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Trouble with Team Names, split from World Series IGT
cooby Oct 31 2006 11:34 PM |
What does Brady Quinn have to do with it? He's still a little busy.
SteveJRogers Oct 31 2006 11:38 PM |
Projected # 1 pick (yeah this is some 8 months and an entire college football season before the draft and all, but this is the media we're talking about) and the Jets were getting anywhere from 1 to 5 wins in most pre-season prognostications. Good for a top 5 draft pick which is right around Quinn should go next spring.
cooby Oct 31 2006 11:43 PM |
Yeah, I'm right with ya in thinking he's probably going #1 or close to it, but I don't understand your mentioning him in your Pats/Jets comment.
cooby Oct 31 2006 11:44 PM |
Wait, yeah I think I do
metirish Oct 31 2006 11:47 PM |
Quinn is not even close to the # 1 least from what I read...GO IRISH..what a load of's insulting.
cooby Nov 01 2006 08:22 AM |
ND-well me either, I just happened to take note of them this year.
Nymr83 Nov 02 2006 10:51 PM |
why does nobody seem to like sports teams named after their race/religion/nationality? if a college teams decided to call themselves the jews i'd wear their jersey and love it. we need a sports team.
metirish Nov 02 2006 11:02 PM |
You think any of those players or most of the fans know anything about Ireland, I doubt it....and the stupid fool that gets dressed up as a supposed leprechaun is especially insulting to me, ND is not Glasgow Celtic, at least they can say they have a true Irish fan base and that they don't pander to silly sterotypes.
Elster88 Nov 02 2006 11:46 PM Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Nov 04 2006 09:08 AM |
Do the Boston Celtics also bother you?
Edgy DC Nov 02 2006 11:55 PM Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Nov 03 2006 02:25 PM |
I'm with him. It's stupid, and the brand's effect on the ethnic self-identity of countless confused Irish Americans is pathetic.
Willets Point Nov 03 2006 09:19 AM |
Have I got the team for you: Tottenham Hotspur.
cooby Nov 03 2006 09:21 AM |
Minnesota Lutherans would be cool with me
Willets Point Nov 03 2006 09:24 AM |
As a New Englander I'm offended that a group of unworthies took the name Yankees.
Johnny Dickshot Nov 03 2006 09:26 AM |
Redskins is just awful.
Yancy Street Gang Nov 03 2006 09:28 AM |
I've had that same opinion for a while about the Cleveland Spiders, Johnny. A very cool name, and it could be marketed a lot better than "Indians" can.
seawolf17 Nov 03 2006 09:34 AM |
Problem is, aren't the Cleveland Spiders mostly associated with losing something like 247 games in a single season? Not a happy connotation.
Yancy Street Gang Nov 03 2006 09:39 AM |
The Indians have done their share of losing, too.
cooby Nov 03 2006 09:41 AM |
247? No wonder, they must have been tired!
Johnny Dickshot Nov 03 2006 09:47 AM |
The Spiders were actually a pretty good team but were undermined when syndicate ownership transferred all their good players, including Cy Young, to St. Louis prior to the 1899 season, resulting in that one horrendous year.
Edgy DC Nov 03 2006 10:06 AM Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Nov 03 2006 02:39 PM |
We have to look at this with some degree of nuance. There's a difference between calling a team after a local tribe and calling them Redskins
MFS62 Nov 03 2006 10:14 AM |
After reading the posts above, I began thinking, "what is a Hoya"?
Willets Point Nov 03 2006 02:43 PM |
It would be cool if they just went by their English name: The Georgetown Whats.
Nymr83 Nov 03 2006 03:18 PM |
they could have question marks on their sleeves and The Riddler could be the mascot
Rockin' Doc Nov 03 2006 09:37 PM |
Virtually all of the Notre Dame fans I have ever known were Catholics. Their nationality and the name Fighting Irish had nothing to do with their fandom. The teams could be known as the Fighting Catholics of Notre Dame and it would have had no ill effect on their fan base. At least in the case my friends and acquaintances that have been (are) Notre Dame fans.
