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Let It Go Already (Split from Standings)
Centerfield Sep 04 2007 01:14 PM |
It feels weird to root for the Braves. I know it doesn't make sense logically, but I think I'd like to see Philly take one of these games. I would hate to see Atlanta get started on a run.
Johnny Dickshot Sep 04 2007 01:17 PM |
Wish the Mets would wake up and realize the black unis are just as dated as WLTDO.
sharpie Sep 04 2007 01:22 PM |
I think it's time to retire that mock-Italian song they play after "Take Me Out to the Ball Game." Change it up, guys.
Edgy DC Sep 04 2007 01:27 PM |
Yelling Day-O! back at the PA system is neither fun nor funny. Collective goofiness aside, it just makes no sense at all to me.
Gwreck Sep 04 2007 01:45 PM |
I too wish the black uniforms would disappear forever.
HahnSolo Sep 04 2007 01:47 PM |
I totally agree. Johnny Franco's been gone for years.
Valadius Sep 04 2007 01:51 PM |
You are right on the money. Good lord, I HATE that song! There's no freaking point to it!!!
Edgy DC Sep 04 2007 01:51 PM Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Sep 04 2007 01:54 PM |
Annoying, but there's a sense to it. Hand-clapping generates enthusiasm (at least in theory). "Day-o" is a song about fatigue.
metirish Sep 04 2007 01:53 PM |
Why not dump the PA system and let the fans make the noise,use the PA system for announcements and such.
Benjamin Grimm Sep 04 2007 02:08 PM |
I also despise the black jerseys (and the all-black cap) but I understand the desire to have a variety of uniforms to sell to the fans. So rather than advocate their elimination, I'd be willing to settle for their infrequent appearance, like for Sunday night games or midweek day games.
metirish Sep 04 2007 02:10 PM Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Sep 04 2007 02:33 PM |
I own the all black cap and like it better than the black cap with blue bill but not as much as I like my all Mets blue Mets cap .
Benjamin Grimm Sep 04 2007 02:20 PM |
I have three caps that I wear: An all-blue Mets cap, a blue/black Mets cap, and a classic blue Brooklyn Dodgers cap.
metsguyinmichigan Sep 04 2007 02:40 PM |
The Tigers only recently started making better choices about what to play over the PA.
G-Fafif Sep 04 2007 03:14 PM |
I see the black caps and unis and I see 1999 and 2000. Granted, it's not 1999 or 2000 anymore, but it's a pleasant reminder of my favorite era of Mets baseball. I also find myself unable to separate the last strains of Take Me Out to the Ball Game from the opening notes of Lazy Mary.
bmfc1 Sep 04 2007 04:14 PM |
The Mets have won 4 in a row wearing black so you know we'll see them today.
Willets Point Sep 04 2007 04:40 PM |
I like "Lazy Mary," it's a nice tradition like "Thank God I'm a Country Boy" in Balmer.
martin Sep 04 2007 05:32 PM |
1. lazy mary is fantastic
Kid Carsey Sep 04 2007 05:48 PM |
I like Lazy, I usually start clapping before TMOttBG is over. Sweet Caroline
seawolf17 Sep 04 2007 06:07 PM |
Yes, yes, yes, no, yes, and yes. I have a very weathered fitted blue hat and a similarly weathered fitted Connecticut Defenders hat that I wear almost exclusively, despite having a bin full of hats. I also do have the black hat, but I always choose the blue one. I am also a proud former owner of the short-lived white hat from the Masato Yoshii years; I also have (somewhere, although I have no idea where) an old blue hat with a very faded Sid Fernandez autograph under the bill that I got as a kid.
Yes, yes, yes, yes, and yes. I'm a big fan of Lazy Mary; I enjoy its uniqueness to Shea. I'd bet they go another direction at the new place.
Johnny Dickshot Sep 04 2007 06:28 PM |
Exactly, it's dated. Not sure that 1999-00 is old enough to be looked back upon with nostalgia yet. Lazy Mary -- like it. Tho also a relic of the Valentine-Franco-Piazza eye-talian Mets. I'm OK with a new one here if they choose it well. Caroline -- duh. Ev'rybody clap yo hands -- OK as irritating PA blasts go. Orange hats -- sure Blue/black caps -- Fugly All black caps -- better than black/blue but still stupid. All blue is a billion times better. I think I'm with Martin here.
seawolf17 Sep 04 2007 06:34 PM |
Hey, the Reds just played that "everybody clap your hands" thing.
Benjamin Grimm Sep 04 2007 07:06 PM |
I'm beginning to think I'm in the minority, but I like the blue/black a lot better than the all black.
