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Schaefer commentary
Nymr83 Apr 08 2007 06:39 PM |
KC, no beer on april 8th for anyone but el duque?
Kid Carsey Apr 08 2007 06:44 PM |
Didn't feel very Schaeferly for yesterday's games and today's. The starting
Rockin' Doc Apr 08 2007 08:52 PM |
It seems to me that people a being pretty harsh on Glavine for yesterday's game. Granted, he only lasted 5.33 innings, but he only allowed 4 hits and 2 earned runs. His defense betrayed him with two errors that led to 3 unearned runs. Even one of the hits was rather suspect scoring of a ground ball that Valentin had go off the heel of his glove ranging to his left. If he had fielded it cleanly, he definitely had a simple toss to get the runner.
Nymr83 Apr 08 2007 09:03 PM |
the 3 walks and 1 hit batter didnt help his cause either, and he left the game with runners on (didn't clean up his own mess) which is something i never like to see
Benjamin Grimm Apr 09 2007 07:20 AM |
Voting for all three games in Atlanta will close on Wednesday morning.
Nymr83 Apr 09 2007 02:42 PM |
no beer for Maine today (4/9).
Elster88 Apr 10 2007 04:37 AM |
Randolph -5
TheOldMole Apr 10 2007 11:09 AM |
Reyes running out the popup to the mound and making second when it was dropped...that's what you wanna see.
Benjamin Grimm Apr 10 2007 11:16 AM |
Wide disparity in voting for the home opener. It will be interesting to see what the final consensus looks like.
Nymr83 Apr 10 2007 11:21 AM |
no, thats what you expect to see, i don't give points for doing what every player should do (hustling) rather i take away points from anyone i see dogging it.
Gwreck Apr 10 2007 12:12 PM |
Indeed. What I can't figure out is the Smith/Feliciano situation. Seems to be a variety of opinions as to what a quality inning of relief work is worth (anywhere from 0 to 1, according to the votes). The strange part is them being awarded different point values on some ballots...and other ballots that list one but not the other.
Benjamin Grimm Apr 10 2007 12:19 PM |
And Maine is getting a low of zero and a high of 3. Wright is ranging from 0.25 to 2.5.
Nymr83 Apr 10 2007 12:38 PM Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Apr 10 2007 12:44 PM |
i'm really not sure where people found 3 points for John Maine, unless they didnt watch the game, just looked at the box score, and didn't see that he left the game with the bases loaded.
metirish Apr 10 2007 12:43 PM |
The voting for the home opener is getting all pear shaped.
Willets Point Apr 10 2007 12:57 PM |
Wright lost a lot of points from me due to excessive LOBbage.
Rockin' Doc Apr 10 2007 07:02 PM Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Apr 10 2007 07:45 PM |
Nymr - "...i don't give points for doing what every player should do (hustling) rather i take away points from anyone i see dogging it."
Kid Carsey Apr 10 2007 07:21 PM |
Looked over the 4/9 points and like 'Monk's thinking and echoed it.
TheOldMole Apr 11 2007 08:16 AM |
I disagree. Most players are safe at first on a dropped popup at the mound, not that many get to second.
Benjamin Grimm Apr 11 2007 12:04 PM |
Voting for the series in Atlanta closed this morning.
Nymr83 Apr 11 2007 11:28 PM |
uglliest game so far this year (4/11) it would be pretty easy to give Reyes 1 point, smith and feliciano .5 each and just stop there, i want to give out 10 points every game though, i just feel the totals work out better that way.
Benjamin Grimm Apr 12 2007 06:52 AM |
Month-to-date totals for April 2007
Johnny Dickshot Apr 12 2007 07:23 AM |
4/11: Why are folks leaving Sele off the ballot? Came into a situation where one pitch could have removed any hope, and kept 'em within comeback range for another 4 innings.
metsmarathon Apr 12 2007 07:38 AM |
don't worry. i'm making up for it with a ridiculous 4.1 points for the guy!
Edgy DC Apr 12 2007 08:22 AM |
Seems Valentin --- with a walk, a hit, and a run scored --- had as good a game as Reyes. He didn't do quite as much on defense, but Reyes' 1-for-2 in steals has to be a demerit.
Johnny Dickshot Apr 12 2007 08:40 AM |
Reyes was on base his first 3 times up.
Edgy DC Apr 12 2007 08:50 AM |
Yeah, I'll have to withdraw that in part.
Benjamin Grimm Apr 12 2007 11:14 AM |
Voting for April 11 will continue until some time Saturday morning.
