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Extra Innings Exclusively on DirecTV
Yancy Street Gang Jan 21 2007 08:13 AM |
This sucks:
ScarletKnight41 Jan 21 2007 08:57 AM |
That suxx! I had really enjoyed having Extra Innings on cable :(
soupcan Jan 21 2007 09:08 AM |
Totally sux.
Yancy Street Gang Jan 21 2007 10:03 AM |
I loved having Extra Innings last year. If this deal goes down, I think I'm going to have to get myself a dish.
Frayed Knot Jan 21 2007 10:09 AM Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Jan 21 2007 10:14 AM |
As mentioned there, this is what the NFL has done for years now - withhold their 'Sunday Ticket' service from Cable operators in exchange for the big bucks they get from Direct TV's exclusivity agreement.
metirish Jan 21 2007 10:11 AM |
This sucks donkey balls....
KC Jan 21 2007 10:22 AM Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Jan 21 2007 02:50 PM |
Fuck them and their ancestors. This would have been my fourth year with
cooby Jan 21 2007 10:33 AM |
You know, the thing is, it seems like even you folks who live closer to NY have to change the way you watch the Mets and other teams every couple of years.
DocTee Jan 21 2007 10:38 AM |
I already have DirecTV, but much preferred when we had DISH network. I'll have tosee what it costs-- I do like NFL network, which comes free and re-broadcasts many Sunday games during the week (in addition to several Thursday exclusives).
ScarletKnight41 Jan 21 2007 10:54 AM |
I'm not quite on a fuck sports kick, but I'm not buying a dish just to watch out of market games.
Yancy Street Gang Jan 21 2007 11:00 AM |
I wouldn't get a dish for out-of-market games either. I only watched Mets games on Extra Innings anyway. But if I want to follow the Mets in 2007 like I did in 2006, and I have to switch to DirecTV to do it, then I just might go ahead and make the change.
KC Jan 21 2007 11:06 AM |
Responding to SK's post ...
cooby Jan 21 2007 11:34 AM |
We had a dish for a few years just to watch the Mets, I'm not immune...
ScarletKnight41 Jan 21 2007 11:48 AM |
We just like being able to watch baseball games, even when the Mets aren't on. We're particularly fond of NESN, not due to any affinity for the BoSox, but because Jerry Remy's Bahston accent cracks us up. But not enough so that we're putting a dish up.
DocTee Jan 21 2007 12:07 PM |
Living in California I see more than ten Mets games: six vs. the Giants, and whatever is on TBS or WGN (Braves and Cubs). Plus whatever FOX and ESPN have to offer-- I'd have to say I get like 30-40 games each season.
metsmarathon Jan 21 2007 12:30 PM |
well, i already have directv, and am gloriously unaffected this time around.
cooby Jan 21 2007 12:32 PM |
Right you are Doc Tee, I forgot about WGN; I think I get that too
Farmer Ted Jan 21 2007 01:11 PM |
Fuck MLB. I don't want their shit channel. I have the NFL network and it's ass. Cookie-cutter bullshit hurts the fans.
Yancy Street Gang Jan 21 2007 02:18 PM |
I already have TiVo. I read this morning that DirecTV and TiVo are having some kind of compatibility issue. Shows sometimes don't show up in the Season Pass and don't get recorded. Have you experienced that?
Edgy DC Jan 21 2007 03:58 PM |
Whats wrong with
ScarletKnight41 Jan 21 2007 04:06 PM |
Because it's a red letter day?
KC Jan 21 2007 04:24 PM |
I edited poor to pour and was pointing it out in red.
Yancy Street Gang Jan 21 2007 04:26 PM |
I don't want to sit in front of my PC to watch a game. I want to watch from the comfort of my family room. I had in 2005, and it was a far inferior experience.
Edgy DC Jan 21 2007 04:31 PM |
Certainly. But when the alternative is springing for a new TV system...
ScarletKnight41 Jan 21 2007 04:59 PM |
The alternative isn't springing for a new tv system. The alternative is mentally telling MLB to fuck off -- if they're not going to make it for us to view their product, we're not going to go out of our way to do so.
