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Being Jerry Koosman
Willets Point Jun 01 2006 08:00 AM |
And not being Yancy Street Gang.
Benjamin Grimm Jun 01 2006 08:57 AM |
Hey, you pulled ahead of me!
Willets Point Jun 01 2006 09:27 AM |
We'll be Koosmen together soon.
Benjamin Grimm Jun 01 2006 09:34 AM |
I always liked Jerry Koosman. And I'm glad he's hanging in there in the UMDB Top Twenty lookups. I think he's the best of the most likely to be forgotten Mets.
dinosaur jesus Jun 01 2006 09:50 AM |
I remember 1976 too, and Jerry got screwed. He came on strong in the last half of the season, but I think everyone had already assumed that Jones would get the award. I think another consideration was that Jones had had a strong season the year before but had lost out to Seaver (who of course deserved it).
Elster88 Jun 01 2006 09:58 AM |
Sup. Haven't seen you 'round these parts in a while.
Edgy DC Jun 01 2006 10:03 AM |
I'm not saying he's a Hall of Famer either, but I imagine that showing how Seaver and Koosman match up against their peers in a run-support neutral envirnoment would blow your mind, sweep it up, stuff it back into your head, and then blow it again.
Edgy DC Jun 01 2006 10:14 AM |
As it is, a quick addition shows that Seaver and Koosman won at least 307 games together --- probably one to three more, depending on how Seaver did during Koos's brief time on the roster in 1967. That probably stacks up well with any post-war pairing, offense or no offense.
Johnny Dickshot Jun 01 2006 10:44 AM |
My Mom's favorite Met. What else needs to be said?
seawolf17 Jun 01 2006 10:46 AM |
[young seawolf] An old man who pitches for the Twins and White Sox and Phillies. Apparently he was a Met once. [/young seawolf]
Frayed Knot Jun 01 2006 11:20 AM |
Kooz defintinely suffered from Seaver-shadow a couple of times.
Benjamin Grimm Jun 01 2006 11:48 AM |
Does anyone know how many HOF votes Jerry got?
A Boy Named Seo Jun 01 2006 12:00 PM |
It looks like Koosman only got [url=]4 votes (0.90%)[/url] in 1991 and was dropped form the ballot.
Edgy DC Jun 01 2006 12:04 PM |
1991 Total ballots cast: 443 Necessary for election: 333
Benjamin Grimm Jun 01 2006 12:08 PM |
No way does Sutton deserve 65 times as many votes as Koosman.
Edgy DC Jun 01 2006 12:25 PM |
Maybe, but arguing that he wouldn't get your vote, but he deserved more votes than he got, is a tough one to sustain. If you agree with the ultimate result, what matter whether he got four votes or 40?
dinosaur jesus Jun 01 2006 12:28 PM |
I think Koosman was as good as quite a number of Hall of Fame pitchers, and with a little better luck in the teams he played for--or just reasonable run support in 1977 and 1978--he might have been a candidate. But those are the breaks. There are a lot of guys you could say that about. I don't know if Sutton was actually a better pitcher, but 100 wins is a huge difference. It makes him an obvious Hall of Famer. And for Koosman, 13 games over .500 for his career just won't do it. So it's not that Sutton deserved 65 times more votes, it's that the dividing line clearly runs somewhere between them.
Benjamin Grimm Jun 01 2006 12:29 PM |
I know. It is a bit of a conundrum.
Elster88 Jun 01 2006 12:30 PM |
How do they fill out the ballot? My guess would be a player needs a certain amount of service time.
Edgy DC Jun 01 2006 12:34 PM |
Ten years minimum service and five years after playing your last game.
Elster88 Jun 01 2006 12:43 PM |
How many ten-and-five rules exist in baseball?
Willets Point Jun 01 2006 12:54 PM |
Not to sound arrogant (I mean I am great, but this is props to you all as well) but I really enjoy the discusions my "Being..." threads engender.
Benjamin Grimm Jun 01 2006 12:57 PM |
Only two more to go, though.
Willets Point Jun 01 2006 01:05 PM |
When I pass Seaver I want to be this guy for a while:
Edgy DC Jun 01 2006 01:11 PM |
That's a totally do-able metadesignation!
Benjamin Grimm Jun 01 2006 02:38 PM |
I'm going to post a couple of thousand alphabet posts just so I can regain my lead over Willets!
Zvon Jun 01 2006 04:23 PM |
Ive always been a big Kooz fan.