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KC likes to pretend ...

May 07 2006 10:53 AM

BS: >>>KC likes to pretend that every fuckup occurs out of any context whatsoever, Rotblatt<<<

It's just a difference of how we watch and enjoy baseball. You like to paint
me as someone who can't look at team and decipher the stats and project
what will happen or won't happen and who's to blame -- I like to root root
root for the home team. It's a game.

I'm not stupid and in real life do the exact same thing with commercial real
estate. Income, expenses, market conditions, competition, demographics,
etc. thrown into budgets and I can usually tell you how much a shopping cen-
ter is going to make within a few percentage points. Then I go on the com-
mercial real estate forums as Ben Budgetmeister and toot my horn until those
pencil pushing geeks are just sick to death of hearing about it. What a hoot.
I damn near got banned from one because I drove my adding machine tape
so far up an admins ass he nearly wept. What a mamby pamby pussy. Try
and sneak some common area escalation clauses past me, will ya?

Of course if there's an inordinate amount of snow one year, or a sink-hole
eats up half a parking lot, or a child abduction cuts into sales -- all bets are
off and I put on my red and white Target PJ's and run for my mommy's skirt to
hide behind. What a life this numbers game when taken in context.

Bret Sabermetric
May 07 2006 10:11 PM