DocTee Nov 03 2006 09:42 PM |
Not only has ND resisited all efforts to change their mascot/nickname (History Pro Jay Dolan, with whom I've collaborated on a project for fairness in the media regarding Irish Americans, spearheaded that campaign) they went so far as to copyright it! Only they, it seems, have the right to offend the Irish!!
DocTee Nov 03 2006 09:43 PM |
Nymr: would you support a team known as the "hard Bargaining Jews"?
Nymr83 Nov 03 2006 10:05 PM |
that would be boring, i'd support the "Cheap Jews" though, I'd be the first to buy the jersey as i'd find it hilarious
metirish Nov 03 2006 10:15 PM |
You might find it hilarious but I doubt many others would,that name would last about one's not that I don't have a sence of humor, I do, but "fighting irish" to me is just insulting and I would never by a ND ranks up there with " paddywagon" which I still often see used in newspapers over here....IIRC I saw it in the New York Times recently.
Nymr83 Nov 03 2006 10:26 PM |
what is the origin of the term "pattywagon"?
metirish Nov 03 2006 10:30 PM |
Irish people are known as "paddies",that's what the Brits call us,"paddywagon" was coined because the Irish were apparently always drunk and fighting..the cops would come with the "paddywagon" to round them up.
SteveJRogers Nov 03 2006 10:33 PM |
![]() WHAT!?
patona314 Nov 03 2006 10:57 PM |
that is a load of crap. anything that glorifies your culture the way that ND does, should be embraced. ND is special. (btw i'm a penn state fan) in a sports world that embraces politically incorrect identities (redskins, etal) you should be proud of the fighting irish. I'm a kraut (aka german). If there was a team called the "fighting Krauts", half this country would flip the fuck out.
metirish Nov 03 2006 11:06 PM |
It glorifies my culture in what way?......
patona314 Nov 03 2006 11:13 PM |
you're an american. irish+italian+german+polish+indian+etc=american. your culture is one of very few that's look at in a positive light. thank god your'e not french
Edgy DC Nov 03 2006 11:16 PM |
That's a pretty broad, and less than accurate, generalization.
metirish Nov 03 2006 11:16 PM |
I'm from Ireland....and the Irish were not always looked on as positive...I feel bad for Irish-Americans at times...
patona314 Nov 03 2006 11:23 PM |
patona314 Nov 03 2006 11:24 PM |
melting pot?
metirish Nov 03 2006 11:26 PM |
Because they have to deal with silly Irish stereotypes, I remember in the early 90's ND played a few games at Croke and my friends were like...who the fuck are these idiots..fighting irish...what a load of bullshit.....
patona314 Nov 03 2006 11:36 PM |
so you do not think that irish culture is imbedded into american culture? if you don't, you are wrong.
Nymr83 Nov 03 2006 11:38 PM |
Hail! (to a great waste of the seaver post)
patona314 Nov 03 2006 11:38 PM |
that was soooo cool
metirish Nov 03 2006 11:38 PM |
Of course Irish culture is part of this point is that I hate the stereotypes...and not just of irish culture...
patona314 Nov 03 2006 11:46 PM |
i'll give you this.. I went to a bbq last weekend and met a neighbor's wife who was the hottest (I MEAN HOTTEST) red head i have ever seen in my life (freckles and all). If it wasn't for my hot scottish/german wife, i might have been killed by the red head's italian husband.
SteveJRogers Nov 03 2006 11:49 PM |
Four words: Irish Need Not Apply.
patona314 Nov 03 2006 11:52 PM Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Nov 03 2006 11:54 PM |
that was a little rough my people tried to take over the world, do you think the same about me?
