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The 2008 Oscar Thread

Feb 22 2008 10:14 AM

Let's kick off the festivities and discussion.

Here's an interesting article (not only because I'm mentioned in it) about viewers' suggestions for Ocsars that should have been awarded, but weren't.

What Oscars do you think were given to the wrong persons/ movies?


Feb 22 2008 10:21 AM

Eddie Murphy was ROBBED last year. He deserved it over Alan Arkin.

Feb 22 2008 11:23 AM

I agree with Val.

My theory is that Murphy pissed off a lot of Academy voters by using his nominee status to advertise Norbit last winter. I think that some people couldn't bear to vote for him based on that, despite the fact that his performance was incredible.

Feb 22 2008 12:03 PM

I'm sure i've harped on it before but I have no problem doing so again- Shawshank Redemption was a great movie, the movie that beat it, Forrest Gump, was crap.

going through the article's suggestions...

]Friedman casts his own retroactive vote for 1939's "The Wizard of Oz." "Yes, that was the year 'Gone With the Wind' won Best Picture," he acknowledges

Agreed. Oz over a movie i wouldn't sit through.

]If there is a more perfect movie than 1962's 'To Kill a Mockingbird,' I've yet to see it," says Eileen Morgan. Though it lost to "Lawrence of Arabia

i'm fine with either one.

]How, she wonders, could "The Shawshank Redemption" have lost to "Forrest Gump" in 1995?


]Don't get me wrong," says Barry Hammer. "I adore 'Shakespeare in Love.' But 'Saving Private Ryan' was robbed for Best Picture

yes, though Ryan itself wasn't that agreat a movie to me, just the best one that year.

]why Oliver Stone's "JFK" didn't go home with a Best Picture statue in 1992. Winner "The Silence of the Lambs,"

disagree entirely, silence of the lambs deserved it.

]"'The Taking of Pelham One Two Three' is exciting and well made, a unique story with excellent performances. It's all there. For me, it was worthy." Alas, the Academy disagreed: "Pelham" didn't earn a single nomination in 1975 [the winner was one flew over the cukoo's nest]

never saw pelham.

]Federal also wonders whether 1977's "Saturday Night Fever" deserved a Best Picture honor. "I know 'Annie Hall' won

never saw either movie.

]says Ron Bleiberg. "In all that time, two nominees still stand out in my mind as should-have-wons: Jane Fonda in 'They Shoot Horses, Don't They?' and Edward Norton in 'Primal Fear

they should shoot Fonda, not the horses.
Norton was great in Primal Fear, who did he lose to?

]Russell Crowe's Best Actor win for "Gladiator" in 2001. "Crowe should have won for 'A Beautiful Mind'" the following year, Ellis allows, "but Tom Hanks deserved it for 'Cast Away'

its amazing i didnt think of castaway when i saw i am legend, hanks was better at being the entire movie.

Feb 22 2008 12:26 PM

Pelham is an excellent movie. But the academy oft looks for transcendent themes and One Flew had them while Pelham didn't really.

]Crowe should have won for 'A Beautiful Mind'"


Feb 22 2008 12:33 PM

Norton lost to Cuba Gooding, Jr (in Jerry Maguire)
A complex dramatic performance should not lose to one memorable line.

I am a Viet Nam era veteran, so I have no love for what Fonda did. But, putting politics aside, if you had seen her performance in that movie, you would have voted for her, too.


Frayed Knot
Feb 24 2008 01:04 PM

OK, I'll save you the trouble of having to watch the show tonight and give you the winners now.
This info is presented without any interference from having seen most of the movies involved since such knowledge can only cloud your mind and screw up your PA (prediction average). Instead, you need to rely on things like pre-Oscar "buzz", whose turn it is to win, and, most importantly, stuff like who's playing the role of a handicap.

