. What I was getting at, though, is that the plastic material that makes up the big plastic water jugs looks impenetrable. Are you saying that the plastic itself is porous, and that the virus can penetrate the plastic material -- the way a ghost can supposedly walk through walls?

Apr 21 2020 06:05 AM
Re: The Photos in the Time of the Coronavirus Thread

no, the water jugs will stop it. but air has to get in there somehow, right? there are gaps, holes, etc. the same way that smells can get in, the virus can follow those same pathways. and if those pathways aren't properly filtered, they don't offer perfect protection.

think about smoke in the air. you move through the smoke. the smoke doesn't get on you, it moves around you as you move through. (unless you're speeding around and the smoke sticks to you like bugs on a windshield.

the virus is tiny, so it wafts along in the air. you wear one of those masks, when you breathe in, you pull the air around you in towards you. pull it in around the mask, through whatever meager filter in in place. if the filter itself is porous enough, the virus goes right through. if you have big gaps on the side, the virus floats right on in. like driving past a dead skunk in the road, the stink gets in, even though your windshield keeps on picking up bugs.

Apr 21 2020 04:24 PM
Re: The Photos in the Time of the Coronavirus Thread

=metsmarathon post_id=35535 time=1587470738 user_id=83]
no, the water jugs will stop it. but air has to get in there somehow, right? there are gaps, holes, etc. the same way that smells can get in, the virus can follow those same pathways. and if those pathways aren't properly filtered, they don't offer perfect protection.

Yeah, that's the problem. You have to allow for some air to get in. Otherwise, the plastic will fog up. But if the air can get in, so can the virus, I've been experimenting with various DIY versions of some plastic shielding as an extra layer of protection. But the tighter, or more seal-proof I try to make them, the more likely they are to fog up.

Apr 21 2020 06:14 PM
Re: The Photos in the Time of the Coronavirus Thread

The plastic bag hazmat suit.


Apr 21 2020 06:17 PM
Re: The Photos in the Time of the Coronavirus Thread

More plastic water bottle jugs as coronavirus-masks.


Apr 22 2020 08:31 AM
Re: The Photos in the Time of the Coronavirus Thread

yeah, the jugs are acting as shields.

the masks are the filters.

i saw an interesting graphic the other day. not sure how accurate the numbers are but in general it seems to track.

basically if you wear a mask and the covidder does not, the transmission rate can still be as high as 70%.

if you don't have a mask but the covidder does, the transmission rate can be cut down to 5%.

and if you both wear masks, the transmission rate drops to 1.5%.

what quality masks? i don't know. the graphic showed what looks like the above (plastic aside). or some other simple fabric mask, not the N95s.

Apr 22 2020 08:46 AM
Re: The Photos in the Time of the Coronavirus Thread

I wanted to strangle somebody yesterday. I went shopping and there was this woman with one of those surgical masks we typically see these days. Only she had it down around her neck like an ascot instead of over her mouth because she was yapping around on her cellphone and I know that one's germs are expelled farther when one talks. (See all the stuff we're learning these days?) She was oblivious to everything and was waltzing around like she was having a picnic at the beach.

Johnny Lunchbucket
Apr 22 2020 09:50 AM
Re: The Photos in the Time of the Coronavirus Thread

Was it John Franco's wife?

Frayed Knot
Apr 22 2020 09:55 AM
Re: The Photos in the Time of the Coronavirus Thread

=batmagadanleadoff post_id=35663 time=1587566788 user_id=68]
I wanted to strangle somebody yesterday. I went shopping and there was this woman with one of those surgical masks we typically see these days. Only she had it down around her neck like an ascot instead of over her mouth because she was yapping around on her cellphone and I know that one's germs are expelled farther when one talks. (See all the stuff we're learning these days?) She was oblivious to everything and was waltzing around like she was having a picnic at the beach.

Considering that I'm in favor of the immediate tasing of those in supermarkets yapping on cellies during normal times, I approve of this message.

Apr 22 2020 10:57 AM
Re: The Photos in the Time of the Coronavirus Thread

hell, i'm in favor of tasing anyone talking on the phone in any situation. just email me.

May 04 2020 01:02 AM
Re: The Photos in the Time of the Coronavirus Thread


May 04 2020 09:23 PM
Re: The Photos in the Time of the Coronaviru'ts Thread

Edited 1 time(s), most recently on May 04 2020 09:34 PM

Videos, too.

A shopper from the retard state of Kentucky cuts a mouth-hole in her mask so that she could breathe easier.

The best part of this video is that the smug narrator/observer himself isn't wearing any kind of mask over his mouth. At least the retard with the mouth-hole in her mask has her eyes and ears covered. (Not that that's gonna protect anybody but herself.)

May 04 2020 09:33 PM
Re: The Photos in the Time of the Coronavirus Thread

Coronavirus scumbaggery in the scumbag state of Michigan.

Of course, Michigan's a scumbag state. It showed it's true colors 10 years ago when its scumbags crawled out of their rocks and went all tea-party nutso all because America elected a black president. And then 100 years of progress down the drain. Just like that. It let a know-nothing dangerous nutjob with nothing but other people's money, Betsy DeVos, become a political powerhouse -- jeez, powerhouse isn't even the right word -- Michigan's a Betsy DeVos sublet. What a fucking scumbag state. With those revolts against stay-at-home orders. And who d'ya think's behind those protests? Who's funding that? Betsy DeVos, that's who.

May 05 2020 06:09 AM
Re: The Photos in the Time of the Coronaviru'ts Thread

=batmagadanleadoff post_id=36375 time=1588649003 user_id=68]
A shopper from the retard state of Kentucky cuts a mouth-hole in her mask so that she could breathe easier.

It is the state that elected Rand Paul and Mitch McConnell. We didn't need the video to prove it, but at least it gave us a laugh.


May 05 2020 07:17 AM
Re: The Photos in the Time of the Coronavirus Thread


Edgy MD
May 05 2020 12:59 PM
Re: The Photos in the Time of the Coronavirus Thread

I don't think that a state goes 47% one way and 53% another way should have a label any more than a state goes 53-47. It's counterproductive.

It's a growth-mindset vs. a fixed-mindset thing.

May 07 2020 12:14 AM
Re: The Photos in the Time of the Coronavirus Thread

From the retard state of Tennessee:
