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KTE Assignments

Apr 03 2007 08:50 PM

I'll take the Brewers.

Apr 03 2007 08:52 PM

I'll take the Dodgers...we have two trips there this season....I might be there for the July trip.

Apr 03 2007 08:52 PM

I already took the Phillies the last time we did the assignments for 2007, so I'll just take them again.

Apr 03 2007 08:54 PM

Gwreck wrote:
I already took the Phillies the last time we did the assignments for 2007, so I'll just take them again.

Yeah, I couldn't find the other thread, my bad.

Apr 03 2007 08:57 PM
Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Apr 03 2007 08:58 PM

I'll take Pirates, unless someone else has an attachment to them. Otherwise, I'll just go with Cincinnati.

Edit: Oh, there was an older thread. Well, I'll do something. No specific wants, then. Whatever is available.

Rockin' Doc
Apr 03 2007 08:57 PM

I'm pretty sure I took the first Braves series.

Apr 03 2007 09:15 PM

I totally had the Brewers in the original thread. You want to split Elster?

Apr 03 2007 09:17 PM

If somone else had the Dodgers then my bad...I'll take another..I'm thinking Seo might have them.

Rockin' Doc
Apr 03 2007 09:17 PM

Anyone know where the original thread is hiding? I searched unsuccessfully for it.

Apr 03 2007 09:18 PM

TransMonk wrote:
I totally had the Brewers in the original thread. You want to split Elster?

Crap I'm sorry. Nah you can take them. I hate sloppy seconds.

Apr 03 2007 09:18 PM

Rockies or Nats are cool to me. Whatever's left over.

Apr 03 2007 09:25 PM

The thread was prematurely archived, I believe.

[u:e68f0f75f1]Combining the two threads here, we have:[/u:e68f0f75f1]
Phillies - Gwreck
Marlins - Seawolf17
Nationals (first series) - EdgyDC
Braves (first two April series) - Rockin' Doc

Brewers - TransMonk
Cubs - KC
Pirates - GYC
Reds -
Astros -
Cardinals -

Rockies - OlerudOwned
Giants - SteveJRogers
Dodgers - A Boy Named Seo
DBacks -
Padres -

Oakland - DocTee
Twins -
Tigers -
MFYs -

Sharpie asked for the Giants but I think SteveJRogers claimed it first in the old thread.
Elster, metirish, you want to grab one of the other teams that's left?

Frayed Knot
Apr 03 2007 09:32 PM

Well that's what happens when you start threads like that too early ... but we're still gonna find that fuckin' GSLC and feed him to that hungry octopus.

Phillies - Gwreck
Marlins - Seawolf17
Nationals (first series) - EdgyDC
Braves (first two April series) - Rockin' Doc

Brewers - TransMonk
Cubs - KC
Pirates - GYC
Reds -
Astros -
Cardinals -

Rockies - OlerudOwned
Giants - SteveJRogers
Dodgers - A Boy Named Seo
DBacks - Frayed Knot
Padres -

Oakland - DocTee
Twins -
Tigers -
MFYs - Frayed Knot

Apr 03 2007 09:50 PM

I'll take the Cardinals next time around.

Apr 04 2007 06:45 AM

I can do one of the series with the Reds.

Rockin' Doc
Apr 06 2007 05:08 AM

I should have the KTE thread for the Braves series up sometime this afternoon. Probably around 4:00 or 5:00 PM.

Frayed Knot
Apr 06 2007 08:37 AM

This takes care of April & May.

Apr 6-8BravesRockin Doc
Apr 9-12PhilsGWreck
Apr 13-15Nat'lsEdgy DC
Apr 16-17PhilsGwreck
Apr 18-19MarlinsSeawolf
Apr 20-22BravesRockin Doc
Apr 23-25RockiesOlerud Owned
Apr 27-29Natl'sEdgy DC
Apr 30 - May 2MarlinsSeawolf
May 3-6D'BacksFrayed Knot
May 7-9GiantsSharpie
May 11-13BrewersTransMonk
May 14-17CubsKC
May 18-20YankeesFrayed Knot
May 22-24BravesRockin Doc
May 25-27MarlinsSeawolf
May 29-31GiantsSharpie
June 1-3D'BacksFrayed Knot

We'll fill in the rest as we go.
Some teams are already spoken for, others need picking up.
If you volunteered for a team once I put you with them again, but those follow ups usually involve very little work.

Apr 06 2007 10:30 AM

Feel free to assign me.

Frayed Knot
Apr 13 2007 07:46 AM
Edited 2 time(s), most recently on Apr 13 2007 10:57 AM

Bump, plus updates for June & July:
Still some slots up for grabs.

Jun 5-7PhilsGWreck
Jun 8-10TigersSoupcan
Jun 11-13Angels???
Jun 15-17YanxFrayed Knot
June 18-20TwinsRotblatt
Jun 22-24A'sDoc Tee
Jun 25-27CardinalsG-FaFiF
Jun 29 - July 1PhilssGWreck
July 2-4RockiesOlerud Owned
July 12-16Reds???
July 16-18Padres???
July 19-22DodgersBoy Named Seo
July 24-26Pirates???
July 27-29NationalsEdgyDC
July 31 - Aug 2BrewersTransMonk

Apr 13 2007 08:35 AM

I'll take my favorite AL team, the Twinkies!

Apr 13 2007 08:57 AM

Though it is not reflected in the chart, I said I'd take the Cardinals in June.

Willets Point
Apr 13 2007 09:31 AM

Frayed Knot wrote:
Well that's what happens when you start threads like that too early ... but we're still gonna find that fuckin' GSLC and feed him to that hungry octopus.

Sorry, I saw that thread and thought it was just another poll by SJR that annoyed everyone. I didn't scroll down far enough to see that there were assignments in it as well. My mistake.

This of course is another reason why it is important for everyone to take ownership of threads they want to preserve by a) keeping them active, b) bumping them, and/or c) letting me know you don't want it archived by posting a message and/or pm'ing me. It's all very simple. I've mentioned this many times before but (except for Scarlett Knight) no one ever does this, thus I have little sympathy for people who bitch after the fact.

Edgy DC
Apr 17 2007 12:17 PM

Gwreck, you're up. Interestng developments Philly-way. Manuel is a native of the Virginia Tech area, they have Freddy Garcia debuting, and are the third team in a row trying to squeeze J.D. Durbin through waivers.

Edgy DC
Apr 18 2007 12:48 PM

Seawolf, speak Marlin to me.

Edgy DC
Apr 20 2007 01:18 PM

Is there a Rockin Doc in the house?

Rockin' Doc
Apr 20 2007 05:43 PM

I tried my best to get my assignment in on time, but alas I didn't get it done util the Mets were preparing to bat in the bottom of the first inning.

Edgy DC
Apr 20 2007 05:56 PM

My National critique came at the same relative time.

Frayed Knot
Apr 23 2007 10:18 AM
Edited 5 time(s), most recently on May 20 2007 08:55 PM

May 22-24BravesRockin Doc
May 25-27MarlinsSeawolf
May 29-31GiantsSharpie
June 1-3D'BacksFrayed Knot
Jun 5-7PhilsGWreck
Jun 8-10TigersSoupcan
Jun 11-13DodgersA Boy Named Seo
Jun 15-17YanxFrayed Knot
June 18-20TwinsRotblatt
Jun 22-24A'sDoc Tee
Jun 25-27CardinalsG-FaFiF
Jun 29 - July 1PhilsGWreck
July 2-4RockiesOlerud Owned
July 12-16RedsJohnny Dickshot
July 16-18PadresCF
July 19-22DodgersBoy Named Seo
July 24-26PiratesLundy
July 27-29NationalsEdgyDC
July 31 - Aug 2BrewersTransMonk

Apr 23 2007 10:22 AM

I'll take the Angels.

Johnny Dickshot
Apr 23 2007 10:38 AM

I'm starting to study up on the Reds now, hopefully by july 12 i'll have a few words on them.

Edgy DC
Apr 23 2007 11:03 AM

That is the spirit.

Edgy DC
Apr 26 2007 10:13 AM

I don't see time opening up for a second installment on the Nats in the next day and a half. Anybody want to expand on my first?

A Boy Named Seo
Apr 26 2007 01:23 PM

June 11-13 is actually the Dodgers. I'm going to be there in style on the 13th. On the field, kids.

