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Minor League Affiliates
Benjamin Grimm Jan 24 2007 09:25 AM |
I'm compiling a history of Mets affiliates for the UMDB, and I've been using old Sporting News Baseball Guides and yearbooks as sources. Since soupcan posted a yearbook thread today, I thought I'd share what I have so far in case anyone is interested in helping me fill in some of the gaps.
Edgy DC Jan 24 2007 09:30 AM |
So this marks the first time ever the Mets aren't in the International League.
Johnny Dickshot Jan 24 2007 09:34 AM |
The Mets had some prehistorical working agreements with low-minors teams in 1961: Mobile of the Southern Association and Raleigh of the Piedmont League.
Edgy DC Jan 24 2007 09:39 AM |
You've got to get Savannah and Kingsport in there for 2007.
Benjamin Grimm Jan 24 2007 09:49 AM |
I wasn't sure if the Mets were still going to be in Kingsport. I did know about Savannah, though. I wasn't sure of the history of the Gulf Coast Mets. Are they the same as the Sarasota Mets, but only with a different name? (Maybe so. My 1989 yearbook mentions the Sarasota Mets.)
Edgy DC Jan 24 2007 10:03 AM |
I think it's the Gulf Coast League and all the affiliates are the Gulf Coast This and the Gulf Coast That, stationed in golf towns within a few hundred miles of each other. The common nomenclature sounds like a latter day development.
Sandgnat Jan 24 2007 10:07 AM |
What about the VSL Mets of the Venezuelan Summer League?
Frayed Knot Jan 24 2007 11:19 AM |
The current GC-Mets of the (entry level) Gulf Coast League are heading into only their 3rd year of existance and are not a continuation or relocation of any earlier line. They were concocted strictly as an extra (7th) affiliate.
Edgy DC Jan 24 2007 11:24 AM |
That's what I thought, but then I went ot confirm it, and this page showed me what looked like the team going back to 1983, and records back to 1988.
Vic Sage Jan 25 2007 08:10 AM |
i was wondering... we've had a structure of:
Benjamin Grimm Jan 25 2007 08:14 AM |
It actually goes back farther than that. I have an updated list that I can post. Please hold...
Benjamin Grimm Jan 25 2007 08:16 AM |
Mets 1962 Minor League Affiliates
Edgy DC Jan 25 2007 08:20 AM |
It's pretty typical, but we have one more team than most and two more than some.
Vic Sage Jan 25 2007 08:24 AM |
well, yes, they used that structure sporadically from 1967 on, but its apparently been the structure since 1980 (with at least 1 and sometimes 2 rookie league teams). Are you saying the Mets have no rookie league teams this year? Or simply that they haven't announced their rookie league affiliations yet?
Edgy DC Jan 25 2007 08:26 AM |
I thing any league that's a half season can be considered a Rookie league.
Benjamin Grimm Jan 25 2007 08:31 AM |
They'll have Rookie League teams. Probably Kingsport and Gulf Coast again. I haven't posted it yet because I'm not sure it's official, although it may be.
Johnny Dickshot Jan 25 2007 08:33 AM |
Great work!
Frayed Knot Jan 25 2007 08:36 AM |
Kingsport & the GCL Mets will return for 2007
Benjamin Grimm Jan 25 2007 08:57 AM |
I was looking at a California map a few weeks ago, doing some early planning for a possible summer vacation trip. If I remember correctly, Visalia is near some of the national parks like Yosemite and Sequoia. So I might actually visit Visalia this year. It does seem strange to see Mets affiliates so far to the west. (Grays Harbor, by the way, is in Washington State. Mankato is in Minnesota.) Another recent trend is teams trying to get their affiliates closer to home, at least within the same time zone. It's funny that that's happening now, when travel is easier. You'd think it would have been more of a concern 40 years ago. This collecting of afflilates is a step towards an even larger goal, of getting minor-league rosters, as well as some stats, on the UMDB. It might one day be possible to see at least the name, and maybe even the records, of everyone who ever played in the Mets organization. I was able to get some numbers and names electronically, and they'll be posted before long. For the rest, it will be slow going, and only as time and motivation permits. I may put out a call for volunteers, so if anyone's interested in doing some data keying as part of this ambitious goal, I'd be glad for whatever contributions you'd be willing to make.
Edgy DC Jan 25 2007 09:03 AM |
Hand raised.
Edgy DC Jan 25 2007 09:06 AM |
At the end of Bull Durham, I seem to remember him getting an offer of a managing job in Visalia. The online script I found says he gets an offer in Salem.
Benjamin Grimm Jan 25 2007 09:06 AM |
Domo arigato gozaimasu!