SteveJRogers Nov 03 2006 11:53 PM |
SteveJRogers Nov 03 2006 11:57 PM |
Read the quoted text, that is from actual advertizments for work during the 1800's in cities like New York and Chicago. The Irish struggle in this country is was a hard fought one.
patona314 Nov 04 2006 12:03 AM |
Elster88 Nov 04 2006 09:12 AM |
I always thought Fightin Irish meant the football that it was the Notre Dame Irish, and they fought hard to win games. I don't see where the insult is.
DocTee Nov 04 2006 10:26 AM |
The mascot is far worse than the nickname.
metsmarathon Nov 04 2006 10:48 AM |
well, c'mon... is not like they could've called themselves the fightin' french, and expected to win a game!
metsmarathon Nov 04 2006 10:54 AM |
well, that sounds like a fun story to learn more about...
MFS62 Nov 04 2006 11:38 AM |
In Blazing Saddles, Mel Brooks spoofed the Jewish "Lost Tribe" legend by having the Indians speak Yiddish.
DocTee Nov 04 2006 12:01 PM |
Shameless plug: Check out my dissertation: Erin's Hope: The Fenian Brotherhood of New York City, 1858-1886
RealityChuck Nov 04 2006 02:50 PM |
Summarizing, there is no evidence anywhere that this was used in advertisements for workers at any time. All uses of that phrase are tied back to a popular song that used it. Key finding:
DocTee Nov 04 2006 03:07 PM |
Jensen is wrong-- even if NINA signs didn't exist (and they did), anti-Irish discrimination was rampant.
metirish Nov 04 2006 03:16 PM |
When the Baseball HOF did a traveling show a few years back I went to the city to see it, on display was a newspaper ad looking for a 3rd baseman....NINA was part of the ad..
DocTee Nov 04 2006 03:35 PM |
to be fair, I have seen ads in Irish American periodicals from the period that said "Help wanted; none but Irish need apply"
Edgy DC Nov 04 2006 04:32 PM |
Edgy DC Nov 04 2006 04:56 PM |
It's great, except that there were actual deaths in this fandango of a move. Under the notion that, if they can't take Britain, they can take a British outpost, a bunch of Irish-American Fenians pretty much paid off a border guard in northern New York and marched makeshift column into Canada, taking a surprised fort and cutting off railroad and telegraph lines. When the British got wind of what had happened, the redfaced Americans re-fortified the border, cutting off supply lines and making it an easy rout for the counter-attacking Canucks a few days later. But the majority of the Fenian forces slipped back into the US uncaptured.
Yancy Street Gang Nov 04 2006 05:45 PM |
In what year did this happen?
metirish Nov 04 2006 06:06 PM |
martin Nov 04 2006 09:08 PM |
pride or shame in these groups we were born into seems kinda primitive. i think it is a good idea for these groups to be mocked and taunted. it is no big deal. let's be individuals.
RealityChuck Nov 04 2006 09:52 PM |
If the signs existed, can you produce any solid evidence? A photo? An actual contemporaneous account of them (not someone who, probably influenced by the song, said they existed)? Jenson has researched the issue and found only a dozen instances in several hundred thousand pages of documentation? What research have you done on the matter, other than repeat the urban legend? Yes, there was anti-Irish discrimination. There also was anti-Black, anti-Jewish, anti-Italian, anti-Polish, anti-German, and anti-pick-the-ethnic-group-of-your-choice discrimination. The Irish were no worse than any other ethinic group in this regard (and certainly better off than Blacks).
Edgy DC Nov 04 2006 10:48 PM Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Nov 13 2006 07:16 AM |
This is the second such statement like this< after the "Cheap Jews" comment. I don't believe this. The idea might be fun for satire's sake for a short time, but after the novelty wore off, if you saw such a caricature leading to misperceptions about a group and misperceptions by young members of the group about themselves, you'd see it as bad.
