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* = this one is still-bourne 0 votes

** = bourne with significant defects 2 votes

*** = a solid chapter abourning 1 votes

**** = a high bourne thriller 4 votes

***** = The ultimate! Bourne baby, Bourne! 0 votes

Vic Sage
Aug 06 2007 01:56 PM


Willets Point
Aug 06 2007 02:24 PM

Should have "Bourne to be wild" as an option (if you're going for bad puns).

Aug 08 2007 08:34 PM

I voted a high bourne thriller but certainly not my fave Bourne,the ending was OK....a fun movie though.

Aug 15 2007 01:21 PM

I voted with irish - I liked it, doesn't give you a chance to catch your breath.

Aug 15 2007 01:40 PM

The fight scene in Morocco was just brilliant though.....

Aug 15 2007 02:32 PM

i liked the constant action but the plot was kinda "eh" for me. i should mention i never read any of the books. gave it a 3.

Aug 15 2007 02:44 PM

I read all the books but that was like 20 years ago. I've got very little recollection of the plots of each one.

Ludlum books being inherently difficult to follow I welcome the Matt Damon movies.

I feel like Homer Simpson watching the flicks. Sit back. Eat Popcorn. Enjoy. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

Frayed Knot
Aug 15 2007 02:48 PM

I read the original Bourne book about a million years ago. That kind of reading usually isn't up my alley but a couple of his were worthwhile.

Liked the original OK, but I'm almost allergic to sequels so haven't gotten around to any of the others.
My favorite comment about this new one was where someone said; 'they don't exactly wear you out with dialogue.'

Aug 17 2007 03:27 PM

aside from the basic outline of the jason bourne character, there's nothing else in the movies thats remotely like the books. i like that. both stand on their own.

i think i like the movies better, as the characters and such are more believeable in their words, actions and reactions. ludlum never was good with people, imo.

Edgy MD
Aug 17 2007 10:12 PM

That was the trick to the Bond series. The Broccoli family owned the film rights to the characters and the book titles, but they didn't really resemble the book content. Until now, I guess.

Frayed Knot
Aug 18 2007 06:01 AM

The only Bond I ever read was 'Goldfinger' after picking up a used paperback version in some Jr High era book fair for about a quarter long after I had already seen the movie. I enjoyed it at the time, then picked it up again a few years later and found it incredibly stupid. My memory is that the movie pretty much followed the book, at least as much as those things can.

Supposedly that whole series got its biggest boost when Pres Kennedy copped to being a big fan.

John Cougar Lunchbucket
Mar 17 2008 11:54 AM

Guy escapes detection by the FBI -- who happens to be run by an evil guy -- for 2 hours. Big whoop.

"We're going mobile." Oh shut up.

Mar 17 2008 02:30 PM

i must admit that, as part of his supporting cast, i'd really appreciate it if, in some spy movie somwhere, uncle sam were not cast as the bad guy...

it would also be nice if julia stiles worked in my office. but one thing at a time, i guess.

Farmer Ted
Mar 09 2009 06:11 PM

Matt Damon is such a bad ass. Matt Damon?