Apr 26 2007 09:32 PM

I'll take the Pirates July 24-26.

Frayed Knot
Apr 26 2007 09:49 PM

A Boy Named Seo wrote:
June 11-13 is actually the Dodgers. I'm going to be there in style on the 13th. On the field, kids.

Mmmmm, you are correct sir. This means several things:

1) My copy of the schedule - the multi-colored one that I cut out of the Sunday Newsday Sports Section from the day the season that's currently hanging in my kitchen and from which I created the above grid - is wrong

2) That we're playing three series against the Dodgers this year - two of them in La-La-land

3) That ABNS should do the Dodger preview for those dates, while CF grabs another one ... say the Padres in July?

4) That we'll be playing intRA-league that week when most everyone else is playing intER-legue

5) That ABNS needs to somehow acknowledge the CPF from the field at Chavez Ravine

]I don't see time opening up for a second installment on the Nats in the next day and a half. Anybody want to expand on my first?

Certainly not when there are Psychodelic Furs polls that need posting.

Edgy DC
Apr 26 2007 09:59 PM

Yeah, fine, I'll run the Natdata throught the Edgytron 3600 over lunch tomorrow and see what comes out.

I'll be representing tomorrow night, my 2007 debut. Forecast calls for precipitidadipitiditation, though.

Frayed Knot
Apr 26 2007 10:09 PM

Apr 6-8BravesRockin Doc
Apr 9-12PhilsGWreck
Apr 13-15Nat'lsEdgy DC
Apr 16-17PhilsGwreck
Apr 18-19MarlinsSeawolf
Apr 20-22BravesRockin Doc
Apr 23-25RockiesOlerud Owned
Apr 27-29Natl'sEdgy DC
Apr 30 - May 2MarlinsSeawolf
May 3-6D'BacksFrayed Knot
May 7-9GiantsSharpie
May 11-13BrewersTransMonk
May 14-17CubsKC
May 18-20YankeesFrayed Knot
May 22-24BravesRockin Doc
May 25-27MarlinsSeawolf
May 29-31GiantsSharpie
June 1-3D'BacksFrayed Knot
Jun 5-7PhilsGWreck
Jun 8-10TigersSoupcan
Jun 11-13DodgersA Boy Named Seo
Jun 15-17YanxFrayed Knot
June 18-20TwinsRotblatt
Jun 22-24A'sDoc Tee
Jun 25-27CardinalsG-FaFiF
Jun 29 - July 1PhilsGWreck
July 2-4RockiesOlerud Owned
July 12-16RedsJohnny Dickshot
July 16-18PadresCF
July 19-22DodgersBoy Named Seo
July 24-26PiratesLundy
July 27-29NationalsEdgyDC
July 31 - Aug 2BrewersTransMonk

Apr 27 2007 09:04 AM

I'm cool with the Pads.

May 08 2007 12:19 PM

I remembered this sometime during the game last night (there was that confusion about whether it should be Rogers or me). In any event, I'll get the Jints when they come to Shea.

Frayed Knot
May 10 2007 08:17 AM

- TransMonk up
- KC on deck
- Frayed Knot in the hole

Rockin' Doc
May 10 2007 11:12 AM

I guess that means I'm hitting clean up. Man is this line up screwed up. I hope this doesn't mean I have to get my head shaved.

Willets Point
May 10 2007 12:49 PM

Hokey Smokes! The Brewers have the best record in baseball. How the hell did that happen?!?!

May 10 2007 01:42 PM

Willets Point wrote:
Hokey Smokes! The Brewers have the best record in baseball. How the hell did that happen?!?!

They haven't played the toughest of schedules thus far...

Kid Carsey
May 10 2007 01:52 PM

Reality check for both squads this weekend.

Kid Carsey
May 14 2007 08:28 AM

I'll have something on the Cubbies by late afternoon. For some reason I
forgot this was a four game series and thought today was an off day.