Picture: 'No Country for Old Men' ... virtually a lock
-- possible upset: 'Michael Clayton' .. bashing agri-business is never a bad move in Hollywoodland
Atonement -- No chance
Juno -- honored it just by being nominated
There Will be Blood' -- too "out there" for some

Director: Coen^2 -- attached to Best Picture winner, never won before

Actor: Daniel Day-Lewis -- totally a lock

Actress: Julie Christie -- plays an alzheimers patient, nuff said. Confidence = medium-high
possible upset: Marion Cotillard -- see, we don't hate foreigners

Supp Actor: Javier Badem ... Confidence = very high
possible upset: Hal Holbrook of Tom Willkinson -- can never count old guys out of this category

Supp Actress: Cate Blanchett -- gender crossover a big plus ... although this is traditionally the toughest category to call
possible upset: Ruby Dee -- that old thing again

Other categories -- no one cares.

Feb 24 2008 01:15 PM

I'd bet the ranch on Ruby Dee winning tonight. Its one of those "long amd meritorious service" kinds of awards the Academy sometimes gives out when this may or may not be the performer's best performance.

And, I'd love to see Tommy Lee Jones win, just to see his acceptance speech. He could hold up the Oscar and say something like "Look, roomie, I won an award this year, too". *


* = for those of you who may not know, he was the college room mate of Al Gore.

Feb 24 2008 01:16 PM

I actually agree with most of FK's choices.

I'll give you my upset choice du nuit - while Ratatouille is favored for Best Animated Picture, my choice in that category is Persepolis.

Carnac the Metnificent
Feb 24 2008 06:45 PM

A: I Am Legend

Q: What is the title of Roger Clemens's upcoming autobiography?

A: There will be blood

Q: What's the prediction for the first Mets-Phils series?

A: Into the wild

Q: Where does Oliver Perez disappear to every few starts?

Feb 24 2008 06:56 PM

Ratatouille wins Best Animated Feature

These Oscars suck already.

Feb 24 2008 07:57 PM

The musical numbers this year suck. 3 songs from Enchanted? Is that even a real movie?

And...didn't Vedder write the soundtrack for a Sean Penn movie this year?

Feb 24 2008 08:14 PM

Marion Cotillard wins Best Actress.

These Oscars have been redeemed.

Feb 24 2008 08:15 PM

themetfairy wrote:
Marion Cotillard wins Best Actress.

I totally had her in my Oscar pool.


Frayed Knot
Feb 24 2008 08:29 PM

TransMonk wrote:
..didn't Vedder write the soundtrack for a Sean Penn movie this year?

Yes, for 'Into the Wild', and it wasn't even nominated for soundtrack.

Feb 24 2008 10:51 PM


Daniel Day-Lewis wins for a truly outstanding performance.

Feb 25 2008 06:27 AM

Four acting Oscars and best song went to Europeans.

We suck!

Feb 25 2008 07:17 AM

Yeah it was hard to believe that songs from"Into The Wild" were not nominated, still I have no problem with "Falling Slowly" winning.

Feb 25 2008 07:28 AM

I noticed that also -- that Vedder album was very good. You'd think they could have squeezed one of the Enchanted songs -- two of which were the same anyway -- and given him a shot.

Where were all the Americans last night? Can't we even rig our own award shows? For the first time in my adult life, I've never been so embarassed for my country.

Feb 25 2008 07:36 AM

Hell even at the "Brit Awards" this many Brits didn't win awards. Six Oscars going to British nominees.

Day Lewis accepting his award on his knees remarking "that's the closest I'll ever come to getting a knighthood" was funny, a nod to his Irish citizenship?

I thought Jon Stewart was quite funny at times although his political quips missed more than they hit.

Feb 25 2008 08:11 AM

I'm not a big movie guy, but "Taking of Pelham One Two Three" is one of my all-time favorites, Bonus points for being set in the Homeland.

"Enchanted" was better than what you might think.

Feb 25 2008 01:32 PM

So many talents.

Feb 25 2008 01:33 PM

Was she wearing a Hefty bag? Seriously - what was with that dress?

Benjamin Grimm
Feb 25 2008 01:40 PM

metsguyinmichigan wrote:
"Enchanted" was better than what you might think.

I really enjoyed the scene where the apartment was getting cleaned up.

Feb 25 2008 02:18 PM

metirish wrote:
So many talents.

Sadly, "getting dressed" isn't one of them.