MFS62 Jan 25 2007 09:09 AM |
Wow! That was a memory jogger. For you younger folks, minor league levels used to be AAA, AA, A, B, C and D.(No rookie leagues) Maybe someone complained that it was harmful to the self esteem of citizens of cities that were considered "D" cities. So the level structure was changed to what it is today. Later
Johnny Dickshot Jan 25 2007 09:11 AM |
The line was apparently designed to honor Costner, who is a Visalia native! Casey Stengel was the most famous Visalia Oaks manager, probably.
Benjamin Grimm Jan 25 2007 09:11 AM |
Which raises the question of why aren't there B batteries?
Edgy DC Jan 25 2007 09:25 AM |
So I'm right! I guess I was looking at an earlier version of the script. ANNIE SITS DOWN on the porch owing next to Crash.
MFS62 Jan 25 2007 09:26 AM |
They played T-ball? Later
Willets Point Jan 25 2007 09:41 AM |
There are. A & B batteries are used in devices with vacuum tubes, which is why you don't see them anymore.
metirish Jan 25 2007 06:01 PM |
Borat at a Savannah Sand Gnats game
Edgy DC Jan 25 2007 07:57 PM |
I know this is metahumor, but I still think it stinks.
Benjamin Grimm Jan 31 2007 08:48 AM |
I found this while I was reading Business of Baseball's report on the DirecTV situation:
I had no idea that the Appalachian League was in trouble. The Mets have been in the Appalachian League for a long time. They've been in Kingsport since 1980, and they were in Marion as far back as 1965.
Edgy DC Jan 31 2007 08:57 AM |
Let's pool our resources and establish an independent Appy League team playing in the Jays' old stadium.
metsguyinmichigan Jan 31 2007 09:15 AM |
I once interviewed a coach for the Gulf Coast Mets. He said the games are all played in the day, and on the practice fields since they don't even attempt to attract fans.
Benjamin Grimm Jan 31 2007 09:17 AM |
What a lame league.
Edgy DC Jan 31 2007 09:23 AM |
Gary Carter plus no fans is strange. How would he know which direction to face?
metirish Jan 31 2007 09:33 AM |
And Gary complained about the long bus rides when talking about weather he would want to coach again in the minors.
Edgy DC Jan 31 2007 09:37 AM |
Let's pool our resources and establish an independent Appy League team playing in the Jays' old stadium.
Johnny Dickshot Jan 31 2007 09:40 AM |
Read up that park -- Calfee Park in Pulaski, Va., was a WPA project built in 1935. It's the 9th oldest stadium in the US of A and in the national refgister of historic places.
metirish Jan 31 2007 09:47 AM |
That first picture is beautiful,looks like an old war site the front.
Johnny Dickshot Jan 31 2007 09:49 AM |
metsguyinmichigan Jan 31 2007 11:16 AM |
Spectacular! What a beautiful place!
Benjamin Grimm Feb 17 2007 02:59 PM |
Ladies and gentlemen, your 1977 Jackson Mets!
SteveJRogers Feb 17 2007 03:44 PM |
We play baseball with a fever hotter than pepper sprouts We've been playing in Jackson Ever since the Mets sent us down we're playing in Jackson look out Jackson town...
Edgy DC Feb 17 2007 04:00 PM |
Mike Scott is already carrying too much weight.
Johnny Dickshot Feb 17 2007 04:12 PM |
I really thought Greg Pittman had what it took to become equipment manager with the big club.
Edgy DC Feb 17 2007 05:29 PM |
Well, he couldn't have gotten much support from Larry Prewitt, Stan Hough, and Mike VanDeCasteele, all of whom saw their major league dreams die a little death that day when Pittman didn't bother issuing them uniforms with numbers for picture day.
Benjamin Grimm Feb 25 2007 12:40 PM |
Ladies and gentlemen, your 1981 Jackson Mets!
Edgy DC Feb 25 2007 01:13 PM |
Rick Poe, huge dude.
Johnny Dickshot Feb 25 2007 01:37 PM |
Shake Moore! Love it.
Benjamin Grimm Feb 25 2007 03:45 PM |
I currently have his name in the UMDB as "Stephen" Moore, but you can be sure I'll be changing it to "Shake."
Benjamin Grimm Mar 14 2007 05:40 PM |
Ladies and gentlemen, your 1984 Jackson Mets!
seawolf17 Mar 14 2007 07:51 PM |
Middle row, second from the right, uni #34.
dinosaur jesus Mar 14 2007 08:15 PM |
Maybe his ambition was to make people forget that other Reggie Jackson.
Johnny Dickshot Mar 14 2007 08:25 PM |
I associate Reggie in No. 9 (A's) and his taking 44 so as to bask in Aaron's reflected glory.
Edgy DC Mar 14 2007 10:18 PM |
E. K. Ward - Director of Transportation
SteveJRogers Mar 15 2007 07:19 PM |
Well #9 was taken by Graig Nettles, who was firmly in the Munson camp and had a thing against Reggie anyway, so even if Reggie asked and promised the world he wasn't getting #9