Nymr83 Sep 04 2007 07:18 PM |
yeah i'd rather add some color to the black...but i'd rather they just didn't wear it at all.
Edgy DC Sep 04 2007 07:23 PM |
OK, so if we're going to affect policy, the greatest consensus is
G-Fafif Sep 04 2007 07:56 PM |
Minority report, Mr. Chairman... I think stealing "Sweet Caroline" was a justifiable crime last October given Neil Diamond's local roots and the "so good so good" was so good when sung by 56,000 strong. But I'd save it for whatever playoffs there are if there are (will not say "will be" 'cause...just won't) because that's when it was great. As the regular season has worn on, it feels not so much thieved but warmed over. Besides, the between-innings pause is long enough in postseason play to get the entire thing sung. Also, the Mets should be winning when it's played. For that matter, the Mets should be winning all the time. That would be a pretty awesome Shea/Citi tradition. Huzzah to the Brewers for maintaining at Miller Park as they had at County Stadium when I was last at a game in Milwaukee before last week "Roll Out the Barrel" to follow "Take Me Out to the Ball Game". There aren't nearly enough songs that include the word "tararrel" in them. Huzzah also for wearing the '82 unis every Friday night this year to commemorate their last pennant. Huzzah for fans who stick with a team that hasn't won a blessed thing in 25 years.
metsguyinmichigan Sep 04 2007 08:13 PM |
Good Rats! Sweet! As for Bowie, they're pretty sensitive to the whole "Detroit is a bad place" thing so nothing with a panic is going to get played. :) You forgot Bob Seger, who seems to get played every other song out here no matter what the station's format is...."And that was the Da Game and Fitty Cent, followed by a 'Like a Rock.'"
Edgy DC Sep 04 2007 08:19 PM |
Know what has a local connection? Any song the Beatles played at Shea, bub.
Gwreck Sep 04 2007 08:21 PM |
The Tigers play "Dancing in the Street" after victories.
G-Fafif Sep 04 2007 08:29 PM |
Overlooked generally is "SC" is sponsored by XM as the XM Singalong. In 2006, several songs were tried in that slot, including "I Saw Her Standing There". No reaction for anything by anybody except for "Sweet Caroline." Can't have a singalong if nobody's singing along. Not a perfect fit, but for a singalong with local flavor, I'd give "Piano Man" a shot. And a beer.
Edgy DC Sep 04 2007 08:31 PM |
Gwreck Sep 04 2007 08:31 PM |
I've always advocated using Springsteen's "Glory Days" for that singalong spot.
G-Fafif Sep 04 2007 08:33 PM |
Interesting point.
Johnny Dickshot Sep 04 2007 08:51 PM |
metirish Sep 04 2007 09:03 PM |
I'm certain jeff Keppinger came to bat tonight to AC/DC's "TNT"....which is just funny.
G-Fafif Sep 04 2007 09:05 PM |
People, certainly Mets fans, seem to be self-conscious by nature. Asking them to sing on command serves to make them recede further into their humility shell (chant and clap? sure; sing? uh, you start...). Everybody cringed at "Our Team, Our Time" last year so they gave us the "Meet the Mets" singalong and few really sing along. Nobody sung along to "The Curly Shuffle". They cheered it, but they didn't sing even the "hey mo/hey mo" part. Maybe the best you can hope for are a few "oh oh oh"s when they arise.
Willets Point Sep 04 2007 09:36 PM |
Music snob.
Johnny Dickshot Sep 04 2007 10:08 PM |
And proud of it.
Edgy DC Sep 04 2007 10:37 PM |
Spread out now Rosie, doctor come cut loose her mama's reins
Gwreck Sep 04 2007 11:00 PM |
Even at the height of not just music by my own Springsteen snobbery, I can still understand and appreciate the value of "Glory Days." :)
Elster88 Sep 05 2007 05:18 AM |
On the other hand, they could just get rid of "the singalong" altogether and leave it to pre-school where it belongs.
HahnSolo Sep 05 2007 07:22 AM |
Not to defend the Mets about Sweet Caroline, but isn't the playing of that song tied in with a sponsor? I thought that was the case the last two times I was at Shea.
seawolf17 Sep 05 2007 07:27 AM |
Detroit should throw some Alice Cooper in there also. Maybe "Detroit City."
Edgy DC Sep 05 2007 07:28 AM |
The Giants wore that NY insignia in orange on black hats for decades, why can't the Mets? The blue insignia outlined by orange on a field of black is abominiable. The blue and black clash and the orange seems like a hasty solution to that problem, but ends up broadly overdrawing the logo and destroys the simplistic beauty of the thing. It's a domino effect of ugly.