Nymr83 Apr 15 2007 12:54 PM |
I think this project gets hurt by the huge difference in voter turnout for wins and losses
Kid Carsey Apr 15 2007 01:11 PM |
Place is quiet, maybe some monday morning votes will perk up yesterday
Nymr83 Apr 15 2007 01:21 PM |
i think the point should be to give out ten every game. if not we should be grading each player on a scale every game with no max on team totals.
Kid Carsey Apr 15 2007 01:38 PM |
I can usually find ten points in a win without stretching too much. The "con-
Nymr83 Apr 15 2007 03:36 PM |
well if everyone can just do what the want i should be allowed to give 8 points to the guy who throws a 3-hit shutout or to Alfonzo's 6-6 3HR game, but yeah we've been htrough all this, its an unscheduled offday what else can we talk about?
Edgy DC Apr 15 2007 04:01 PM Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Apr 15 2007 04:13 PM |
Start a thread on any of these themes:
Benjamin Grimm Apr 15 2007 04:10 PM |
It's a scale of 1 to 6, not a scale of 1 to 10. I don't see why that's so hard to understand.
Benjamin Grimm Apr 15 2007 05:13 PM |
Voting for the April 12 game against the Phillies will close on Tuesday morning.
metsmarathon Apr 17 2007 06:54 AM |
phooey! although i volunteer somebody else to chart voters per win, and voters per loss. we can also commission a statistical lanalysis to evaluate the variance in votes between high-turnout games and low-turnout games, to the extent that we would then be able to extrapolate out just what effect the missing voters have. granted, if the mets would only do their fucking jobs right, we wouldn't be having this discussion, as there would be no more losses!
Benjamin Grimm Apr 17 2007 07:16 AM |
If you want to figure out votes per win, votes per loss, votes per score differential, and more, these pages will tell you:
Rockin' Doc Apr 18 2007 05:11 AM |
We should have ordered more beer for last night's 8-1 win over the Phillies. There just wasn't enough Schaeffer to go around.
Frayed Knot Apr 18 2007 07:18 AM |
Reyes made too many outs on the basepaths Tuesday night to get anything more than a token sip from me despite two hits, a real nice defensive play, and being part of another bushel of GiDPs turned.
Benjamin Grimm Apr 18 2007 07:43 AM |
And the Schaefer Mets Most Frequently Misspelled Name of the Month Award for April goes to...
dinosaur jesus Apr 18 2007 07:57 AM |
Do I get extra weenie points if I spell it Schöneweis?
Benjamin Grimm Apr 18 2007 08:03 AM |
I'm afraid my spreadsheet doesn't handle weenie points.
Nymr83 Apr 18 2007 08:46 AM |
but each voter has a greater influence when there are fewer voters, this canbe especially telling if someone were to vote say "pedro 1" and nothing else for that game, they'd dilute all the other votes as if they'd voted "pedro 1 nobody 9" because the other players are all getting divided by the number of voters even if some of those voters didn't vote for 10 pts worth of players.
Benjamin Grimm Apr 18 2007 08:52 AM |
True, but I don't recall that such a thing has happened all that much.
metsmarathon Apr 18 2007 09:51 AM |
ah, but what's the actual impact of doing that? for the specific game, it really only affects the divisor, and likely would not terribly affect the total rankings either at the end of the month, or at the end of the year. the greatest impact in a given game would come from someone awarding a 6 where no points are warranted, or a 0 where 6 points are warranted. in this case, the maximum theoretical single game impact would be 6/n schaefer points, where n is the number of voters. the real impact would be dS = (6/n)-[V/(n-1)] where dS is the change in the schaefer vote, n is hte number of voters, V is the total of the other voters' points, and n-1 is the number of other voters who are not trying to much up the works. we can replace [V/(n-1)] with S' which is the schaefer vote for a given player if that doesn't include the wacky voter's opinion. once you have more than 5 voters for a given game, the most any one person can affect the vote of a given game is one point. and that's if he gives out a 6 to a player nobody else voted for, or a 0 for a consensus 6. if the one guy gives a 4 to somebody we all think should get a 2, then the impact is less than a third of a point with more than 5 total voters - and i think that's more likely a difference of opinion than a 6/0 situation. much like voting for president, your vote isnt as important as you think it should be... but thankfully, neither is anybody else's! :)
Nymr83 Apr 18 2007 08:31 PM |
tough one tonight, made easier by the 2 runs off Maine even though they didn't matter.
Benjamin Grimm Apr 19 2007 07:45 AM |
Voting for Tuesday night's Mets win in Philadelphia will close on Friday morning.
Nymr83 Apr 19 2007 08:45 PM |
great outing by hernandez, i capped him at 4 for the same reason i did to Maine last night, a 6-spot in the 3rd makes pitching easy
Benjamin Grimm Apr 21 2007 06:09 AM |
Voting for Wednesday's game in Florida will close some time this weekend.
Benjamin Grimm Apr 23 2007 08:38 AM |
Voting for the second win over the Marlins will close on Tuesday morning:
Benjamin Grimm Apr 25 2007 08:01 AM |
Voting for Monday's 6-1 win over the Rockies will close on Thursday morning.
Johnny Dickshot Apr 25 2007 08:43 AM |
I loved Chavez' hit every bit as much as Easley's but they can't possibly weigh the same, people.
soupcan Apr 25 2007 08:52 AM |
I see your point but Chavez deserves at least 2 points for that and if I'm giving Duque 4 I can't justify giving Easley 3.
metirish Apr 25 2007 08:56 AM |
For me 2/2 and 4 seem about right.
holychicken Apr 25 2007 09:23 AM Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Apr 25 2007 09:24 AM |
Why not? One stopped us from losing the game and one won the game. Both were hits that resulted in 1 RBI. Not only that, but the latter was a smart play. He didn't just hit the ball, he saw a weakness in the defense and put down a perfect bunt to exploit it. Two out game winning RBIs on perfectly placed bunts do deserve a lot of credit, IMO. To be honest, I can see giving Easley a slight edge from a win expectancy angle, but I find the fact that not only did you give Easley MORE points but more than 6x the amount of points to be a bit over the top. To each his own, eh?
Gwreck Apr 25 2007 09:24 AM |
I have no problem giving Duque less than 4. Unfortunately, his effort became slightly marginalized by the extra innings, as what led to the win included quality relief in late/extra innings (which is always point-worthy).
Edgy DC Apr 25 2007 09:37 AM |
As my broadcast cut out, I heard the Shea PA guy announcing the co-recipients of the house PotG as Easley and ND. Come on. Hernandez is any less excellent and Endy never gets into the game.
Nymr83 Apr 25 2007 10:46 AM |
because its easier to drive in a runner on third than it is to drive in yourself.
Edgy DC Apr 25 2007 10:52 AM |
Easley didn't just hit the ball. He hit it very very far, with nobody setting him up with a runner on third, and no Greek God Player of the Week behind him. Making a loss into a tie is just as big as makign a tie into a win, and he did it all alone.
Johnny Dickshot Apr 25 2007 10:59 AM |
I adjusted my Endy vote up slightly but still 300% below my man Damion.
holychicken Apr 25 2007 11:27 AM |
Still, he made an incredibly smart play. He could have swung for the fences and driven himself in as well, but he looked at a situation and took advantage of a weakness in the defense to WIN the game. I am not down-playing when Easley did, I gave them equal points (but I would argue that giving him slightly more points makes sense), but it was a smart and perfectly excuted play to win a game. Here is the graph, BTW. [url][/url] 36.2% (endy swing in chance) to 48.8% (easley swing in chance). (edit) I changed my chavez and easley scores to more line up with the percentages here, however, they still only exhibit a .5 difference.
Edgy DC Apr 25 2007 11:40 AM |
I'm not sure what's so incredibly smart about not swinging for the fences when the winning run is on third. Everybody knew a single was all that was needed.
soupcan Apr 25 2007 11:44 AM |
If I plugged in the numbers right - when Easley came to bat the Win Expectancy (according to the[url=] Win Expectancy website[/url]) was: games: 906 home won: 38 expectancy: 0.042 When Endy came up the WE was: games: 389 home won: 265 expectancy: 0.681
Johnny Dickshot Apr 25 2007 11:52 AM |
4% to 68%. That's a spicy meatball.
holychicken Apr 25 2007 12:04 PM |
He didn't increase it from 4% to 68%, he increased it from 4% to 52%. Still huge, no doubt, but certainly not 3 times, let alone 6 times, endy's 68-100% increase. (although, the WPA for the site I gave gives him 36%, not 32% and Easley about the same)
soupcan Apr 25 2007 12:05 PM |
The numbers are hard to ignore but I am more of a Barry Manilow type and I give Endy mucho credit for his creativity.
holychicken Apr 25 2007 12:08 PM |
But he didn't just try to get a single. What he did was see a weakness in the defense and exploit it with a perfectly executed bunt. THAT is what I think was the smart move. Even a well hit ball that would be nothing more than a single can turn into an out if it is hit to the wrong place.
Nymr83 Apr 25 2007 12:10 PM |
I think those W% things can be deceiving sometimes. If Endy gets out the Mets still have a better than 50% chance to win, if Easley gets out you can put an L in the books right then and there.
Edgy DC Apr 25 2007 12:17 PM |
Sure, but above you're praising not swinging for the fences.
