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Know Thy Opening Day Enemy
Frayed Knot Apr 07 2008 09:05 PM |
The 47th * and final * Shea home opener sees the 2-3 Mets facing off against some guys from down the pike sporting a 3-4 record after having the 2007 NL East handed to them.
metirish Apr 07 2008 09:07 PM |
Nice one , I love it when the team opens up at home in the second week, huge excitement again.
John Cougar Lunchbucket Apr 07 2008 09:31 PM |
The Snooze btw mentioned Matt Wise had a sore forearm and might not be all that available (and may have contributed to Willie's smart-but-ultimately-doomed strategy of bringing in Heilman in the 8th on Sunday.
Gwreck Apr 07 2008 09:35 PM |
Benson is the closest thing the Phils have to an ex-Met on their roster.
Fman99 Apr 07 2008 09:40 PM |
Dude, he is so Taguchi he doesn't even know it.
John Cougar Lunchbucket Apr 08 2008 07:34 AM |
Now Rubin sez Wise is likely headed to the DL, with Carlos Muniz likel to be called up.,
Benjamin Grimm Apr 08 2008 07:47 AM |
Not me. I don't know who I would have guessed, but I don't think it would have been Muniz.
seawolf17 Apr 08 2008 07:50 AM |
It might be because Muniz still has options; they might know Wise is a short-term injury, and they want someone they can shuttle up and down without having to pass him through waivers.
John Cougar Lunchbucket Apr 08 2008 07:50 AM |
Yup, I'da gone with Stokes. Or Ricardo Rincon, whose been "loaned" to the Mexican league.
metirish Apr 08 2008 07:51 AM |
I might have guessed Collazo . I have a memory of Muniz pitching OK for the Mets last season , so did Collazo IIRC.
Valadius Apr 08 2008 08:08 AM |
Why the hell did we ship Rincon to the Mexican League?
Benjamin Grimm Apr 08 2008 08:11 AM |
He's on loan to a team there. He didn't want to pitch in New Orleans.
John Cougar Lunchbucket Apr 08 2008 08:13 AM |
He's Mexican, we have enough guys in AAA, he's a longtime pro who's not about to benefit from instruction, etc etc etc As long as we control his contract I don;t think it matters where he does biz. Think of him as telecommuting.
Triple Dee Apr 08 2008 08:32 AM |
What about Padilla? Is he still rehabbing?
Benjamin Grimm Apr 08 2008 08:38 AM |
Back to KTE business, here's another perspective on our current (and ongoing) enemy:
John Cougar Lunchbucket Apr 08 2008 08:54 AM |
Wait a minute. Didn't the Phillies win the World Series in 1980? I agree they'd won with a different feel from the homegrowners who were a big part of their mid-70s run, but that happens.
AG/DC Apr 08 2008 09:02 AM |
Someday, Valadius is going to be a boss making a lot of employees miserable, yelling shit like, "WHERE THE FUCK'S MY STAPLER!?"
Benjamin Grimm Apr 08 2008 09:05 AM |
I can see that.
SteveJRogers Apr 08 2008 04:06 PM |
I think I'll check that book out. The book You Can't Lose Them All about the 1980 team touches upon it, but only briefly and doesn't really try to explain the reason for the culture of hating in terms of what was going on around Philly during those years. It was kind of depressing though that they mentioned that in 2000 they recreated the parade that the '80 Phillies did and a sparse crowd showed up (I forget the number, but it was less than what a stadium holds). I wonder where getting punked out in 3 straight after toppling the Mets (granted it wasn't like the '69 Mets blowing past the Cubs in September but still) for a "reverse of 1964" ranks in terms of bitterest Philly sport disappointments?