DocTee Nov 05 2006 12:20 AM |
Yes, I've read the article. And I've debated Professor Jensen on this issue, one which I've spent a long time researching. He says there are no signs, but produces a dozen examples?? Catholic churches were burned, immigrants were denied political opportunity and otherwise marginalized. To turn the situation around and state that myth has replaced reality is wrong. Only four more months to pitchers and catchers, when we can debate more appropriate topics for his forum, like who should be in our rotation. Cheers,
martin Nov 05 2006 04:12 AM |
incorrect. i do not identify myself strongly with these groups and do not care how they are perceived. i am not some fervent american nationalist that cares about how we are portrayed. i happen to be american, and america is ok with me, but i really do not care if we are misrepresented abroad. all other groups i am a member of, or was born into, i have either left the group or do not care about them at all. besides, nobody with any brains applies silly cartoonish stereotypes to individuals. nobody really thinks that irish are goofy drunken hooligans. and my example of the german soccer team, if that existed, it wouldn't convince anyone that all americans actually were fat oafs. i think it is far more important that we as people learn to think like individuals and stop dividing ourselves into mostly arbitrary groups that you can collectively offend than we protect the feelings of people who seek comfort in these groups. if i were jewish, i certainly would not care about a team called the "cheap jews", because i would have long ago stopped self-identifying as jewish, which is a pretty silly and destructive construct. i certainly take no pride in the goofy southern christian culture of my birth. satire is important, we should always err on the side of too much satire, when weighing satire vs offensiveness.
patona314 Nov 05 2006 07:38 AM |
i think we need a group hug.
Edgy DC Nov 05 2006 08:18 AM Edited 3 time(s), most recently on Nov 13 2006 07:18 AM |
1) Misrepresentations kill.
I don't know what qualifies someone as having brains or why it matters, but people are misled. And it can be dangerous.
Elster88 Nov 05 2006 09:52 AM |
I take it you've never read a single story about Derek Jeter or Alex Rodriguez in the NY Daily News.
martin Nov 05 2006 01:34 PM |
i do not know what you mean. who is applying a stereotype to these guys? however, as an american myself, i am offended that they use the slang term yankees, because people apply the characteristics of the yankees to me. when i go abroad, they yell "you are a soulless mercenary who chokes when it is important to perform and feels entitled to everything! yankee go home!" as a member of the group oppressed by the nickname, i get to define what is offensive. they must change the name now. same with the mets, i am offended as a resident of a metropolitan area.
Elster88 Nov 05 2006 01:52 PM |
Not too quick on the uptake today, huh?
martin Nov 05 2006 01:54 PM |
uptake isnt my specialty.
Edgy DC Nov 06 2006 12:07 AM |
Doesn't the paradox embedded in the second sentence --- "No one has ever seen one of these NINA signs because they were extremely rare or nonexistent" --- discredit the essay right off?
Edgy DC Nov 06 2006 12:34 AM |
This is a wonderful piece of wham! here. Really, the more I read of that article the more it stinks, particularly academically. When he finds evidence that contradicts his thesis, he bends over backwards to dismiss it, apparently because he's too emotionally invested, and then overstates his thesis even more.
martin Nov 13 2006 05:20 AM |
i was discussing stereotypes, and applying them to individuals. i was saying that that cartoonish representations of a group, fighting irish for example, are rarely applied by sane people to individuals. we dont actually meet irish people and think they are silly little fighting freaks like the notre dame mascot. we do not think native americans are really like the goofy grinning face guy on the cleveland cap. and would you really worry about the conclusions drawn by people who are dumb enough to make decisions about a people based on a team name/mascot? that is why i dont think these team names are very damaging to whatever groups are offended by them. and your example of a cartoonish stereotype of arod in jeter in the paper was beside the point and useless in this context, or at least it appears that way to me, and apparently you would rather insult me than explain after i asked what you meant.
Edgy DC Nov 13 2006 07:26 AM |
I don't think hoping for a world where everyone is smarter is going to work if we don't object when people spread stupidity.
MFS62 Nov 13 2006 07:43 AM |
Since this was going to be split off anyhow, why wasn't it moved to the non-baseball forum?
RealityChuck Nov 13 2006 09:04 AM |