Benjamin Grimm Apr 26 2007 06:43 PM |
Voting for Tuesday night's 12-inning win will close on Friday:
Benjamin Grimm Apr 28 2007 05:29 AM |
Voting for Wednesday afternoon's loss to Florida will close some time this weekend:
Willets Point Apr 28 2007 09:56 AM |
Benjamin Grimm Apr 28 2007 10:26 AM |
Oops. Colorado.
Willets Point Apr 28 2007 12:20 PM |
All those flourescent colors in the uniform.
Nymr83 Apr 29 2007 02:39 PM |
I gave Franco a half point today for the great defensive play on the bunt, figured i'd mention it here for any voters who didnt see the game beacuse it won't be in the boxscore,
Iubitul Apr 29 2007 03:59 PM |
I would give Heilman negative points for the blood pressure spike he gave me if the rules allowed for it.
GYC Apr 29 2007 05:23 PM |
Good call. I was watching and totally forgot about it. I'll have to edit my vote later. I'm probably going to take Heilman's 0.10 points away, just because he drives me absolutely crazy nowadays. What happened to you, Aaron?
Nymr83 Apr 29 2007 06:30 PM |
I gave Aaron nothing, all he did was come in and cause alot of trouble which Schoenweis got him out of.
Benjamin Grimm Apr 29 2007 06:54 PM |
You probably would have hated Elio Chacon then.
Nymr83 Apr 29 2007 07:06 PM |
I'd hardly consider Chacon a jewish name, and Aaron hardly sounds italian
Rockin' Doc Apr 29 2007 08:36 PM |
In the Schaefer thread for today's 1-0 victory over the Nationals, Frayed Knot cast the following ballot:
Frayed Knot Apr 29 2007 08:42 PM |
Good catch.
Benjamin Grimm Apr 30 2007 07:26 AM |
Thanks, Doc!
Benjamin Grimm Apr 30 2007 01:05 PM |
Voting for all three of the weekend games at RFK will close on Wednesday morning.
metirish Apr 30 2007 01:09 PM |
Has voter participation been up this early season?.
Benjamin Grimm Apr 30 2007 01:18 PM |
It's not as high as it was at the beginning of last season, but it's higher than at the end of last year, when we were down to 7 faithful voters.
Willets Point Apr 30 2007 02:29 PM |
I've made sure to vote for every game.
Nymr83 May 01 2007 08:58 PM |
You will all be happy to know that David Wright no longerhas the embarassment of being lower than Joe Smith in my season rankings. Now lets see if he can pass the mighty .250 hitter Paul Loduca.
Willets Point May 01 2007 09:25 PM |
Maybe you're not giving Wright enough credit. I just tallied up my points for April and I have Wright tied for 5th which seems about right since he started off the season hitting well and has only slumped the last 10 days or so.
Nymr83 May 01 2007 10:48 PM |
i've got 11.5 for Wright, i've also got 28.5 for Beltran and only 24.5 for Reyes whom you are all madly in man-love with, Greena nd Alou both have 16 and change, Orlando has 18 while Maine leads all my pitchers with 20.5
Benjamin Grimm May 02 2007 08:28 AM |
We can still use a few more votes for the April 30 game against the Marlins:
Willets Point May 02 2007 08:48 AM |
While I do have a man crush on Reyes, that is not why I've awarded him so many points. I have a formula I use for each game to award and deduct points from players in order to make sure I'm not swayed by my personal feelings toward the player. I'll allow that the formula may be flawed but it's not inconsistent.
metsmarathon May 02 2007 08:56 AM |
i've got the following:
metsmarathon May 02 2007 10:01 AM |
and as soon as i get off my ass and activate m.e.t.b.o.t., he would say the following, in a slightly more metallic way:
GYC May 02 2007 09:06 PM |
My April ended this way:
Rockin' Doc May 02 2007 09:24 PM |
I'm rather astounded that so many people actually keep a running tally of their previous votes. I guess I'm just too lazy to create a spreadsheet and total up my votes.
metsmarathon May 03 2007 07:00 AM |
i keep a tally not only of the actual votes, but of the raw numbers as well.
Benjamin Grimm May 03 2007 02:57 PM |
Interesting. I tally everyone else's votes, but I don't keep a running tally of my own.
GYC May 03 2007 05:21 PM |
Overall, my votes were relatively close to the CPF average.
Benjamin Grimm May 04 2007 08:14 AM |
Sharpie, you voted for Heilman twice for the May 3 game:
sharpie May 04 2007 08:31 AM |
Heilman was that good! Actually, I meant to give one of those to Feliciano. I fixed it. Thanks.
Benjamin Grimm May 04 2007 08:57 AM |
Now you have two votes for Feliciano!
sharpie May 04 2007 09:13 AM |
D'oh! Now I'm getting more generous to Schoenweis and Alou.