Yancy Street Gang Jan 21 2007 05:19 PM |
Again, it's different for you Scarlett. You use Extra Innings to see the Twins and the Brewers. I use it to see the Mets. I enjoyed being able to watch all the games I watched in 2006. If I want to repeat that in 2007, and I do, I may have to sign up with DirecTV. Whether or not I actually do that or not remains to be seen, but I'm considering it.
ScarletKnight41 Jan 21 2007 05:57 PM |
You're right - I'm in a market with more local options than yours.
KC Jan 21 2007 06:10 PM |
I think it's total bullshit what they do (in case my profanity laden tirade this
ScarletKnight41 Jan 21 2007 06:18 PM |
You're right. It is bullshit.
KC Jan 21 2007 06:41 PM |
Here's their swanky addy ...
ScarletKnight41 Jan 21 2007 07:13 PM |
Do they have a less swanky e-mail addy?
Frayed Knot Jan 21 2007 10:23 PM |
This all reminds me of the time (early '90s?) when MLB sold their entire network package ('Game of the Week' plus ASG & all post-season) to CBS, breaking the long-running streak of 'GotW' on NBC and a split ABC/NBC post-season.
Sandgnat Jan 22 2007 10:38 AM |
Of course, they could just get Direct TV.
metsmarathon Jan 22 2007 10:59 AM |
i would tend to think that they make less money by making the deal exclusive to one provider, as compared to all the money they could make by allowing anybody to pay for it irrespective of their cable or satellite system.
Frayed Knot Jan 22 2007 12:35 PM |
I suspect that it's partly - if not largely - a way to gain a foothold for their MLB channel as an agreement to carry the new channel whenever it launches is most likely linked as part of the deal. It'll save them any possible embarrasment if they were to lauch a channel only to either have everyone yawn, or, worse yet, not get their price.
Frayed Knot Jan 23 2007 09:22 AM |
From Baseball Prospectus: DirecTV is paying a whopping $100 million a year over seven years for these rights. Based on the information in the Sports Business Journal, that represents a five-fold increase over what inDemand was paying for the rights to EI. This is a considerable boost to MLB’s bottom line, although the marginal gain isn’t necessarily over the $20 million or so they were making under the previous deal, but over the reported $70 million a year SBJ claims inDemand offered.
Yeah, but what's that compared to a $1mil/team/yr increase in revenue?
KC Jan 23 2007 09:46 AM |
I ain't going to keep harping on this, but I just feel like it's always something
KC Jan 23 2007 09:58 AM |
And just one kinda related point. There are by my count four ways for me to
Yancy Street Gang Jan 23 2007 10:03 AM |
I'm thinking I might get the cheapest DirecTV package and keep my digital cable as well. Not the cheapest option, but given all the issues I've been hearing and reading about concerning DirecTV, especially regarding weather and TiVo, it's probably better than putting all of my television eggs in one basket.
Yancy Street Gang Jan 23 2007 03:56 PM |
From Sports Illustrated:
KC Jan 23 2007 04:12 PM |
Draggin' Rose and Canseco and steroids in makes the piece kinda, no very,
Edgy DC Jan 23 2007 04:18 PM |
True that, but many a good writer gets stuck for a lead and uses a tortured metaphor like that.
ScarletKnight41 Jan 23 2007 04:27 PM |
I'm with Kase on this one. The facts of this situation are offensive enough. Why divert attention away from that with unrelated matters?
metsmarathon Jan 23 2007 04:38 PM |
take it in the canseco. get it? 'cause canseco's an ass! ha!
KC Jan 23 2007 04:40 PM |
SK: >>>I'm with Kase on this one.<<<
ScarletKnight41 Jan 23 2007 05:34 PM |
I'm sure there was another time a week or two ago.
Edgy DC Jan 23 2007 07:00 PM |
I'm not saying Kase is wrong, I'm sympathizing with a bad writing job.
ScarletKnight41 Jan 23 2007 07:04 PM |
The hell with bad writers!
Edgy DC Jan 23 2007 07:11 PM |
Um, yeah!
cooby Jan 23 2007 10:29 PM |
Yancy, I don't think this is going to happen until 2009, I wouldn't do anything yet. Unless I'm reading everything wrong.
Frayed Knot Jan 23 2007 10:34 PM |
The exclusive deal with DirecTV would start with the '07 season.
cooby Jan 23 2007 10:35 PM |
Ah...I went back and reread that and still didn't catch that, thank you, Frayed Knot. Now I see Yancy's dilemma.
