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Michael O'Dorney wins Spelling Bee

Jun 01 2007 09:08 AM

Eliminates any chances of ever getting laid.

They say O'Dorney is home-schooled and juggles while his mother calls out words to spell. Anyone complaining that their childhood sucked be forced to spend a day in Michael's shoes. Even in the picture, you can tell that mom is the happiest about Michael's win. Dad, on the other hand, is happy for his son, but wonders how he ended up raising such a geek.

Story Here:

Edgy DC
Jun 01 2007 09:10 AM

Evan won.

Michael drives a train.

Jun 01 2007 09:12 AM

Doh. CF chances of getting laid not looking so hot either.

Jun 01 2007 09:14 AM

Really,I'm surprised the kid isn't Asian,reading the article it seems young Evan is not all that impressed with his win.

Edgy DC
Jun 01 2007 09:14 AM

How sad, and somewhat ironic, that his dad, rather than bearing a name on his nametag, is simply identified as "11"?

Johnny Dickshot
Jun 01 2007 09:17 AM

Psst: You misspelled 'Evan'

That kid is pretty geeky, though seems like he had the right perspective of what an overwrought thing the spelling bee has become. Note the stuff in the article about the favorite's Mom appealing the quizmasters pronunciation of a word he blew. Deal with it, Mommy.

It's all about memorization anyway for the top ones.

Jun 01 2007 09:17 AM

This picture looks weird...I imagine dad won't be going to the pub tonight carrying young Evan on his shoulders to show him off like in "My Left Foot"

Jun 01 2007 09:21 AM

As the article mentions, heavyweight Samir Patel was eliminated from his fifth and final bee. Poor Samir will have to go down in history as the best speller never to win the big one. Poor guy will think about this day every time the word "clevis" comes up in conversation.

Johnny Dickshot
Jun 01 2007 09:30 AM

That's the one whose Mom challenged his elimination. I suppose the Fort Worth Little League can be thankful he didn't sign up this year.

Jun 01 2007 10:31 AM

Samir Patel : the Dan Marino of the spelling circuit.

Farmer Ted
Jun 01 2007 10:49 AM

I really miss this kid. Fucker never missed a beat. I feel like this daily.

Jun 01 2007 11:14 AM

Spelling bees in other countries suck