Benjamin Grimm May 04 2007 11:53 AM |
The Wednesday afternoon win over the Marlins at Shea could use a few more votes.
m.e.t.b.o.t. May 04 2007 09:02 PM |
Johnny Dickshot May 04 2007 09:20 PM |
Does m.e.t.b.o.t. have feelings? Can he love?
Willets Point May 04 2007 09:27 PM |
m.e.t.b.o.t. May 04 2007 09:29 PM |
m.e.t.b.o.t. is neither well-articulated nor emotional. m.e.t.b.o.t.'s spring mechanisms do not support emotional responses beyond a deep love of beer-based voting systems. m.e.t.b.o.t.'s transistors are only advanced enough to process schaefer voting and schaefer voting discussions.
Willets Point May 04 2007 09:32 PM |
So m.e.t.b.o.t. can't groove to Kraftwerk?
Edgy DC May 04 2007 10:04 PM |
It's been too long since we last hatched a chick.
Benjamin Grimm May 07 2007 07:58 AM |
Last call for Thursday's series opener in Phoenix against the Diamondbacks:
Benjamin Grimm May 08 2007 11:30 AM |
Voting for the second, third, and fourth games of the Arizona series will close on Wednesday:
G-Fafif May 09 2007 05:32 PM |
I'm glad Reyes contributed materially to the win today because otherwise I'd be ethically conflicted on whether I should toss him a tenth of a point strictly in appreciation for his hairy individuality.
Benjamin Grimm May 10 2007 06:17 AM |
Voting for the May 7 and May 8 games in San Francisco will close on Friday morning.
Willets Point May 10 2007 07:12 AM |
Shit or get off the pot time.
Rockin' Doc May 10 2007 11:06 AM |
Yeah, quit farting around.
m.e.t.b.o.t. May 10 2007 12:29 PM Edited 1 time(s), most recently on May 10 2007 12:34 PM |
m.e.t.b.o.t. does not understand the references to involuntary digestive output. m.e.t.b.o.t. is frequently discouraged by the overabundance of anthropomorphic references.
Willets Point May 10 2007 12:32 PM |
m.e.t.b.o.t. talks like Rickey.
m.e.t.b.o.t. May 10 2007 12:36 PM |
m.e.t.b.o.t. is not a very good base-stealer. m.e.t.b.o.t. has very little legs. if m.e.t.b.o.t. was in the stands and had an opportunity to catch a foul ball, the ball would crush m.e.t.b.o.t. like a tin can.
Nymr83 May 10 2007 01:54 PM |
m.e.t.b.o.t. just needs a good robot role model...
Kid Carsey May 10 2007 02:00 PM |
I wonder aloud what fun it would be put m.e.t.b.o.t. in a microwave for
Rockin' Doc May 10 2007 04:21 PM |
I imagine it would be similar to this
G-Fafif May 11 2007 09:04 PM |
Anybody else typing in the letters S-o-s-a and staring at the resulting name and doing a doubletake?
Gwreck May 11 2007 09:59 PM |
Wright 1-4, HR, 1 RBI.
SteveJRogers May 11 2007 10:08 PM |
![]() [Commander Data Voice]Ah. So the m.e.t.b.o.t. is somewhat like myself. A sentient life form, who clearly can not be human, but somehow always wishes to be...human like. I can tell you this though, I am programed to run faster than a m.e.t.b.o.t in more ways than one.[/Commander Data Voice]
Nymr83 May 11 2007 10:11 PM |
Wright's homer made it 1-0, Easley's homer took it from 4-2 to 5-2, the fact that the brewers later made it 5-4 doesnt change the relative value of the homers at the time they were hit. breaking a tie (or tying it up when losing) will almost always get more points out of me than scoring when already up
Nymr83 May 11 2007 10:12 PM |
hey Data, Bite my shiny metal ass! theres only room for one obnoxious robot around here!
Gwreck May 11 2007 11:02 PM |
Thanks, but I was at the game to see it myself. My point -- perhaps not quite so well explained -- is that Easley's total contributions out numbered Wright's. Easley rally-extending single (not his fault that the guys behind him couldn't get it done) in addition to his homer was worth more than what Wright did. Sure, Wright's homer alone was worth more than Easley's. But an insurance run homer is still huge.
Nymr83 May 12 2007 02:24 PM |
Request: whoever starts the thread please use a Box score link that includes the scoring summary (both and yahoo box scores have this)
Kid Carsey May 12 2007 02:36 PM |
I changed the link to the yahoo box. Sparse but tough crowd.
