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Who Do People Think You Are?

Apr 05 2022 09:13 AM

What fictional character do people who know you think you're most like?

What fictional character do you think your significant other is most like?


Benjamin Grimm
Apr 05 2022 09:28 AM
Re: Who Do People Think You Are?

I think the last time I was compared to a fictional character was when I was in elementary school, and it was "The Professor" from Gilligan's Island.

My girlfriend is "Rosemary", from the Edison Lighthouse song.

And maybe a little "Annie Hall".

Apr 05 2022 09:40 AM
Re: Who Do People Think You Are?

My children called me Mr. Spock - analytically determined the correct answer to any question - business or personal. And I haven't changed much since then.

I think my wife is really Daenerys Targaryen. Read into that what you will.


Willets Point
Apr 05 2022 10:44 AM
Re: Who Do People Think You Are?

Winnie the Pooh.

Apr 05 2022 11:07 AM
Re: Who Do People Think You Are?

Sam The Eagle. I never really got that, but after 40+ years there are women

(and it's been passed on generationally) who still insist on calling me Sam.

Edgy MD
Apr 05 2022 11:20 AM
Re: Who Do People Think You Are?

My wife has made that comparison. It comes out more in your profile I think.

I say, if folks think you're a raptor, lean into that shit.

Apr 05 2022 11:52 AM
Re: Who Do People Think You Are?

Willets Point wrote:

Winnie the Pooh.

You have that W-P thing going.


dinosaur jesus
Apr 05 2022 12:39 PM
Re: Who Do People Think You Are?


Julie of the Wolves

Apr 05 2022 03:32 PM
Re: Who Do People Think You Are?

I will have to think about this

Willets Point
Apr 05 2022 03:50 PM
Re: Who Do People Think You Are?

=whippoorwill post_id=88417 time=1649194327 user_id=79]
I will have to think about this

Linus. You're Linus.

Edgy MD
Apr 05 2022 04:20 PM
Re: Who Do People Think You Are?

Is this who people think my appearance resembles or who people think my character and/or personality resembles?

Somebody in the archives thought I was a bisexual turd, but I haven't heard that one in a while.

Apr 05 2022 05:03 PM
Re: Who Do People Think You Are?

Edgy MD wrote:

Is this who people think my appearance resembles or who people think my character and/or personality resembles?

People may have said, "You know, you remind me of ... "

And whatever they used for that comparison was up to them and could have been either/or, or a combination of both.

From a look-alike standpoint, People have told me I looked like (Comedian)Steve Allen, Actor Alan Alda and Senator George Mithchell (of the drug investigation fame). So, anything goes.


Apr 05 2022 05:11 PM
Re: Who Do People Think You Are?

Willets Point wrote:

=whippoorwill post_id=88417 time=1649194327 user_id=79]
I will have to think about this

Linus. You're Linus.

I love Linus!! That works for me! ❤️

Apr 05 2022 06:59 PM
Re: Who Do People Think You Are?

Physically, I've been called Jerry Garcia, Santa Claus, and Kenny Rogers.

dinosaur jesus
Apr 05 2022 07:40 PM
Re: Who Do People Think You Are?

At the coffee shop once, one of the servers told me that the staff had been trying to decide who I looked like. The consensus was Jeff Daniels. That would be older, distinguished Jeff Daniels, I assume, not Something Wild or Dumb and Dumber Jeff Daniels.

Apr 05 2022 08:11 PM
Re: Who Do People Think You Are?

i've gotten a lot of clark kent back when i was younger. and one older gentlemen at work was convinced that i was the second coming of lee majors. more recently, i've been likened to hank hill, and was also assured that it was meant to be complimentary... i'm clearly moving in the wrong direction.

Apr 05 2022 08:23 PM
Re: Who Do People Think You Are?

My wife is clearly still Allie from the Karate Kid, both in appearance and temperament. I don't know who I am, probably some amalgam of multiple "Animal House" characters.

Lefty Specialist
Apr 06 2022 05:38 AM
Re: Who Do People Think You Are?

My friends pegged me a long time ago as Ferris Bueller. Even flew to Chicago in 1986 with my girlfriend (now my wife) and did a Ferris Bueller day- the Sears Tower, the Commodities Exchange, an afternoon Cubs-Mets game at Wrigley, dinner in a fancy restaurant, all in one day, flying home late that night. Chicka-chicka.

She's Diane from Cheers, except she's more competent in matters of boyfriend selection.

Johnny Lunchbucket
Apr 06 2022 10:28 AM
Re: Who Do People Think You Are?

I've been told I resemble Bobby Brady (and some people once said Tom Glavine which I totally don;t get)