Sandgnat Jan 24 2007 11:50 AM |
I can't comment about the Tivo issue since I know nothing about it. I can tell you that you can get a HD receiver with DVR from DirecTV and everyone I know who has that loves it.
Yancy Street Gang Jan 30 2007 09:15 AM |
No new developments on this story. There's been quite a backlash from the fans, but no indication that the groundswell of anger and dismay will do anything to derail the deal.
silverdsl Jan 30 2007 09:28 AM |
Considering how much money is involved in this deal, I think that will probably outweigh the complaints from the fans.
Yancy Street Gang Jan 30 2007 09:34 AM |
I'm sure.
Frayed Knot Jan 30 2007 09:59 AM |
Except that a lot of what this is about is an apparent quid pro quo with DirecTV to save a spot for the MLB channel when it launches. The cable systems, who have managed to resist putting the NFL & NBA channels on their main tier quite easily, wouldn't be expected to lay down the red carpet when baseball comes knocking with their new toy either.
ABG Jan 30 2007 12:38 PM |
The relevant guy to email apparently is Bob Bowman:
soupcan Jan 30 2007 01:48 PM |
Just so happens that I know Mr. Bowman.
Johnny Dickshot Jan 30 2007 02:00 PM |
Then introduce him to Billy Squier, ya Starfucker.
soupcan Jan 30 2007 02:03 PM |
You make me laugh Mr. Dickshot.
cooby Jan 30 2007 02:23 PM |
I hate to break this to you, but meeting Billy Squire is not pee your pants exciting.
soupcan Jan 30 2007 02:31 PM |
I never claimed that the Billy Squier incident was anything more than an embarassing 'DOH!' moment for me.
Willets Point Jan 30 2007 02:41 PM |
Takes a Dickshot to know a Starfucker.
metirish Jan 30 2007 02:43 PM |
What's with Billy Squier?...
Johnny Dickshot Jan 30 2007 02:45 PM |
Billy Squier and Soupcan are drinking buddies. Sometimes they go out on the town with Bob Bowman of MLB Advanced Media.
metirish Jan 30 2007 02:55 PM |
WOW..I mean Squier used to be famous......soupcan,does he regale you with stories of his heyday?
ScarletKnight41 Jan 30 2007 02:56 PM |
It wasn't quite that way. Soup met Mr. Squier at a party, but didn't know who he was until Squier was leaving.
ABG Jan 30 2007 02:57 PM |
This thread has really taken a turn for the lame.
seawolf17 Jan 30 2007 03:00 PM |
Has Billy Squier met Rusty Staub? That'd be a boring conversation.
soupcan Jan 30 2007 03:01 PM |
Absolutely. He even wears the pink teddy when we go out.
Johnny Dickshot Jan 30 2007 03:17 PM |
I'm really being a douche lately. I killed Edgy's Yogi berra thread yesterday too. Sorry.
Edgy DC Jan 30 2007 03:21 PM |
It ain't dead until it's dead.
metirish Jan 30 2007 04:37 PM |
Farmer Ted Jan 30 2007 04:38 PM |
Jilted again?
cooby Jan 30 2007 05:25 PM |
Like I said yesterday, it's as much the Mets fault as MLB's. Everything was just fine until they had to get their own channel.
This is an interesting point. I wonder how long it'll be until we can't listen to them on WFAN anymore either
Yancy Street Gang Jan 31 2007 09:49 AM |
soupcan Jan 31 2007 10:17 AM |
Just so I understand -
Yancy Street Gang Jan 31 2007 10:39 AM |
I'm thinking I'm going to have to sign up for DirecTV.
Frayed Knot Jan 31 2007 04:15 PM |
And, gee whiz, what a shock that Mike & the Mad Dog are:
Yancy Street Gang Jan 31 2007 04:49 PM |
How are they misunderstanding it?
Yancy Street Gang Jan 31 2007 08:59 PM |
If I had any hope that this DirecTV thing wouldn't go through, it's dashed by the news that John Kerry is going to try to stop it.
cooby Jan 31 2007 09:14 PM |
That's horsehockey, I couldn't watch the Mets last year on Extra Innings and I'm not in their local market, I don't care what they say. Everybody (Yancy I know you already have checked it out), please check into it before you invest in all that stuff (a dish, Extra innings subscription, etc, etc, will not be cheap) before you spend one cent and make sure you are in the right market. Even if you are, I don't think it's worth it.
