Just a question as I mull over the overturned foul ball/hit batsman call from last night. Have you ever see any manager effectively out of challenges?
As I understand, the rule currently allows (it changes every year):
[list][*]the manager to challenge one call per regular-season game,
[list][*]the manager to challenge a further call if his initial challenge was successful, [*]and so on;[/list] [*]the manager to get an additional challenge in extra innings (this may no longer be the case),
[list][*]and again, get to continue making challenges if his previous challenge was successful;[/list] [*]the manager can ask the crew chief to call for a review if he has exhausted his own opportunities.[/list]
It just seems like the conservative reserve that the one-per-game policy is supposed to represent doesn't exist at all in the real world. Has anybody ever seen a manager out of challenges ask for a crew chief to call for a review on his own, and not get it? I'm not sure I have. And so the one-per-game policy is really an as-many-as-you-need-as-long-as-you're-not-a-dick-about-it policy.
The other day (in San Francisco?), I think we had a manager (Gabe Kapler?) out of challenges, so he asked the crew chief to call for a review, and the chief acceded, despite the play in review being his call.