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Fletch (1985)
1 star | 1 votes |
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John Cougar Lunchbucket Mar 27 2008 12:48 PM |
Hijinks ensue when a laconic wise-ass reporter stumbles into, then must unravel, a murder-for-hire scheme.
AG/DC Mar 27 2008 12:50 PM |
Well, most Chevy Chase vehicles failed to hold up on delivery, and were rejected immediately by the filmgoing public. This and Vacation are rare enough exceptions to that rule.
John Cougar Lunchbucket Mar 27 2008 12:56 PM |
That's true, this was the exception not the rule. But how good was this then?
metirish Mar 27 2008 12:59 PM |
I liked it when I first saw it, a bit of a cult classic I think now.
Vic Sage Mar 27 2008 03:07 PM |
it was popular, but utterly mediocre.
Fman99 Mar 27 2008 06:37 PM |
I give it a thumbs up. Stupid? You bet. But funny nonetheless.
John Cougar Lunchbucket Mar 27 2008 07:03 PM |
Yeah, I'm gonna say it was somewhat better than mediocre. It was pretty good in fact.
Frayed Knot Mar 27 2008 07:05 PM |
Weren't there like several 'Fletch' movies, as well as a few dozen 'Vacation' ones?
themetfairy Mar 27 2008 07:22 PM |
I think there were two Fletch movies. I can only recall watching the first one. I recall enjoying it - it wasn't deep or anything like that, but it was entertaining enough.
Rockin' Doc Mar 27 2008 07:27 PM |
I'm pretty much in the position as FK when it comes to Chevy Chase. I have seen random parts of a few Chevy Chase movies, but other than Caddyshack, I don't think I have ever watched more than 15 minutes of any of them.
John Cougar Lunchbucket Mar 27 2008 07:55 PM |
Fletch might be the only movie where the detatched laconic douchebag that Chase played every time a camera found him was almost a perfect fit.
John Cougar Lunchbucket Mar 28 2008 08:17 AM |
Who gave this a 1?
soupcan Mar 28 2008 09:15 AM |
I gave it a 7.
themetfairy Mar 28 2008 09:36 AM |
I knew that. I think of her more as from Ally McBeal, though (and I know that Vic will think of her more from her Broadway work).