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What is wrong with the news media???
cooby May 13 2006 11:31 PM |
We've got old people that can't buy their prescriptions, millions of people without health care insurance, our kids are getting killed in Iraq, the price of gas is $3.00 a gallon, and they're talking about f**king telephone records for three straight days!!
OlerudOwned May 13 2006 11:38 PM |
metirish May 13 2006 11:46 PM |
I assume you are talking about Bush, it's because of him and his lies that the young people are getting killed in Iraq, and the phone records is a big issue, this country is becoming a police state.
DocTee May 13 2006 11:49 PM |
I agree with the first part of your statement, but the latter half is a bit of a stretch, even for a bleeding heart leftist like me.
cooby May 13 2006 11:53 PM |
Oh believe me metirish, I am not defending him, I think he is the most pathetic president to ever come down the pike.
TheOldMole May 14 2006 12:27 AM |
The thing is, this is news right now. There have been stories on the prescription drug problem and the health care crisis, but there have been no new developments on those issues in the past few days. And if you look at [url=,GGGL:2006-13,GGGL:en&q=gas+prices]Google news right now[/url]. you'll see that there are actually still a lot of stories running about gas prices.
HahnSolo May 14 2006 10:54 AM |
It's better this than 24 hours non stop of the Duke Lacrosse story, which we were getting.
Elster88 May 14 2006 11:56 AM |
I want to hear more about Barry Bonds.
TheOldMole May 14 2006 08:21 PM |
I guess no white girls missing this week.
Frayed Knot May 14 2006 09:50 PM |
"What is wrong with the news media???"
RealityChuck May 15 2006 09:12 AM |
Sandgnat May 15 2006 11:49 AM |
The biggest problem I have with the media is they don't just report facts anymore. Every story has an agenda embedded in it. The end result is you don't get the facts from the media which you could then use to form your own opinion on issues. Instead you get reports from the media that shape your opinion for you.
sharpie May 15 2006 12:06 PM |
Actually the NSA compiling phone logs is a new story, broken by, of all places, the USA Today.
Sandgnat May 15 2006 03:34 PM |
Actually, the New York Times reported that back in December of 2005.
I think your examples are the exception rather then the rule. All of the major network media, the NY Times, the Washington Post, the LA Times, etc. IMHO all go out of their way to disparage the President. In fact, it has even recently been quantified: [url][/url] The point is, there is way too much bias in today's media on either side and that is what I believe to be the biggest problem with the media today.
sharpie May 15 2006 03:53 PM |
The Times in 12/05 broke the wiretapping story (despite sitting on the story for over a year - prior to the 04 election - at the White House's request) not the compilation of non-foreign phone logs.
Willets Point May 15 2006 04:24 PM |
That whenever is a big if. I personally think the Democratic Party is near death as a national party. Probablly will retain influence in some pockets of municipal and state government though.
Frayed Knot May 15 2006 05:02 PM |
Reports of the Demo Party's death are being greatly exaggerated.
Sandgnat May 16 2006 02:02 PM |
Go online and read the article if you have access to Times Select. The headline speaks for itself: "DOMESTIC SURVEILLANCE: THE PROGRAM; SPY AGENCY MINED VAST DATA TROVE, OFFICIALS REPORT
Guess you didn't use the link I posted. It quantitatively shows quite the opposite of your opinion.
Agreed. They should question everything, but they don't question anything. Instead they argue against it.
Probably true. The problem with the Democratic Party is that they don't have a platform of ideas and solutions. Instead, their entire platform is based on complaining about what the President and GOP controlled Congress is doing without offering an alternative. Sadly for them, that is the only thing that the current head of the DNC knows, so unless there is a change at the top I don't see them fixing this problem.
TheOldMole May 16 2006 06:20 PM |
You can prove anything you want to with selective examples. It is just as easy to prove that the media is dominated by conservs as it is by libs.
Willets Point May 16 2006 06:54 PM |
Ooh, three of my favorite things. Start a thread.
Sandgnat May 16 2006 08:06 PM |
Whether or not the media is liberal or conservative is a tangent. Again, my problem with the media is everything is an op-ed piece now. There is no reporting.
Willets Point May 16 2006 08:17 PM |
Definitely no investigative reporting these days.