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Mike Cameron's Hustle (formerly: A*h**s on the Internet)
Johnny Dickshot Aug 12 2005 08:55 PM Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Aug 14 2005 09:12 PM |
cooby Aug 12 2005 09:03 PM |
Edgy DC Aug 12 2005 09:09 PM |
Are you registered to respond to that crap?
Johnny Dickshot Aug 12 2005 09:10 PM |
No sir.
cooby Aug 12 2005 09:11 PM |
You can email him
Frayed Knot Aug 12 2005 09:14 PM |
Well fortunately we've got Moises Alou to fill in for Cammy since this same site "broke" the news of the 2-year Met contract he signed this past Spring.
DocTee Aug 12 2005 09:17 PM |
I believe that article was written and posted before the brutal collision...
Edgy DC Aug 12 2005 09:21 PM |
I believe it was lying nonsense before that also.
DocTee Aug 12 2005 09:27 PM |
so do I, butut nobody complained about it until after Cammy "almost died for the mets" yesterday
Nymr83 Aug 12 2005 09:30 PM |
yes, but before cameron got hurt this was only th guy's opinion and not "disgraceful" as the poster said
Johnny Dickshot Aug 12 2005 09:32 PM |
Johnny Dickshot Aug 12 2005 09:44 PM |
only th guy's opinion and not "disgraceful" as the poster said
Nymr83 Aug 12 2005 09:59 PM |
so what? so i find it objectionable when people voice an opinion only when circumstances make them right, but keep their mouth shut when they don't.
metirish Aug 12 2005 10:01 PM |
IMO this article is a bit of rubbish regardless of when this wanker wrote it, if he wrote it before last night then how can he say that the Mets are done?, 3 or 4 games out in the WC is not done, are the Mets going to win the WC, probably not but they have a shot and that's not done. Plus to say Cameron is mailing it in is bullshit.
Johnny Dickshot Aug 12 2005 10:18 PM |
so i find it objectionable when people voice an opinion only when circumstances make them right, but keep their mouth shut when they don't. lets not call that guy's negative opinion disgraceful because you dont agree with it wrong if you want, but i dont see how its disgraceful.
Edgy DC Aug 12 2005 10:49 PM |
It's not like I don't object to similar garbage whenever it comes across this forum.
SI Metman Aug 12 2005 11:12 PM |
I actually met Mr. McGann this spring at a B-Mets game. Nice fellow, but I disagree with most of his views on this franchise.
Johnny Dickshot Aug 12 2005 11:29 PM |
I'm especailly hot over this, obviously, but it's not as if this is the first time these clowns have embarrassed themselves and saddened me.
KC Aug 13 2005 05:54 AM |
I don't know if disgraceful is the word I'd use. Dude has a soap box set up
cooby Aug 13 2005 07:39 AM |
This is why I don't read blogs
Mark Healey Aug 13 2005 09:44 AM Re: Assholes on the Internet |
![]() Actually, the title of this thread _ if you wish to be taken seriously _ is disgraceful. Way to go, buds. Secondly, it was NYFS _ not Gotham Baseball _ that incorrectly reported the Moises Alou "signing". I reported a rumor to their news desk _ which at the time was being manned by no one associated currently witrh GB _ was they made it "official". Nice cheap shot, though. As well as not mentioning the nearly 100 accuracy of GB's Rumor Mill this year. Next, and most importantly, the column being discussd here was written and posted days before the collison. Mr. McGann is not the only writer _ or fan _ that feels that Cammy was "mailing it in" prior to the trading deadline. Maybe it was his .205 BA in June, or the robust .225 he posted in July? Oh and the "three games out", and "they're not done!" This team hasn't shown the mental toughness to beat the Pittsburgh Pirates, let alone outlast the THREE teams they have ahead of them in the NL East and wildcard standings. Cammy's injury, IMO, gives them a better chance to win. Diaz, IMO, is a better all-around hitter. Offense, not RF defense, is this team's biggest problem. So, instead of getting personal, and spilling your Kool-Aid all over yourself in the process, try arguing the merits of the article _ like SI Metman did _ , as opposed to the mostly stupid commentary I just read.
Johnny Dickshot Aug 13 2005 11:02 AM |
Secondly, it was NYFS _ not Gotham Baseball _ that incorrectly reported the Moises Alou "signing". I reported a rumor to their news desk _ which at the time was being manned by no one associated currently witrh GB _ was they made it "official". Nice cheap shot, though.
Edgy DC Aug 13 2005 12:04 PM |
I'll just work with that slliy point about batting averages. Since when is low batting average (and Cameron has never been associated with high ones) over a period equal an absence of etfort?
Nymr83 Aug 13 2005 12:52 PM |
without commenting one way or the other on the truth of that statement, i just have to say WHO CARES. being a f*ckin journalist or writer does not make you any more qualified to judge a team than any other fan who follows the team on a daily basis.
