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Yankee-hack Klapisch
metsguyinmichigan Jan 25 2007 12:28 PM |
I realize Bob Klapisch can't even write a grocery list without taking swipes at the Mets, but his latest on ESPN is classic Klap. Here are some snippets.
metirish Jan 25 2007 12:52 PM |
They better move the fences back in Phillie for Garcia,and Zito as a layup for the Mets probably was true in Bob's mind...
RealityChuck Jan 25 2007 02:26 PM |
So he doesn't understand that money trumps everything else for free agents?
dinosaur jesus Jan 25 2007 09:52 PM |
Fire Joe Morgan just did a great demolition job on that piece.
SteveJRogers Jan 25 2007 10:07 PM |
Yup. This wasn't ARod or Vlad where crazy conspiracy theorists can latch onto an angle. The Giants put crazy money for crazy years on the table the Mets DECIDED (not Zito) that it wasn't worth toping
OlerudOwned Jan 25 2007 11:07 PM |
Scott Boras: You ready to talk decision, Barry m'boy? Barry Zito: (Ending transcendentalist tantric yoga session) Yes. Present me with a forked path, down one of whose tines I shall wander. Scott Boras: The Mets are offering some money, as well as the nebulous idea of 'New York's energy.' The Giants are offering way way way too much money. Like, crazy "fuck-you" money. Money that will make you the richest pitcher ever, which is crazy, because you're like a B+ pitcher. So, just to reiterate: New York, money and nebulous idea of "energy." San Francisco: a million dollars for every zen water fountain in your house. Barry Zito: But...I have 126 zen water fountains. Scott Boras: Correct. They are offering $126 million. But remember, New York is offering "New York's Energy." Now, I know that you're a very spiritual person, so you have to think long and ha-- Barry Zito: Giants and money. Scott Boras: That's my boy. Barry Zito: Namaste. Hahaha.
cleonjones11 Jan 27 2007 12:23 AM |
Do you think Zito sees Tor the holistic healer from Seinfeld?
vtmet Jan 27 2007 10:53 AM |
Garcia's HR totals the last 5 seasons: