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Being Edgardo Alfonzo

Willets Point
Apr 21 2006 04:37 PM

Best homegrown Met hitter of his era (with Straw and Wright one of the three best homegrown Met hitters of my lifetime).

The real heart of the successfull late 90's early '00's teams IMHO.

Willingly moved to 2nd to accomodate Ventura, willingly moved back to 3d to accomodate Alomar. Excelled at both positions and hit better than those putzes to boot.

6 hits against Houston (Seventeen becomes Thirteen)

Grand slam in 1999 NLDS.

One of my favorite Mets of all-time.

Apr 21 2006 04:42 PM


Apr 21 2006 04:45 PM

Going the other way with 2 strikes.

OBP like you just can't believe.

Relatives with oddly similar names.

Apr 21 2006 04:47 PM

A Boy Named Seo
Apr 21 2006 04:55 PM

The grand slam off Bobby Chew-a-nard.

A Boy Named Seo
Apr 21 2006 04:56 PM

A Boy Named Seo wrote:
The grand slam off Bobby Chew-a-nard.

Edit: I don't read so good.

Apr 21 2006 04:56 PM

Whoa, when did Edgardo play with racing stripes? Is that really him?

A Boy Named Seo
Apr 21 2006 04:56 PM

Those have got to be the 86 throwbacks they wore.

Apr 21 2006 04:59 PM

I don't think I have once seen Zvon get all three players correct on those cards he puts togeher.

Apr 21 2006 05:03 PM

="Centerfield"]Whoa, when did Edgardo play with racing stripes? Is that really him?

yea, throwback unis.
Appropoe for the 86 anniversary.

More conventional:

Apr 21 2006 05:05 PM

Elster88 wrote:
I don't think I have once seen Zvon get all three players correct on those cards he puts togeher.

what i do now?

Apr 21 2006 05:06 PM

Edgardo had 109 in 2000...but I'm guessing you wanted to have three different peeps on the card. In which case you're fine. I'm just a nitpicking weasel. Don't mind me.

Apr 21 2006 05:20 PM

Elster88 wrote:
Edgardo had 109 in 2000...but I'm guessing you wanted to have three different peeps on the card. In which case you're fine. I'm just a nitpicking weasel. Don't mind me.

no, thats important.
Well, another error card.

*get me my research department on the phone, post haste.*