Frayed Knot Jan 31 2007 11:04 PM |
They were confused as to this affecting the 'Extra Innings' package and, were instead, seemingly under the impression that MLB was somehow trying to prevent ALL telecasts from going out of market; ie. stopping Yanqui games from appearing on 'YES' broadcasts except on systems within the NYC area, etc. I know they've been in Florida all week talking SB 24/7 but it's not like this issue has been kept secret for the last 10 days or so. Also, now that I think about it, night-time host Steve Somers was totally unaware of the issue also the other night when asked about it by a caller - although in his case I'm used to him being clueless & uninformed. M&MD, to their credit, are usually up to date on their facts before staking out an elistist's positions.
Frayed Knot Jan 31 2007 11:09 PM |
Kerry: "I am opposed to anything that deprives people of reasonable choices, ... a Red Sox fan ought to be able to watch their team without having to switch to DirecTV."
Centerfield Feb 01 2007 03:34 PM |
![]() Um, let me check....nope! No decency here.
Frayed Knot Feb 01 2007 04:16 PM |
Actually, I was directing that line at Sen Kerry in a lame attempt to emulate the time the same line was said to Sen Joe McCarthy under very different circumstances ... but it works for MadDog too.
metirish Feb 02 2007 11:35 AM |
Neil Best who covers TV and Radio for Newsday..
Best also reports that on SNY the NY Titans lacrosse team scored higher ratings than the Islanders game on FSNY and the Devil's game on MSG..had hockey ever been more dead?
ABG Feb 02 2007 11:42 AM |
M&MD have a vested interest in the widening subscriber base of Direct TV--YES is picked up through DTV, bringing them a wider audience.
This is, quite frankly, crap. It's not duplicitous to raise a relevant point under consideration while not debating an already-answered question. [nbf] Extending our your rationale, you would tell John Kerry he was being duplicitous for criticizing a troop surge in Iraq while not taking President Johnson to task for sending more troops to Vietnam. [/nbf]
Edgy DC Feb 02 2007 12:05 PM |
Frayed Knot Feb 02 2007 12:24 PM |
How is MLB's (potential) contract with an exclusive provider something to be subject to gov't regulations while the NFL's identical arrangement is "an already answered question"? Simply because the one deal has been ignored up to now hardly means it's been legally sanctioned or that it should continued to be ignored.
ABG Feb 02 2007 01:11 PM |
Edgy DC Feb 02 2007 01:24 PM |
The contract is active (and "consideration" can take place at any time). The Vietnam War is not.
Yancy Street Gang Feb 03 2007 08:54 AM |
This article in the Los Angeles Times suggests that the deal may be in jeopardy because of the backlash, but I'm skeptical.
Edgy DC Feb 03 2007 09:12 AM |
Be skeptical. But keep lashing back.
Yancy Street Gang Feb 09 2007 02:09 PM |
From Baseball Digest Daily. Apparently people who complain to MLB are getting some pretty unsatisfactory responses.
Yancy Street Gang Feb 23 2007 12:22 PM |
ABG Feb 23 2007 03:36 PM |
Anything to slow it down...
KC Feb 23 2007 05:10 PM |
Don't want to slow it down too much. If they block it, then a deal has to be
Yancy Street Gang Mar 04 2007 12:58 PM |
Looks like Comcast will lose my business to DirecTV in the next few weeks. The only thing that really sucks about this for me is that I can't get most of the Phillies games on DirecTV. (I'll get the over-the-air games, but not the ones on cable.) So I'll see very few of the 19 Mets-Phillies games, and some of the ones in September might be very important. I don't care about any of the other Phillies games, though. Just the 19 against the Mets.
cooby Mar 04 2007 01:03 PM |
"As for this deal, what fascinates me is I have spent a lot of time going over it and trying to find out who can't get (DIRECTV)," Selig said
Yancy Street Gang Mar 08 2007 02:22 PM |
Rumor has it the deal will be officially announced this afternoon.
