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BLC: The Monkees vs Red Hot Chili Peppers
Vic Sage Aug 03 2006 02:34 PM Edited 3 time(s), most recently on Aug 03 2006 04:04 PM |
I have very fond memories of watching the Monkees TV show on saturday mornings as a child. Their infectious songs led me to their albums (vinyl, that is!), and what i found was the funny, energetic, likeable "pre-fab four" playing music by some of the best songwriters of the period (including Boyce and Hart, King and Goffin, Mann and Weil, Neil Diamond, and Chip Douglas), produced by the top producers (Don Kirschner) and backed by top studio musicians (Glen Campbell, Leon Russell)
cooby Aug 03 2006 02:38 PM | favorite list ever, and that includes all of mine
metirish Aug 03 2006 02:41 PM |
I have to say when I saw the Monkees were going to join the fun I was skeptical but that's a great list, I guess I just forgot what great somgs they have.
seawolf17 Aug 03 2006 02:57 PM |
Bring it, Vaguely Fake TV Band.
Edgy DC Aug 03 2006 03:05 PM |
Going without "The Theme from the Monkees" and "A Little Bit Me, A Little Bit You" is all guts. All guts.
cooby Aug 03 2006 03:11 PM |
sharpie Aug 03 2006 03:15 PM |
"The Monkees", when it was first on, was telecast opposite "Lost in Space." Pretty much everyone (including me) defected from what the was then tired "Lost in Space" to watch the groovy "Monkees" -- except for my best friend at the time, Teddy. The disloyalty of those around him toward "Lost in Space" was a source of great disappointment to poor Teddy.
cooby Aug 03 2006 03:16 PM |
I seem to recall it being on Monday nights for a spell, opposite Gilligan's Island, too.
Vic Sage Aug 03 2006 03:47 PM |
i was 6 when the show originally aired, and i don't remember it in its first incarnation. I became a fan a few years later, watching the show in reruns on Saturday mornings.
Willets Point Aug 03 2006 03:50 PM |
Before the pics go up I just want to point out that one band has a member who wears a sock cap while the other band wears socks on their members. How's that for a contrast?
Edgy DC Aug 03 2006 03:55 PM |
Norrin, the lesser-known tracks could use some links. If you can find some, that'd be groovy.
Vic Sage Aug 03 2006 03:58 PM |
where do i find free links to Monkees songs?
Edgy DC Aug 03 2006 03:59 PM |
Start at They'll only be 30-second clips, but it's a start.
Vic Sage Aug 03 2006 04:08 PM |
here's a link to Amazon's snippets of Monkees songs:
cooby Aug 03 2006 04:17 PM |
I think anybody who has ever watched the show will be able to recognize about any of those songs even from the short clips. And visualize the "videos" that go with them!
Edgy DC Aug 03 2006 04:21 PM |
2, 5, and 7 are unfamiliar from the title, but I imagine I'll know them from the clips. In this generation,
cooby Aug 03 2006 04:24 PM |
Edgy DC Aug 03 2006 04:26 PM |
Good song. Cool that it's original.
TransMonk Aug 03 2006 04:50 PM |
"Last Train To Clarksville" vs. "Love Rollercoaster"
Willets Point Aug 03 2006 05:25 PM |
"Last Train To Clarksville" vs. "Love Rollercoaster" The Monkees
Rockin' Doc Aug 03 2006 07:28 PM |
"Last Train To Clarksville" vs. "Love Rollercoaster" - The Monkees
metirish Aug 03 2006 07:51 PM |
"Last Train To Clarksville" vs. "Love Rollercoaster" - The Monkees
soupcan Aug 03 2006 10:57 PM |
"Last Train To Clarksville" vs. "Love Rollercoaster" THE MONKEES
HahnSolo Aug 04 2006 08:28 AM |
Imagine if Marcia Brady was the president of the Flea fan club.
cooby Aug 04 2006 08:43 AM |
"Last Train To Clarksville" vs. "Love Rollercoaster" Monkees
seawolf17 Aug 04 2006 08:47 AM |
I guess I should cancel out Coob.
cooby Aug 04 2006 08:50 AM |
Now, now, I didn't vote 10-0 against the RHCP, I happen to like them. But I like all those Monkees songs better than the RHCP songs. No fair to assume I voted all Monkees for any other reason
Edgy DC Aug 04 2006 09:00 AM |
As evenly matched as any contest in the BLC ever.
sharpie Aug 04 2006 09:10 AM |
"Last Train To Clarksville" vs. "Love Rollercoaster" MONKEES
soupcan Aug 04 2006 09:28 AM |
Thank you!
Edgy DC Aug 04 2006 10:07 AM |
Let go off the brand associations and judge by the music. People who were able to do that with the Monkees, and appreciated them: Frank Zappa John Lennon George Harrison All the Beatles, really Stephen Stills (Peter Tork's former roommate) The Sex Pistols Paul Mazursky Jack Nicholson Billy Preston
soupcan Aug 04 2006 10:53 AM |
The music may be nice and bouncy but c'mon.
Edgy DC Aug 04 2006 11:03 AM |
Yes, they did.
But also very different. They may have had nobody who could play like Flea, but they had three or maybe four guys who sang better than Antony Kiedis. The Beach Boys were also guys who started off as a vocal group but became a band. They deserve credit for that. The Peppers started off as a goof that was supposed to last for one show.
Willets Point Aug 04 2006 11:09 AM |
I enjoyed the video for "Dani California". A nice tribute to Rock & Roll History.
soupcan Aug 04 2006 12:12 PM |
Are you sure about that? I distinctly remember reading many stories/interviews with Dolenz, Jones and the other dude whose mom did not invent white-out (Tork?) when they were doing their country-wide tour about 15 years ago or so, wherein they said over and over again that they did not play the instruments on the songs/records/shows because they did not know how. It wasn't until later on that they decided to learn how. However the Peppers started, they were a band at the beginning and The Beach Boys also did not start out as a sitcom.
How are The Monkees different than The Partrdige Family?
Willets Point Aug 04 2006 12:16 PM |
Monkeys are mammals, partridges are birds. Monkeys can flip out and kill people. There's no impication of blood relationship in the Monkees. The Monkees suck less. However, the sex symbol for The Partridge Family is Susan Dey: ![]() The Monkees can only counter with Davy Jones: ![]()
Edgy DC Aug 04 2006 12:28 PM |
Yes, I"m sure. All the Monkees came to the show with some intsturmental abilities, with Tork and Nesmith the most skilled, but had to fight music director on the show Don Kischner for the right to play. By thre third album, their collective insistence ended the prohibitionagainst them playing on the records, and eroded his creative control, but they had already toured as a performing band at that point, again against Kirschner's will.
cooby Aug 04 2006 12:50 PM |
Vic Sage Aug 04 2006 12:54 PM |
Soupy, don't get me mad.
Edgy DC Aug 04 2006 01:23 PM |
sharpie Aug 04 2006 01:36 PM |
More word.
seawolf17 Aug 04 2006 01:38 PM |
I assumed nothing, and I have no ill will towards any of the Monkees. I just don't think they belong anywhere near the top (insert any number here) bands of all time.
Willets Point Aug 04 2006 01:46 PM |
Susan Dey is much hotter.
soupcan Aug 04 2006 02:35 PM |
Please. You're probably a big old teddy bear. A big old sweaty teddy bear, but still..
I never said I didn't like The Monkees music. I do like it in fact. My point was that I don't think that a made-for-TV band should carry as much weight as a 'real' band. However now that you have given me a written history on their evolution I suppose I will acquiesce and say okay they are/were a 'real' band at some point and thus can be a legitimate challenger. I don't have to like that thought So what's next after The Monkees and The Partridge Family? Anybody going to grab The Mosqitos from Gilligan's Island?
Edgy DC Aug 04 2006 02:59 PM Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Aug 05 2006 09:36 AM |
These are also two bands with personal "We're the" songs, but neigther "(Theme from) the Monkees" nor "Nevermind" were used. We were denied.
Vic Sage Aug 04 2006 03:52 PM |
seawolf: "I assumed nothing, and I have no ill will towards any of the Monkees. I just don't think they belong anywhere near the top (insert any number here) bands of all time."
seawolf17 Aug 04 2006 04:01 PM |
I hate giving 10-0 votes as much as I hate 5-5 ties. I wouldn't have put the RHCP songs in the order I did if I didn't think they were better than the Monkees songs they were up against. As I said, I enjoy the Monkees; they'd beat Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds on acid. I have never, ever, ever shilled a vote just because I don't like a band. If I don't know the songs, I don't vote.
Zvon Aug 04 2006 11:44 PM |
"Last Train To Clarksville" vs. "Love Rollercoaster" Monkees
ScarletKnight41 Aug 05 2006 01:47 AM |
"Last Train To Clarksville" vs. "Love Rollercoaster" - Monkees
sharpie Aug 07 2006 02:58 PM |
Hey Hey it's the Monkees 68.5 and the Red Hot Chili Pepper 51.5
soupcan Aug 07 2006 04:08 PM |
Edgy DC Aug 07 2006 04:10 PM |
Give it away.
seawolf17 Aug 07 2006 04:36 PM |
I've lost all faith in the sensibility of this board and of this project.
Edgy DC Aug 07 2006 04:39 PM |
I didn't vote in this one, but I realized very quickly when I was young and this band was hot, that Anthony simply can't sing.
Vic Sage Aug 07 2006 05:14 PM |
Here we come,