Frayed Knot
May 20 2007 08:54 PM
Edited 2 time(s), most recently on May 22 2007 01:49 PM

Rockin' Doc up next,
Seawolf on deck,
Sharpie in the hole

May 22-24BravesRockin Doc
May 25-27MarlinsSeawolf
May 29-31GiantsSharpie
June 1-3D'BacksFrayed Knot
Jun 5-7PhilsGWreck
Jun 8-10TigersSoupcan
Jun 11-13DodgersA Boy Named Seo
Jun 15-17YanxFrayed Knot
June 18-20TwinsRotblatt
Jun 22-24A'sDoc Tee
Jun 25-27CardinalsG-FaFiF
Jun 29 - July 1PhilsGWreck
July 2-4RockiesOlerud Owned
July 5-8AstrosFrayed Knot
July 12-15RedsJohnny Dickshot
July 16-18PadresCF
July 19-22DodgersBoy Named Seo
July 24-26PiratesLundy
July 27-29NationalsEdgyDC
July 31 - Aug 2BrewersTransMonk

Rockin' Doc
May 20 2007 09:06 PM

Damn, we play the Braves alot. I'll get on it tomorrow.

May 21 2007 07:05 AM

/puts the donut on his bat and starts swinging

Rockin' Doc
May 22 2007 09:52 AM

I have the KTE for Atlanta series 80% done. It's on my home computer so I'll post it when I get home from work this evening. Should have it completed and posted between 5:30 - 6:30 PM tonight.

May 22 2007 10:29 AM

Atlanta is covered in smoke,just so you know...


Smoke from wildfires covers Atlanta

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Published on: 05/22/07

For the second time in less than a week, smoke from the South Georgia wildfires was blowing into metro Atlanta on Tuesday.

While the smoky conditions weren't covering as wide an area of North Georgia as last Wednesday, the smoke concentrations were nearly twice as high, according to the state Environmental Protection Division.

Susan Zimmer-Dauphinee, manager of the EPD's air monitoring program, said hourly soot readings in McDonough reached 364 micrograms per cubic meter. Last Wednesday, the highest reading was 188 in Walton County.

She said fewer of the EPD's North Georgia monitoring stations were picking up the high levels of soot Tuesday morning.

High levels were measured Tuesday in McDonough, near downtown Atlanta and in Gwinnett County. Last week, the smoke also affected the Athens and Augusta areas.

The smoke, from fires about 250 miles away, began moving into metro Atlanta between 4 and 5 a.m., reducing visibility at Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport from 10 miles at 4 a.m. to only 3 miles an hour later.

The airport reported visibility of just 1.5 miles at 7, 8 and 9 a.m. By 10 a.m., the visibility had improved slightly to 2 miles.

Forecasters at the National Weather Service said southeasterly winds sent the smoke over metro Atlanta, and a low-level inversion - where a layer of warmer air was on top of cooler air at the surface - pushed the smoke to ground-level.

The Weather Service said warming temperatures later in the morning, along with a shift in winds, should help dissipate the smoke.

Willets Point
May 22 2007 10:55 AM

Perfect conditions for Willie Randolph who thrives on blowing smoke up our asses.

Benjamin Grimm
May 22 2007 11:02 AM

Willets Point wrote:
Perfect conditions for Willie Randolph who thrives on blowing smoke up our asses.

He'd be too clueless to even be aware of the smoke.

Willets Point
May 22 2007 11:38 AM

Yancy Street Gang wrote:
="Willets Point"]Perfect conditions for Willie Randolph who thrives on blowing smoke up our asses.

He'd be too clueless to even be aware of the smoke.

I thought we were allowed to chose between clueless or liar. I go with liar.

May 22 2007 11:57 AM

Then he'd insist there wasn't any smoke.

Edgy DC
May 25 2007 11:24 AM

Go, wolfie, go.

May 25 2007 11:57 AM

Oops. Forgot. I'm on it.

Frayed Knot
Jun 01 2007 02:46 PM

GWreck, Soupcan & Boy Named Seo warming up in the cage under the stadium.

Jun 5-7PhilsGWreck
Jun 8-10TigersSoupcan
Jun 11-13DodgersA Boy Named Seo
Jun 15-17YanxFrayed Knot
June 18-20TwinsRotblatt
Jun 22-24A'sDoc Tee
Jun 25-27CardinalsG-FaFiF
Jun 29 - July 1PhilsGWreck
July 2-4RockiesOlerud Owned
July 5-8AstrosFrayed Knot
July 12-15RedsJohnny Dickshot
July 16-18PadresCF
July 19-22DodgersBoy Named Seo
July 24-26PiratesLundy
July 27-29NationalsEdgyDC
July 31 - Aug 2BrewersTransMonk

Edgy DC
Jun 08 2007 07:17 AM

Soup, Tigers.