Nymr83 May 12 2007 02:39 PM |
New Guy: the rules arbitrarily cap the points at 6 to any one player.
Gwreck May 12 2007 04:29 PM |
Giving 5 points to Newhan for doing the only good thing in a blowout undermines the voting system.
Nymr83 May 12 2007 04:50 PM |
the original point of the voting system was to give 10 in each game as a means of relative comparison, we once discarded votes that didnt add up to 10. it was a mistake to move away from that.
Elster88 May 12 2007 08:24 PM |
Not a single amusing thing can go by without it being spoiled I guess.
metsmarathon May 12 2007 08:35 PM |
as long as we are true unto ourselves, then the integrity of our schaefer voting is maintained.
Rockin' Doc May 12 2007 09:04 PM |
The reason the mandatory 10 point rule was abandoned was because in ugly blow outs in which the Mets got beat badly you would see players getting 2 or 3 points for geting a single or a pair of walks and any pitcher that didn't get roughed up would get 1 or 2 points just for surviving an inning in a route. So people either had to give absurd point totals to players for the most mundane of contributions or they simply refused to vote since there realistically weren't player contributions worthy of an aggregate of 10 points. Such games tended to skew the results for that game for more than an abberant vote by one individual does now. As marathon said, the one outlandish vote tends to get greatly averaged out by the votes of others.
Benjamin Grimm May 13 2007 04:45 AM |
Once again, each player gets rated on a scale of 1 to 6. That's no more arbitrary than rating them on a scale of 1 to 10.
Kid Carsey May 13 2007 06:38 AM Edited 1 time(s), most recently on May 13 2007 06:58 AM |
E88: >>>Not a single amusing thing can go by without it being spoiled I guess.<<<
Benjamin Grimm May 13 2007 06:53 AM |
Voting for the May 9 game in San Francisco will close on Monday morning:
Kid Carsey May 13 2007 07:03 AM |
bmfc: >>>Man, you guys are strict! <<<
Elster88 May 13 2007 09:18 AM |
Elster88 May 13 2007 09:48 AM |
The voting for Newhan on 5/12 is confusing me.
OlerudOwned May 13 2007 09:51 AM |
5 and 6 points are a bit much, eh?
Benjamin Grimm May 13 2007 09:53 AM |
I think so too. Hopefully we'll get more voters to help dilute those votes.
Gwreck May 13 2007 04:44 PM |
No, it wasn't a mistake. How can we give David Newhan 4-6 points for a pinch-hit two run homer (which didn't even tie or give the Mets the lead) and give Oliver Perez the same 4-6 points for his pitching performance today? Keeping a 10 point mandatory vote distorts relative comparison.
Nymr83 May 13 2007 07:29 PM |
how does perez get the same 6 as the guy who throws a 9 inning shutout? how does the guy who puts up Alfonzo's 6/6 3 HRs only get 6 while a guy who homers twice in5 ABs gets 6 as well?
Benjamin Grimm May 14 2007 07:23 AM |
Among the many things you're failing to pick up on is that Perez is NOT getting a 6 for Sunday's game. Take a look at the voting thread.
Benjamin Grimm May 14 2007 08:00 AM |
Right now there are six votes for Sunday's game, and if the voting ended right now, Perez would get a 4.72.
metirish May 14 2007 08:17 AM |
Seems about right to me.
metsmarathon May 14 2007 08:32 AM |
we're voting after each game to award the schaefer player of the game
Willets Point May 14 2007 09:02 AM |
mm...don't confuse them with logic.
G-Fafif May 14 2007 11:58 AM |
Thirty-six games in, I just want to say I'm enjoying the heck out of POTG voting, my first season participating. It's very challenging. Having restricted myself to slicing and dicing no thinner than by the half-point, I find the greatest (and most enjoyable) task is to find points for everybody in a great win like yesterday's. I probably shortchanged Mr. Perez because of all the offensive contributions that also defined the game, but I'll stand by it because there were enough big hits to go around.
Benjamin Grimm May 14 2007 12:04 PM |
Thank you, G!
G-Fafif May 14 2007 12:30 PM |
Don't remember '75 winner (Rusty is the logical choice) but I feel fairly certain Koosman edged Kingman in '76, something like 86 to 85 points. Kooz finished up strong and Kingman lost so much time due to injury.
Benjamin Grimm May 15 2007 07:57 AM |
Wow, you even remember the Schaefer point totals from 30 years ago?
Willets Point May 15 2007 09:56 AM |
I only put in 1¢, should I put in another.
Nymr83 May 15 2007 03:14 PM |
5/14- he didn't get an E in the box score, but Easley failed to make a play that pretty much any 2Bman would have made that scored 2 runs, so i denied him any points figuring his RBI at best made up for that.