Yancy Street Gang Mar 08 2007 03:13 PM |
Major League Baseball, DIRECTV to Host 4:15 P.M. (EST) Conference Call Today
soupcan Mar 08 2007 03:26 PM |
"Hi, um this is Soup Cann, representing the Crane Pool Picayune Times."
Edgy DC Mar 08 2007 03:28 PM |
Sue Pecan.
soupcan Mar 08 2007 03:30 PM |
Couldn't pull it off - I'm a baritone.
KC Mar 08 2007 03:42 PM |
Pox on them and their ancestors. I hope they all get big
Yancy Street Gang Mar 08 2007 03:50 PM |
I don't blame DirecTV in this at all. They're not doing anything that will adversely affect their clients. It's MLB who are the bad guys here, showing disregard for their clients (that is, fans.)
metirish Mar 08 2007 03:52 PM |
Of course Selig has the owners to think about....fuck us fans.
Yancy Street Gang Mar 08 2007 04:01 PM |
I read that the San Diego owner wasn't happy about this. Padres games aren't available on satellite in San Diego. That means that anyone who lives in that market and gets DirecTV won't be able to watch Padre telecasts.
KC Mar 08 2007 05:20 PM |
How much was MLB.TV last year? This year it's $90, which seems a little
metirish Mar 08 2007 07:05 PM |
So what was the announcement ?
KC Mar 08 2007 07:09 PM |
KC Mar 08 2007 07:48 PM |
Well, no one says that InDemand or whoever is gonna come through, but
Yancy Street Gang Mar 08 2007 07:48 PM |
I haven't used it since 2005, but you were able to make it full screen, but the picture wasn't too clear. I had to push my chair back from the PC so I wouldn't notice the pixels so much.
cooby Mar 08 2007 08:09 PM |
Yancy Street Gang Mar 08 2007 08:32 PM |
That sop to cable is just to get Congress off their backs.
Edgy DC Mar 08 2007 09:06 PM |
It's improved, in picture quality and in delivery. Not perfect.
Frayed Knot Mar 08 2007 10:32 PM |
Well, sort of. What they're doing is offering the Cable systems an opportunity to match the deal DirecTV signed ... but the kicker is that they'll need to agree to place the yet-to-be launched MLB channel on a basic tier. That - to most if not all of the cable systems - is akin to a poison pill. They don't want program suppliers dictating to them where and how to market their packages and I can't see there being that big a demand for the channel (not available until 2009) for them to swallow this. On a grand scale there simply weren't that many subscribers to the 'Extra Innings' package to make that worth that bargain.
Why? For DirecTV and their viewers nothing has changed.
cooby Mar 09 2007 06:17 AM |
I just mean that what was supposed to be an exclusive deal for DirectTV has suddenly been possibly compromised
Frayed Knot Mar 09 2007 10:21 AM |
On a side note from the TV world, the traditional Saturday afternoon 'Game of the Week' is somewhat improved.
Edgy DC Mar 09 2007 11:36 AM |
A possible sweet cherry on top of that sweet bonus is perhaps, by showing a game every week, FOX will be less inclined in the post-season to treat viewers like they've never seen a baseball game before. ("A change-up is a pitch that goes reeeealy sloooow.")
Yancy Street Gang Mar 09 2007 07:23 PM |
I'm wondering: Am I really the only out-of-towner on this forum who watches the Mets on Extra Innings?
cooby Mar 09 2007 08:13 PM |
We had MLB Extra Innings last year, but I still could not watch the Mets.
Yancy Street Gang Mar 09 2007 08:33 PM |
It really is absurd that you're in the Mets blackout area.
cooby Mar 09 2007 09:25 PM |
Nope, comcast said no.
ScarletKnight41 Mar 09 2007 09:59 PM |
Comcast suxx :(
soupcan Mar 09 2007 11:54 PM |
My father-in-law had it at his summer house in Massachusetts last summer and it was great. We go up there with the kids as often as possible, so after years of being Mets-less during summer weekends, finally being able to watch them there was a treat. He said he enjoyed it so much that if he has to get DirecTV he will.