Johnny Dickshot Sep 05 2007 08:08 AM |
The Spectrum. IIRC, it was November or December of that year (91 or 92?) I didn't think it was a bad show, it just didn't compare much to say, the River Tour in 1981. What I remember most was the Glory days closer, with the band all skipping around a big circle on stage. It was, like, totally faggy.
soupcan Sep 05 2007 08:10 AM |
I'm with Yancy on this. Hate, hate, hate the all-black cap. I tolerate the black & blue but would prefer it only on the road and worn with the road greys.
Could not agree more with that statement. The kids like the black. I guess that black connotes 'badass' on some level and kids like to think that their team, and by extension they, are badass. I guess. I just hope its a fashion trend that fades out sooner rather than later. Things I hate at Shea - That goddamned Homerun Apple. The 'Jose, Jose, Jose chant when initiated by the sound system. When the fans start it, its great, but I hate being manipulated.
Edgy DC Sep 05 2007 08:27 AM Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Sep 05 2007 08:35 AM |
I think it has, but the Mets haven't been cc'd.
Well, yeah. I bet Reyes hates it at this point and a good chemical-bahavioral scientist can tie the PA track to his fading performance. I don't know how anybody but a Grandpa Crankypants can hate the apple.
Benjamin Grimm Sep 05 2007 08:34 AM |
Edgy, I think you put soupcan's words in my mouth. (And they taste like cream of chicken!)
Willets Point Sep 05 2007 08:35 AM |
I think this is Freudian slip that shows the Edgy thinks Yancy is a Grandpa Crankypants.
Edgy DC Sep 05 2007 08:35 AM |
Nah. Fix't.
soupcan Sep 05 2007 08:38 AM |
That's fine, I've been called worse.
You're welcome.
Centerfield Sep 05 2007 09:58 AM |
I've never had a problem with the black uniforms or hats, though it may well be time to put them aside. I doubt they'll be making the trip to Citifield.
Edgy DC Sep 05 2007 10:03 AM |
Now that's where I think peeps are being persnickety just for the sake of it. How is painting a dot (with the established secondary color worse than painting the whole damn cap (a trendy new third color) and reconceiving a classic logo of antiquity into a desperate distorion?
Centerfield Sep 05 2007 10:32 AM |
The orange dot modifies the original. The black provides an alternative. If you hate the black hats, you don't have to buy or wear them. If I hate the orange dot, I can't simply buy an all-blue hat (without the dot) because the Mets don't wear one anymore. In my view, they can make as many alternative uniforms as they want...just leave the original alone.
Edgy DC Sep 05 2007 10:37 AM |
Alternative garb is the greater threat. 99% right beats 100% wrong every day.
Rockin' Doc Sep 05 2007 10:59 AM |
CF - "The real abomination is the orange dot on the all blue caps."
Benjamin Grimm Sep 05 2007 11:23 AM |
I think the dot was there for two or three years before I even noticed it.
Willets Point Sep 05 2007 11:28 AM |
The real crime is switching from woolen uniforms to acrylic fibers. That's a crying shame I tells ya.
G-Fafif Sep 05 2007 11:54 AM |
I've been pro-dot all these years, if one can define oneself in relation to the dot, but now that I think about it, it probably took its cue from the Dodger caps with the white button, which should have been an indication of Wilponian Dodger envy.
Edgy DC Sep 05 2007 12:18 PM Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Sep 05 2007 12:40 PM |
Exactly, it's turning the complaint box into a contest to see who can get most exercised about the most innocuous stuff that gets all complaints shitcanned.
soupcan Sep 05 2007 12:32 PM |
Got no problem with the dot - in fact I like it. I think it only adds to the classic. Dodgers, Cubs - they got dots. It doesn't look like a beanie. If you attached a propeller to it, then it would look like a beanie
Willets Point Sep 05 2007 12:33 PM Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Sep 06 2007 06:29 AM |
I think they should put the apple on the uniform.
Frayed Knot Sep 05 2007 12:34 PM |
There are orange dots on the caps?
G-Fafif Sep 05 2007 12:37 PM |
Charlie Samuels is on record as loving the shadow that infiltrated the 49er uniforms in the '90s. That's where that came from. I don't care for it either. Pinstripes are a little too corrupted to be totally enjoyed. None of this, by the way, detracts from the Mets fan experience as a whole. They can wear buttons and bows and blast all the dopey songs they like when you get right down to it.
soupcan Sep 05 2007 01:32 PM |
Why I oughta...
SteveJRogers Sep 05 2007 05:08 PM |
The button on top of the cap ![]()
Frayed Knot Sep 05 2007 07:39 PM |
Don't know what I'd do without ya dude.