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Best Left Fielder
TheOldMole Aug 08 2005 08:15 PM |
Marty Noble:
Willets Point Aug 08 2005 08:20 PM |
Wait until Vic Sage reads this!
Edgy DC Aug 08 2005 09:12 PM |
All-time rankings say Cleon.
TheOldMole Aug 08 2005 10:23 PM |
Cleon gets my vote.
seawolf17 Aug 09 2005 10:01 AM |
I'll vote K-Mac also, but Cleon will get the popular vote.
Vic Sage Aug 09 2005 02:36 PM |
There have been 6 players in club history to play the majority of the Mets games in LF for at least 3 seasons (including Floyd, who will qualify at the end of 05), and i'd rank them as follows:
TheOldMole Aug 09 2005 03:10 PM |
They knew it was Cleon because they found shoe polish on the girl's ass.
cooby Aug 09 2005 03:12 PM |
I thought they were in a station wagon
TheOldMole Aug 09 2005 03:12 PM |
Do you figure an intangible quality of Metliness here? McReynolds never struck me as particularly Metly.
Elster88 Aug 09 2005 03:21 PM |
Given the all-time Met win percentage, Metly probably means something along the lines of "played poorly for a last place team." Big Mac fails both ends of that sentence except for his last year here.
G-Fafif Aug 09 2005 03:24 PM |
The Faith and Fear One Hundred Greatest Mets of the First Forty Years (1962 through 2001) ranks the leftfielders as such:
MFS62 Aug 09 2005 03:28 PM |
I seem to recall it was in the back of a van.
Elster88 Aug 09 2005 03:32 PM |
I haven't looked at your data yet, but I'd seriously question Agbayani over McReynolds for starters.
Frayed Knot Aug 09 2005 03:48 PM |
Ranking Differences:
Edgy DC Aug 09 2005 03:56 PM |
FaFiF seems to wheigh the fun factor higher than we do.
Edgy DC Aug 09 2005 04:56 PM |
The top Met leftfielders of 1962 were:
G-Fafif Aug 09 2005 05:03 PM |
Good way to put it. Forgot -- Frank Thomas is No. 76 on our list.
Edgy DC Aug 09 2005 05:04 PM |
It's a bad way to spell it though.
Edgy DC Aug 09 2005 05:11 PM |
Thomas is 124 on our list giving him a fun factor rating of 63.
Frayed Knot Aug 09 2005 10:52 PM |
btw; Cliff Floyd = #99