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Heath Ledger (split from dead thread)

Jan 22 2008 03:03 PM

Heath Ledger, 28.

Benjamin Grimm
Jan 22 2008 03:08 PM


Willets Point
Jan 22 2008 07:45 PM

Shit, way too young.

John Cougar Lunchbucket
Jan 22 2008 09:14 PM

Young and stupid seems to be the rage these days.

Rockin' Doc
Jan 23 2008 11:18 AM

Lunchbucket - "Young and stupid seems to be the rage these days."

Agreed. Unfortunately, extreme wealth in combination with excessive amounts of free time generally leads to trouble for many young celebrities. I don't expect that to change any time soon.

Jan 23 2008 11:34 AM

excessive amounts of free time for young people is the real problem (not in school, not currently working), being wealthy just gets you on TV when things go wrong.

John Cougar Lunchbucket
Jan 23 2008 11:35 AM

I didn;t mean to minimize his troubles whatever they were if he was addicted or in need of sedation for whatever. It's that he has a 2 year old.

Jan 23 2008 11:54 AM

It's sad alright, I enjoyed his movies and certainly he had great potential.

Rockin' Doc
Jan 23 2008 11:55 AM

Nymr - "excessive amounts of free time for young people is the real problem (not in school, not currently working), being wealthy just gets you on TV when things go wrong."

I agree with that assertion. Poor kids die in the projects, while the rich and famous kids die in Manhatton or Beverly Hills. As far as the media is concerned the newsworthiness of the death is, as they say in real estate, all about location. Still a terrible tragedy in either way.

Willets Point
Jan 23 2008 12:13 PM

Nymr83 wrote:
excessive amounts of free time for young people is the real problem (not in school, not currently working), being wealthy just gets you on TV when things go wrong.

Agreed. We should override the child labor laws and have kids working 16 hours a day in factories.

Jan 23 2008 03:09 PM

but then what would we do with all the mexicans?

Jan 23 2008 06:05 PM

send them back where they belong.

(to hear my real views on immigration reform just ask, they probably arent as radical as you all think they'd be)

Benjamin Grimm
Jan 23 2008 07:20 PM

What are your real views on immigration reform?

Jan 23 2008 08:09 PM

basically the bill (read [url=] here [/url] ) passed by the Senate in May that Bush was on board with but the House was unable to reach compromise with the Senate on.

Jan 23 2008 08:15 PM

I'm not really a fan of making English the official language, nor of requiring immigrants to return to a point of entry to apply for residency visas. Seems a bit convoluted for me.

Jan 23 2008 08:18 PM

Back to Heath Ledger, if we may.

I think this hits me hard for several reasons -

-He was so young;
-He was so talented; and
- Brokeback Mountain was very important to some important friends of mine, so I know that this is a huge loss for them.

Jan 23 2008 08:38 PM

DocTee wrote:
I'm not really a fan of making English the official language, nor of requiring immigrants to return to a point of entry to apply for residency visas. Seems a bit convoluted for me.

i fully support english as the official language

i don't really care where they return to, the important thing to me would be that each and every one of them registers and those who don't (after a certain grace period) receive no amnesty whatsoever. i do not like people living "off the grid"

Jan 23 2008 08:52 PM

We've gotten along pretty well for over 225 years without an official language, so I see no need to have one now.

And while the sheer numbers of foreign-tongued immigrants may seem daunting, the relative percentage is rather small, especially when compared to earlier periods (like 1910, when fully 35% of those living in this country had been born outside of our nation's borders).