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Little Children

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Dec 24 2006 10:44 AM

D-Dad and I saw this yesterday. I liked it more than he did, but I didn't love it.

This is an actor's piece, let by Kate Winslet and a very strong supporting cast. I related to the boredom and ennui in the suburbs aspect of the film, which is why I got into it more than D-Dad, but ultimately the film's meanderings didn't draw me in. It was only a 2 hour, 10 minute film, but it felt much longer than that. Not a horrible film, but not compelling.

Dec 24 2006 12:25 PM

I liked it quite a bit. I thought Kate Winslet was fab as was the creepy child molester guy and his "date." Yes, it's an actors movie but that's okay with me. Felt like a '70's movie to me, not so neatly tied up and asking more questions than answering.

John Cougar Lunchbucket
Mar 17 2008 11:50 AM

I was looking for this review after I saw this flick recently. Very good movie about how to be a lousy parent and/or spouse.

Jackie Earle is the creepiest and most sympathetic guy ever.