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TheOldMole Apr 04 2008 12:56 PM |
Who are the top non-drugged US Olympic Track Team hopefuls?
Frayed Knot Apr 05 2008 07:41 AM |
I usually know track a tiny bit better than most generic sports fans (of course since most generic American sports fans know next to nothing that's not saying much) but even I've lost track (no pun intended) lately as T&F has continued to marginalize itself with scandals and only a couple of names spring to mind at the moment:
metirish Apr 07 2008 06:34 AM |
I'm going to boycott the whole thing .
Benjamin Grimm Apr 07 2008 07:10 AM |
The Olympic torch seems like it got into some trouble in Paris yesterday.
AG/DC Apr 07 2008 08:04 AM |
Despite having one of our competitors (Ryan Shay) die during Olympic qualifying, we may have our best marathon generation ever coming into maturity right now, including native Americans as well as immigrants. Ryan Hall is new to the matathoning (I think he had been a mediocre miler in college) and he's blowing minds.
Frayed Knot Jun 29 2008 07:19 PM |
The U.S. Olympic T & F trials are going on [url=]now through next weekend[/url] if you're still interested in this stuff Mole.
AG/DC Jun 29 2008 07:50 PM |
The sprinters are putting up times this year that are making Carl Lewis look silly.
seawolf17 Jun 29 2008 08:16 PM |
Except when he sang.
SteveJRogers Jun 29 2008 08:46 PM |
TheOldMole Jun 29 2008 09:46 PM |
Frayed -- thanx. I have been watching.
seawolf17 Jun 30 2008 08:30 AM |
That makes me laugh every time I hear it. Classic.
TheOldMole Jul 06 2008 12:22 AM |
Why do javelin throwers look so weird?
Frayed Knot Jul 06 2008 04:35 AM |
I guess because that thing is too big & awkward to heave with a "normal" throwing motion so they need to do that side-stepping run-up in order to throw it with a stiff-armed "hand-grenade" style.
MFS62 Jul 06 2008 05:46 AM |
Not as weird as javelin catchers. BA DA BUM! Later
AG/DC Jul 06 2008 06:32 AM Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Jul 06 2008 11:23 AM |
So, after many such tales, will the US ever yield and say, "You know, the top US runner over the year in every event should qualify automatically, and the qualifying tournament should be for the subsequent spots"?
metsmarathon Jul 06 2008 07:48 AM |
the reason it is thrown the way it is is because that motion attempts to ensure that the forces on the javelin are all along the same line and are lined up with the axis of the javelin and its intended trajectory. any force acted along a different direction than axially will be wasted, may cause it to tip or wobble in flight resulting in greater drag and shorter distance, and could cause injury to the thrower. i've tried throwing jav. and sucked at it.
Frayed Knot Jul 06 2008 08:29 AM |
There doesn't appear to be any sentiment for that. Even those who don't like it seem to say that it's the worst system ... except for all the others. The USOC tends to like the fact that the athlete has to prove him/herself at the proper moment to make the team just like you have to in the games themselves. If Dan O'Brien no-heighting in the pole-vault during the decathalon trials all those years ago didn't move anyone enough to change things I'm not sure what will.
AG/DC Jul 06 2008 11:34 AM |