Frayed Knot
Jun 15 2007 11:15 AM
Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Jun 15 2007 11:28 AM

We got the sweet part of the order coming up next inning:
Rotblatt will be followed by Doc Tee and G-FaFiF, then, if anyone gets on, GWreck

June 18-20TwinsRotblatt
Jun 22-24A'sDoc Tee
Jun 25-27CardinalsG-FaFiF
Jun 29 - July 1PhilsGWreck
July 2-4RockiesOlerud Owned
July 5-8AstrosMetIrish
July 12-15RedsJohnny Dickshot
July 16-18PadresCF
July 19-22DodgersBoy Named Seo
July 24-26PiratesLundy
July 27-29NationalsEdgyDC
July 31 - Aug 2BrewersTransMonk
Aug 3-5CubsKC
Aug 7-9BravesRockin' Doc
Aug 10-12MarlinsSeawolf
Aug 14-16PiratesLundy
Aug 17-19Natl'sEdgy DC
Aug 21-23PadresCF
Aug 24-26DodgersA Boy Named Seo
Aug 27-30PhilsGWreck
Aug 31-Sep 2BravesRockin' Doc
Sep 3-5RedsJohnny Dickshot
Sep 7-9AstrosMetIrish
Sep 10-12BravesRockin' Doc
Sep 14-16PhilsGWreck
Sep 17-19Natl'sEdgy DC
Sep 21-23MarlinsSeawolf
Sep 24-26Natl'sEdgy DC
Sep 28-30MarlinsSeawolf

Frayed Knot
Jun 15 2007 11:20 AM

btw, I grabbed the Astros even though I already have two because I think they were left off the orignial claim sheet and no one ask for them specifically.
If someone who either doesn't have a team and wants in on this, or maybe someone who wants a second, step on up.
If not, I'll do 'em ... no biggie.

Edgy DC
Jun 15 2007 11:21 AM

Find Annie or rpackrat.

Jun 15 2007 11:24 AM

I wouldn't mind doing the Astros,figures to be an important series for the Mets.

Didn't see the above post,if those two can't be found I'll gladly take it.

Frayed Knot
Jun 15 2007 11:26 AM

SOLD to the Irishman in the third row!

Frayed Knot
Jul 11 2007 08:01 AM

Some unknown enemies on tap for the beginning of the second half.
We need all the knowledge we can get.

July 12-15RedsJohnny Dickshot
July 16-18PadresCF
July 19-22DodgersBoy Named Seo
July 24-26PiratesLundy
July 27-29NationalsEdgyDC
July 31 - Aug 2BrewersTransMonk
Aug 3-5CubsKC
Aug 7-9BravesRockin' Doc
Aug 10-12MarlinsSeawolf
Aug 14-16PiratesLundy
Aug 17-19Natl'sEdgy DC
Aug 21-23PadresCF
Aug 24-26DodgersA Boy Named Seo
Aug 27-30PhilsGWreck
Aug 31-Sep 2BravesRockin' Doc
Sep 3-5RedsJohnny Dickshot
Sep 7-9AstrosMetIrish
Sep 10-12BravesRockin' Doc
Sep 14-16PhilsGWreck
Sep 17-19Natl'sEdgy DC
Sep 21-23MarlinsSeawolf
Sep 24-26Natl'sEdgy DC
Sep 28-30MarlinsSeawolf

Aug 24 2007 12:45 PM

i dont know the dodgers

but i just saw this on cbssportsline

]News: David Wells is coming back to a pennant race with the Los Angeles Dodgers. Wells and the Dodgers agreed to a contract Friday, and the big lefty plans to make his first start for Los Angeles on Sunday night against the Mets in New York. The 44-year-old Wells was designated for assignment by his hometown San Diego Padres on Aug. 9 and placed on release waivers four days later. He cleared waivers last Thursday and became a free agent. "David's excited to have an opportunity to continue his career with a team that has such a storied history," Wells' agent, Gregg Clifton, said Thursday. "He's excited to help any way he can to get the Dodgers back to the playoffs."