Frayed Knot Mar 10 2007 09:17 AM |
The number ordering 'Extra Innings' isn't all that many when viewed on a national scale -- about 700-800K homes from what I've read - with more than half of them already getting it through DirecTV and a certain portion of the rest will (or at least can) switch to it now. All of which explains why both Selig and sports radio jocks have been quick to dismiss the fuss over this as "no big deal". My father lives out of state and has been a EI customer for years now (thru DirecTV) specifically to get Met games
Yancy Street Gang Mar 10 2007 10:16 AM |
That's exactly how I feel. I placed the order last night, and installation will probably be next week.
Yancy Street Gang Mar 19 2007 03:40 PM |
Well, I am now a DirecTV subscriber. The dish was installed on my house on Saturday, and I have three receivers, one for each television.
soupcan Mar 19 2007 05:09 PM |
That's a good bonus. That was the one thing I missed watching Extra Innings. The game would basically begin on the first pitch and pretty much end right after the last out.
A Boy Named Seo Mar 20 2007 03:03 PM |
Add one to that 800K figure as I'm a new dish/Extra Innings person, too. Guy just left about a half hour ago. I ordered the same thing Yancy did, and am planning on the sports thing, too, to get SNY and Fox Soccer.
Frayed Knot Mar 21 2007 12:59 PM |
[url=]'Not so fast' says 'In Demand'[/url]
Yancy Street Gang Mar 21 2007 01:14 PM |
Too late!
Kid Carsey Mar 21 2007 04:08 PM |
Yancy Street Gang Mar 28 2007 03:08 PM |
Here's the latest on my DirecTV adventure. Anyone who's planning to get MLB Extra Innings this season should pay attention:
I call DirecTV to verify this, and they say yes, it is necessary because the phone line is used to see which market I'm in so that the satellite box knows which games need to be blacked out. The rep I was speaking to told me that I don't need to wire any phone jacks, I can just buy wireless jacks at Circuit City or Wal Mart. (You plug a transmitter into your phone jack and a receiver into an outlet behind your TV.) She even gave me a couple of make and model numbers that are compatible with DirecTV's satellite receivers. I go to Wal Mart's and Circuit City's web sites, and find that the model numbers no longer exist. They've been discontinued. I can get them on eBay, but they run about $40 to $50 each. Since I have three TV's, that's a lot of money to spend since the installer was willing to do it as part of the free installation. So I call DirecTV again, and they tell me that my installation comes with a 90-day warranty, and since it wasn't completed to my satisfaction, they'd schedule a follow-up at no charge. I arranged for them to come yesterday morning, since I was working from home. At 9 a.m. a two-man crew arrives. I explain the situation, and the guy tells me that 1) it's NOT necessary to have a phone line for sports programming because the box already knows where it is, which is why I'm able to get Philadelphia local channels and not channels from other markets, and 2) that he doesn't do phone lines anyway (Clearly they sent the wrong guy.) and 3) he has the NFL package with no phone line and it knows to blackout the Eagles games for him. He then calls his boss on the phone, and the boss verifies that no phone line is needed for Extra Innings. I tell him, look, some people tell me I need a phone line and others don't. But I DON'T want to turn on a baseball game next week and find out that I can't watch it. But since the guy in my house can't do phone lines, there's no point in keeping him hostage. We agree that I'll try to view a ballgame on Monday when the season opens, and if I can't they'll deliver me four wireless jacks on Tuesday at a total discounted cost of $100. (The normal price, according to this one guy, is $80 each.) What can I do? I agree to that deal and let him go. THEN, later the same day at 5:30 p.m. a DirecTV van pulls into my driveway. I had no idea they were coming. They're the guys who can install phone jacks. They again make a convincing argument that I don't need the jacks. They do these installs for a living and they've seen many customers who get the NBA or NFL packages and don't have or need a phone line. Maybe it's different for MLB, I ask? No, he answers. If it was, they'd have been briefed in a meeting. But he'll call DirecTV anyway to get the straight scoop. He calls, and they tell him that yes, you DO need the phone line. It's in order to enable all those silly interactive features that Bud Selig is so excited about. I ask, I don't care about interactive features. I just want to watch a baseball game. Can I watch the game without the phone line? And the answer again is no. The interactive features are apparently bundled in with the rest of the Extra Innings that the whole deal falls apart without a phone connection. So the guys reluctantly agree to install the phone jacks. They had been on their way home when they got dispatched to my house, and thanks to me they had to extend their days by three hours to install these jacks that may or may not have been necessary. And that's where we are now. I have the jacks. Everything seems GO for baseball season. Hopefully this is the last chapter of my DirecTV installation story. If you're getting Extra Innings and you don't have phone jacks near your television, you may want to start making some phone calls.
Frayed Knot Mar 28 2007 04:11 PM |
Two things:
Yancy Street Gang Mar 28 2007 04:25 PM |
I wouldn't have known how to even begin to install new phone jacks. It took those technicians three hours to do it, so I can only imagine how long it would have taken me to do it.
metirish Mar 28 2007 04:27 PM |
What a run around you got Yancy...hope all is ok after that crap.
A Boy Named Seo Mar 28 2007 07:16 PM |
Yancy- Thanks for the heads up. My install guy told me the same regarding the phone line. I would need it for PPV, but not for the Extra Innings package. I have a phone line connected to the receiver in the living room anyway, but not to the receiver in the bedroom. The install guy said it wouldn't matter for the baseball package, I'd be able to watch it in the bedroom just the same and it looks like he's right.
Yancy Street Gang Mar 28 2007 07:38 PM |
Thanks, I'll do that.
Frayed Knot Mar 28 2007 10:26 PM |
"I wouldn't have known how to even begin to install new phone jacks. It took those technicians three hours to do it, so I can only imagine how long it would have taken me to do it."
Yancy Street Gang Mar 29 2007 06:53 PM |
They're a day late and a dollar short, but I got a letter from Comcast today telling me that, as a 2006 Extra Innings subscriber, they'd offer me a one-time $89.00 credit towards the purchase of a year's subscription to MLB TV.
Kid Carsey Mar 29 2007 07:07 PM |
The whole saga from start to finish sBHMC. I'm glad you're happy, but I
Yancy Street Gang Mar 30 2007 08:31 AM |
I don't know that I'm happy.
cooby Mar 30 2007 08:55 AM |
I predict that in a year or two, you'll be going through a whole nuther process to watch them.
Yancy Street Gang Mar 30 2007 09:11 AM |
I have a feeling you're right, cooby, although your timeframe is probably a little too pessimistic. This DirecTV deal runs seven years, so I should be good for that long. A better option may come along before the seven years is up, though, so I may jump ship before 2013 but if I do at least it will be by my choice.
Frayed Knot Mar 30 2007 10:01 AM |
The biggest change over the next few years is likely to be the introduction of the MLB channel and whatever programming will wind up being shown exclusively there.
Kid Carsey Apr 02 2007 01:07 PM |
Broke down and got for a month today to try it out. It kinda sucks but
Kid Carsey Apr 03 2007 04:30 PM |
Here's one for the holy crap file:
Yancy Street Gang Apr 03 2007 04:33 PM |
Same thing happened to me. (See the fourth post on this page, above.)
Kid Carsey Apr 03 2007 04:43 PM |
I'm senile.
Farmer Ted Apr 05 2007 09:13 AM Fans win |
NEW YORK (AP) -- After negotiations that went into extra innings, baseball struck a deal to keep its "Extra Innings" package of out-of-market games on cable television.
Frayed Knot Apr 05 2007 09:23 AM |
"40 million" certainly sounds like a lot when quoted w/o any context but really isn't when compared to all cable-wired homes in the country. Sounds to me that the new MLB channel will NOT be put onto the most basic tier for most systems and that MLB caved somewhat from their initial stance.
Kid Carsey Apr 05 2007 09:33 AM |
Yancy Street Gang Apr 05 2007 09:35 AM |
I'm glad that the cable subscribers will be able to watch their baseball.
Frayed Knot Apr 05 2007 09:45 AM |
I don't know how well these sport-specific channels (NFL, NBA, Golf, etc) are doing, but all these sports want one because it gives them the ability to control their own product and, even if they're mosey losers now, they see them as the wave of the future.
Kid Carsey Apr 10 2007 09:51 PM |
Cablevision ain't exactly rushing to get the service on.
metirish May 04 2007 04:17 PM |
Frayed Knot May 04 2007 04:30 PM |
"Cablevision said “Extra Innings’’ would be available immediately at a price of $159"
Kid Carsey May 04 2007 04:56 PM |
Freakin's whores is all they are, from the top down. Whore I talked to said