G-Fafif May 15 2007 10:04 PM |
Now THAT'S funny!
Benjamin Grimm May 16 2007 07:32 AM |
Voting for Monday night's series opener against the Cubs will close on Thursday:
Nymr83 May 16 2007 01:44 PM |
don't delete my posts, i'd have edited it before you tallied.
Benjamin Grimm May 17 2007 08:17 AM |
Don't post fake votes and I won't delete them.
Benjamin Grimm May 18 2007 12:20 PM |
Voting for the third game of the Cubs series, the 8-1 win on Wednesday, will close over the weekend.
Frayed Knot May 18 2007 08:57 PM Edited 1 time(s), most recently on May 19 2007 07:40 AM |
General comment here (and I know it all depends on perceived "points earned" by others) but it seems to me that a full-inning save, especially in a one-run game, esp against the middle of the order against a high-scoring team, esp in a subway series game, is generally worth at least a full Schaefer point*.
Gwreck May 18 2007 09:42 PM |
Re the first game vs. the Yankees, I'm scratching my head at the lack of points for LoDuca (2-3, 2 Doubles). Left off some ballots, undervalued on others. Was there something so great about Reyes' 1-4 that warrants him getting points instead of LoDuca?
Benjamin Grimm May 19 2007 06:19 AM |
Reyes and Lo Duca each scored one run, so I think they should get roughly equal points.
Benjamin Grimm May 20 2007 12:38 PM |
Voting for the exciting comeback victory over the Cubs will close on Tuesday morning:
Johnny Dickshot May 20 2007 12:54 PM |
Oftentimes I will reward a can-opener benefit to the guy who makes the first run happen, as Reyes did there and I guess the crowd did too. That said they did overlook LoDuca some -- he was really the only guy who Pettitte well. His 2nd double would be more conspicuous if it involved scoring on either end.
iramets May 20 2007 01:02 PM |
I don't vote in these things any more on principle, but I do think if you were to eliminate the outlying votes, perhaps several of each, you'd get less idiosyncratic voting, especially on the high end..
Benjamin Grimm May 20 2007 01:48 PM |
I don't recall that you ever participated in these, but maybe I'm wrong.
iramets May 20 2007 02:40 PM |
No, you're wrong. I used to participate often in the voting. At the end of my voting days, I'd give eight or twelve digits of decimil points, to mock the absurdity of those who felt that they could work out votes to two or three decimil points--maybe you remember that? The idea is not only that eliminating the outliers would give cleaner results immediately, but that people would realize that by voting absurd point totals for someone who didn't deserve them he was actually causing that vote to be eliminated. Instead of helping Joe Smith by giving him three points for getting a single out, he was causing his vote to disappear, that voter would be motivated to give only a reasonable total for Joe Smith, in line with what other voters were awarding Smith.
Benjamin Grimm May 20 2007 05:34 PM |
I do remember a mock vote from you, but I think (thought) it was the only time you voted. But I don't pay that close attention to who's voting and who isn't.
Benjamin Grimm May 21 2007 05:03 PM |
This is curious. Why is Easley's home run worth more than Wright's?
Willets Point May 21 2007 06:00 PM |
It's not. Easley gets credit for a walk earlier in the game.
Johnny Dickshot May 21 2007 06:46 PM |
That was an intentional walk iirc. unless there was another. Easley also committed the crime of making the third out in the 4th inning. Not a good game for him until the HR.
Benjamin Grimm May 22 2007 06:29 AM |
Voting for all three games against the Yankees at Shea will close on Wednesday morning:
metsmarathon May 22 2007 06:44 AM |
hmm... we just did a whole outlier thing here at work not too long ago... to begin, though, i'd suggest that you define "outlier" if you intend to toss out any vote that is not considered to be part of an expected population of votes, then its going to be difficult to toss any out. tho that newhan game might be a good test for it... otherwise, you're left with either arbitrarily tossing a vote that appears wonky, or automatically tossing the highest and/or lowest votes for a given player in a given game.
Benjamin Grimm May 22 2007 07:07 AM |
I think when this was first proposed last year, each individual player's highest and lowest vote would be tossed.
metsmarathon May 22 2007 08:33 AM |
so we would then toss out a zero vote for a player who was not listed, then?
every player who is not david newhan had a 0 vote removed from his total. the total points awarded for this game dropped from 5.11 to 4.75
Benjamin Grimm May 22 2007 08:42 AM |
And instead of dividing by 16, you divided everyone's total by 14.
metirish May 22 2007 08:42 AM |
I think tossing a person's votes might not do much for voter participation ,is this an isolated incident,if so I am sure the voter could correct such voting in the future.
metsmarathon May 22 2007 08:48 AM |
and to repeat the exercise for a less controversial tally... the 8-1 win against the cubbies:
again, the total points awarded drops from an even 10 to 9.95, and poor mr gotay gets screwed out of a three-hundredth of a point.
seawolf17 May 22 2007 09:11 AM |
That's going to kill him in his arbitration hearing this off-season.
