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Any Lefty throwing Switch hitters in MLB?
vtmet Nov 28 2006 08:17 PM |
Having a discussion elsewhere about Mark Carreon and Rickey regards to the fact that both were left handed throwers, but right handed hitters...which is an unusual combo since the world of baseball favors lefty hitters and righty throwers...
dinosaur jesus Nov 28 2006 08:21 PM |
I don't know, but add Koufax and Koosman to the lefty throwers, righty hitters. And probably a lot of other lefthanded pitchers who figured they weren't going to hit much anyway, so they might as well protect their pitching hand.
dinosaur jesus Nov 28 2006 08:24 PM |
I do have one for you: Greg Harris, the switch-hitting switch-pitcher.
cooby Nov 28 2006 08:26 PM |
Mazzilli claimed to be able to throw with either arm, but I don't know if he ever did throw lefty in a game.
dinosaur jesus Nov 28 2006 08:28 PM |
I do believe that Mazzilli could throw every bit as well with his left as with his right. So can my grandmother.
seawolf17 Nov 28 2006 08:34 PM |
vtmet Nov 28 2006 08:57 PM |
Thanks... all 3 are bonafide lefties that switch hit... I don't know if I'd consider someone like Mazzilli or Greg Harris in the same category, since I think that both of them were bonafide RH'd throwers that learned to wing-it throwing lefty...Although I do think that the switch hitter and tthrower thing is pretty cool because I do the same thing (it really helps in darts because I can't hit bulls-eyes RH'd, but it's about the only thing that I can hit LH'd)...
Johnny Dickshot Nov 28 2006 09:02 PM |
I can hit bullsye's drunk but not sober
seawolf17 Nov 28 2006 09:04 PM |
I can hit bullseyes sidearm, but I'm worthless overhand. I'm the Chad Bradford of the dart kingdom.
metirish Nov 28 2006 09:07 PM |
Darts if huge in ireland,we would play all the time down the pub, at the time I worked for this English fella and he was shit hot at darts,he used to practice in the dark at times,of course I would try that in my bedroom, you should see to wall around the board....down the pub the lads would call me " the javelin" I threw the dart so hard....
MFS62 Nov 28 2006 09:40 PM |
C'mon, folks.
KC Nov 28 2006 09:58 PM |
We should all meet for darts somewhere one Saturday afternoon. I throw
Johnny Dickshot Nov 28 2006 10:02 PM |
Becase the question asked for switch-hitting lefty throwers?
vtmet Nov 28 2006 10:07 PM |
When you say you throw a "heavy" dart...I take it that you mean that you throw with some heat on your throw? I can't throw darts with that wimpy dart toss that you are supposed to use...when I throw darts you hear a "pop" when the dart hits the board (and it takes a bit of effort to pull the dart back out of the board)...I was visiting my friend a few weeks ago and he plays in dart leagues, he had 3 nice sets of darts of different weights and matter which set of darts that he used, he would occasionally have a dart that would stick in the board and then fall out...I used all three sets of darts and never had one fall out, even when you heard it hit metal first...
metirish Nov 28 2006 10:10 PM |
Phil "the power" Taylor is a legend in the game...has won 12 straight world titles.....back to, I got nothing...
Johnny Dickshot Nov 28 2006 10:13 PM |
I used to play all the time and wasn't that good. The dart jocks at the pub diagnosed my problem as too much arm action. I explained I came from a frisbee background where the wrist is important but especially when powered by a violent forearm snap.
metirish Nov 28 2006 10:15 PM |
Johnny, Rick Peterson could fix the arm action..send you to Alabama for some Bio-Tech stuff and next thing you know you'll be over in England playing for the title .
KC Nov 28 2006 10:15 PM |
Heavy as in weight, and I throw a "wimpy" dart ... unless I'm pissed off because
vtmet Nov 28 2006 10:17 PM |
I think that the hardest thing to do in darts is to "double in" and "double out"...I'm great at "tripling in" and "tripling out" and suck at trying to almost miss the board, so ahead of the match, I'll try to talk my opponent into letting me have to "triple in" instead...sometimes it works since it's obvious by my first throw that is moving at a good velocity that I'm not a shark...I've got a similar problem in tee-ing off in golf...I can't tee off with a golf swing, instead my swing looks more Dave Kingman's baseball "all or nothing" swing...
vtmet Nov 28 2006 10:21 PM |
Thanks, I heard the term "heavy dart" before but I guess that I misinterpretted what they far as the "good" board, I don't think that the dart was the problem for my friend, I think it was a good board that was in his basement for too many damp Springs...
Johnny Dickshot Nov 28 2006 10:22 PM |
One thing I could always do was double in at 15. You're making me want to go play darts again.
Frayed Knot Nov 28 2006 10:23 PM |
Did your grandmother?
vtmet Nov 28 2006 10:23 PM |
Wasn't the original question, but I have to admit that I forgot that Cleon was a Lefty thrower...I did remember that he was a RH hitter though...
metirish Nov 28 2006 10:25 PM |
Double 16 was my shot..but who the hell couldn't hit that....3 and 19.....was the killer for me...
vtmet Nov 28 2006 10:30 PM |
It's funny how it's easier to hit certain spots on the board than others, which makes "301" easier for me than "Cricket" is... Funny thing is, I thought that in "301" you had to "double in" and "double out" and that you could get triple points for hitting a "triple"...however, I was just reading some online dart rules, and it doesn't mention anything about triples, and only mentions that you have to "double out", doesn't mention that you have to "double in"...
KC Nov 28 2006 10:37 PM |
301? Is that like 501 Lite?
dinosaur jesus Nov 28 2006 10:37 PM |
Old Granny Hamner? No. She was dying to, but they wouldn't let her.
Edgy DC Nov 28 2006 10:40 PM |
The reason, I suppose the lefty-throwing/switch-batting combo is so rare is that the true advantage of switch hitting is natural righthanded hitters (who are almost always righthanded throwers) get closer to first base and protect themselves from bailing out 70% of the time or more.
RealityChuck Nov 28 2006 10:42 PM |
All lefty throwing switch hitters in MLB, not counting pitchers, through 2005:
patona314 Nov 28 2006 10:43 PM |
i always thought it was the righty curveball, being a lefty and such
dinosaur jesus Nov 28 2006 10:46 PM |
Damn. Nice work.
vtmet Nov 28 2006 10:47 PM |
I thought that the game was called "301" but you can play it as "301", "501" or "701"...Kind of like "Rummy 500" can be played to differnet point totals...
Johnny Dickshot Nov 28 2006 10:47 PM |
Anyone who saw his amazing turn on the Brady Bunch knew Wes Parker was doing TV. I didn;t know he was LH throwing switchie.
vtmet Nov 28 2006 10:49 PM |
Nice list Chuck...a lot more common than I thought..thank you...
Edgy DC Nov 28 2006 10:55 PM |
A mere three Mets in history.
vtmet Nov 28 2006 10:57 PM |
true, but more common than left handed throwing catchers in mlb history...
metirish Nov 28 2006 11:00 PM |
501 is the game that's played in the World Title games...11 dart finish is something else to see...
cooby Nov 28 2006 11:05 PM |
Granny Hamner? As in Earl Hamner Jr? You're not John Boy, are you?
RealityChuck Nov 29 2006 09:04 AM |
Yeah -- it was a quick and dirty query from the Lahman database. Evidently Altrock played outfield once or twice (it was probably the same for Yde).