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Birthday with the Blues

Feb 14 2007 10:15 PM

So my sister bought me tickets to a Saturday Buffet at [url=]B.B. Kings [/url] in the City to see these guys:


For no apparant reason (that was revealed to me, nor was it my business of course) they couldn't make the gig, so I saw this instead


Nothing to complain about at all. Blistering show, some Otis, Marvin Gaye, Stevie Wonder, ect. Probably just as well, knowing me I'd me making mental nit-picks about the Faux Beatles all show! Like, "since when did John ever stand like that", or "Yeah I don't think Paul ever sang "I Saw Her Standing There" at that slow pace!"

Feb 14 2007 10:29 PM

Steve, I would have to say you lucked out big time

Feb 14 2007 11:22 PM

I remember seeing a VH cover band in the city years ago,they only did Roth stuff,just to be a bollox I started doing the Hager VH hand sign...the singer got really pissed at me...soon I had a bunch of fools that didn't know better doing it..