Initially considered another in a long line of ambitious disappointments for Eddie Murphy, this film ended up springboarding several cast members to (or toward) stardom, producing the longest-running number-one single, and making big shots of the Hudlin Brothers. Black audiences largely remained fiercely loyal to it, even while acknowledging its flaws.
Robin Givens fell off the map after this. Ms. Edgy laughed at how she tried to do all her acting with her sculpted chin and cheekbones, but maybe the reason she disappeared is because she played the bitch so well that nobody wanted to see her anymore. She wouldn't be the first one.
If you watch closely, sometimes her pushup bras are frighteningly pushing one boobie up further than the other.
Here's a tip to Eddie Murphy. Before allowing a stylist to deck you out and coif you, sit down with the person and look at your films of five years ago and ten years ago. Tell them that you don't want to look as silly when your new film is replayed in five and ten years as you look in five- and ten-year-old films now.