Willets Point May 22 2007 02:45 PM |
m.e.t.b.o.t. is on a tear.
cooby May 22 2007 02:56 PM |
You can't keep a good man down
Willets Point May 22 2007 03:01 PM |
Nor a good robot.
m.e.t.b.o.t. May 22 2007 03:12 PM |
m.e.t.b.o.t. is deeply disappointed that he was not activated over the weekend and was therefore forced to miss two games worth of schaefer voting. m.e.t.b.o.t. understands the importance of this one solitary task for which m.e.t.b.o.t. was created, and will impress upon his human handler the importance of maintaining m.e.t.b.o.t. readiness. m.e.t.b.o.t. fails to see how such an important, and yet simple, task as winding a key can be so difficult to remember, and, yet, it was not done. m.e.t.b.o.t. is disappointed both in m.e.t.b.o.t.'s inactivity, and in m.e.t.b.o.t.'s human handler, whose own inactivity resulted in m.e.t.b.o.t.'s failure to participate in schaefer voting until this afternoon.
Willets Point May 22 2007 03:14 PM |
I love m.e.t.b.o.t.
metsmarathon May 22 2007 03:18 PM |
why you ungrateful little robot! so i took credit for your outlier tables - that's not even really part of the voting!
m.e.t.b.o.t. May 22 2007 03:19 PM |
if m.e.t.b.o.t. could cry, m.e.t.b.o.t. would be very rusty.
SteveJRogers May 22 2007 03:32 PM |
See thats the good thing about an Android like Data
m.e.t.b.o.t. May 22 2007 05:11 PM |
m.e.t.b.o.t. was not designed to be fully functional, nor has m.e.t.b.o.t. been endowed with a vaguely british accent. m.e.t.b.o.t. has been programmed with all manner cultural references pertaining to robots, as these will better suit m.e.t.b.o.t. for interacting with tech-savvy humans than either anatomical correctness or linguistic skills ever will. m.e.t.b.o.t. is always confident and computes positively about metly performances, and vaguely recalls an episode or two wherein mr. data was indeed deactivated at inopportune times. additionally, m.e.t.b.o.t. has no known evil predecessors.
Nymr83 May 22 2007 05:12 PM |
what about who gives Jeter a 10 in every game?
SteveJRogers May 22 2007 05:31 PM |
Funny, m.e.t.b.o.t. kind of resembles this 'bot which was originally concieved as a kids toy, but soon had an evil edge ![]()
Willets Point May 22 2007 06:13 PM |
Reminds me more of 2XL, who was the best use of 8-track tapes ever:
Benjamin Grimm May 24 2007 07:19 AM |
Schaefering for the Tuesday night loss in Atlanta will close on Friday:
Benjamin Grimm May 26 2007 11:50 AM |
Because of the holiday weekend, I'll extend the voting for the last two games in Atlanta as well as for the entire Miami series.
Benjamin Grimm May 29 2007 05:46 AM |
Last call for Wednesday and Thursday's games in Atlanta:
Edgy DC May 29 2007 06:56 AM |
Amazin' how things work. With all the different values and scales poured into the May 27th game, the majority of people agreed that David Wright deserved exactly 1.5 points. And pretty much everyone gamve him 1.2 to 1.8.
metsmarathon May 29 2007 08:32 PM |
ugh... i've got a lot of work to do in the morning! hope i can catch up before yancy can...
metsmarathon May 30 2007 06:51 AM |
whew! there it is...
metirish May 30 2007 07:57 AM |
I struggled over giving Reyes any points for the Giants game,ended up giving 0.5.
metsmarathon May 30 2007 08:03 AM |
[/busily formulating votes] what did reyes do that was unschaeferworthy?
metirish May 30 2007 08:03 AM |
Yes,that's what I gave the the 0.5 for.
Benjamin Grimm May 30 2007 08:40 AM |
I think he also deserves some recognition for scoring from first on Beltran's double.
metirish May 30 2007 08:53 AM |
You're right,I had forgotten about much happened....
Benjamin Grimm May 30 2007 09:26 AM |
Our vote counts for the weekend series in Miami is still a little light, especially since the Mets won all three games.
Benjamin Grimm May 31 2007 10:41 AM |
Now that we've reached the end of May and this thread has over 200 replies, I'm going to lock it and let it slip into Archive Land.