Nymr83 Aug 13 2005 01:00 PM |
my new favorite column: "Please, no more Ishii"
Edgy DC Aug 13 2005 02:13 PM |
Well, it depends on what you mean by journalist, but it sure should qualify you.
Mark Healey Aug 13 2005 02:19 PM |
Whatever. Mike McGann spends weeks on the road covering the entire Mets system, talks to countless FO types, but this forum is the bastion of truth. Ok. Cammy is an imcomplete and flawed as a baseball player as anyone, yet for some reason gets a pass for being about as useless an offensive player for huge stretches as I have ever seen. I have never understood the beat guys and certain fans' attachment to Cameron _ and while I certainly hopes he heals and is back, able to play (for another team) next season _ the idea that he is this "warrior" or "great teammate" is simply overstated. He got hurt because he was trying to catch a baseball, not because he saw a baseball coming for Beltran and dove in front of it to save his life. Was he a great clubhouse guy when the Mets were stabbing Art Howe in the back every day? Was he a great teammate when he backtracked on his original "I'll play RF when we get Beltran." Is he quotable? Sure. I was also in the clubhouse the day he blew a fly ball in the sun, and cost Glavine and the Mets a ball game, and not once did he say," My bad, I should have had it." +++++ As to my Alou story: Omar himself thought he had "Alou in the bag" and there was an agreement in principal, which is what I reported. Alou telling his agent "to get it done" during the Pedro press conference was pretty much a "done deal" in my eyes. Well, neither Omar nort I knew that he was working the Giants for a player option, and that's what made him a Giant, not some some special relationship with his dad. To equate what I've written in a post as opposed to what I have written as a news story is rather silly, though. What should I have done, o wise and all-knowing one? I tell you what I should do now; know better than to reply to "writers" that use internet psuedonyms instead of their real names, which is a real brave way to criticize other writers.
Johnny Dickshot Aug 13 2005 02:25 PM |
Yeah, the point was only in responding to the idea stated above that not only was Cameron dogging it, but that was something that other writers were also reporting. I don't see it.
Edgy DC Aug 13 2005 02:44 PM Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Aug 13 2005 07:00 PM |
Please don't pass attitude off as commentary. Let's not act like third graders.
This forum is a forum, nothing more. Plenty of nonsense gets written here and it's embarrassing.
I think for about ten seconds and I can come up with ten players more incomplete and more flawed. Give me a minute and I can likely come up with sixty. Distortion passed off as analysis isn't any more impressive than "whatever," from a third-grader or anyone else.
As a fan, he plays baseball, often plays well, and I appreciate that. I don't know where the "warrior" or "great teammate" quotes come from so let's not try and re-frame the argument away from things that were actually said that you're defending.
Does it not fly directly into the face of the "mailing it in" comment?
This is more reframing.
What did he say? Was there evidence of mail? Because none of this qualifies.
Nymr83 Aug 13 2005 02:57 PM |
neither of your comments qualify as "analysis" why not post numbers showing cameron is either below, at, or above average? i'd do it myself but i'm watching the game.
Edgy DC Aug 13 2005 03:03 PM |
Above or below average isn't the issue.
Spacemans Bong Aug 13 2005 05:05 PM |
I find it amusing how writing for an anonymous website qualifies you as a journalist.
TheOldMole Aug 13 2005 06:00 PM |
We're all a bunch of amateurs, and we're all a bunch of fans. None of us will ever know one tenth as much baseball as Sam Perlozzo, to pick a name at random.
Nymr83 Aug 13 2005 06:48 PM |
being a columist for some paper doesn't necessarily make you knowledgeable or qualified either.
TheOldMole Aug 13 2005 07:35 PM |
Also true.
Johnny Dickshot Aug 14 2005 09:11 PM |
You probably should have done what you expect of Mike Cameron when he loses a fly ball in the sun and say, "My bad. I blew that one." I only quoted your silly message board discussion to dispute your contention here that you were somehow sandbagged by guys at the other site. At the least, you appeared to be just as wrong as anyone, and even if you were close, which I'm not disputing, you still missed. That's OK... But when you get called on these things, in my opinion you'd be better off owning up to it than the arrogant tap-dance you'd performed here and on that other message board. It makes you look bad. Now I'll confess you were right -- my use of the word "assholes" was impolitic, wrong, and unecessarily dragged people here and over there into a lousy discussion. Sorry about that. I'll go change it to something less imflammatory. All I intended to dispute from that article was that one bad sentence -- the notion that Cameron hadn't hustled. No need to interpret the argument as to whether Cameron was a "warrior," a great player, or even a good one. His relationship with the press doesn't matter. What team he plays for doesn't matter. His flaws don't matter, unless the flaw includes a lack of hustle which, as I've said, I hadn't seen nor read about even when he struggled offensively and certainly not when in an attempt to make a play he broke his face. What's at issue is whether he was dogging it. I don't think you've made a case yet for that remark, and let's be frank: It's because there isn't one. Maybe it's time to admit to another mistake.