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November Rain - Minute by Minute account.
metirish May 01 2008 02:38 PM |
AG/DC May 01 2008 03:01 PM |
Two things they fail to mention:
metirish May 01 2008 04:28 PM |
Good call on Ricky , a fun article I thought.
Triple Dee May 01 2008 08:07 PM |
The video clip to November Rain has issues, but Estranged is an incoherent mess beyond interpretation (esp the last 3 mins). This however, doesn't detract from it being one of the best rock songs ever written (imo).
Batty31 May 01 2008 08:17 PM |
You mean Riki Rachtman? :P Maybe they were trying to forget him, like most of us. Him and and ex of mine had some kind of beef going between each other...they did not get along. I love this video...never get sick of it. Or Slash's solos. Thanks for posting, irish.
metirish May 01 2008 08:31 PM |
Maybe the person who wrote this is a Brit, it's from a Brit paper ,if so like me she would not have seen RR on MTV , IIRC he was not on MTV Europe , a lot of the Americn MTV shows were shown there but with Euro trash hosts.
Triple Dee May 01 2008 09:20 PM |
The person who wrote this article seems to have plagiarized most of it from the [url=]November Rain[/url] wikipedia article. That's pretty pathetic on the Guardian's part.
Number 6 May 01 2008 11:00 PM |
When November Rain was released, I thought it was fantastic. Now, I think it's possibly the most pretentious and overblown song I've ever heard. An opus written by a band utterly in love with itself and its success.
metirish May 02 2008 07:07 AM |
Good call 3D and that's pretty funny Number 6.
AG/DC May 02 2008 07:24 AM |
I 'm going to confess I came around to Number 6's position about 90 seconds into the first time I saw the video. You can throw all the production money at a video you want, but that's not going to make your power ballad into "Stairway." You've got to road-test it and let the legend build or not. That's the risk.
metirish May 02 2008 07:35 AM |
Axl's obsession at what Slash called becoming the next Elton John helped cause the downfall of GNR .
seawolf17 May 02 2008 07:46 AM |
From their inception, GNR has really been one of the most interesting bands out there. They released maybe the best hard rock record ever, and then completely imploded. The story's so convoluted, with so many versions of the truth out there, that the output will never match the legend. One huge hit record, an EP, a double-double-disc set, a pathetic covers album, a two-disc live set, and a greatest hits. That's it. Hardly HoF-worthy output, but you can't dispute their place in rock history, and you can't dispute the fact that a reunited GNR (Axl, Slash, Izzy, Duff, and either drummer) would sell out soccer stadiums across the world.
Willets Point May 02 2008 11:27 AM |
This is me, I'm guilty of this crime. I had no idea what song Spektor is referring to until now. And I still haven't found time to sit through it's extraordinary length.
John Cougar Lunchbucket May 02 2008 12:37 PM |
What I recall about that was Axl Rose telling Rolling Stone in an interview that he'd written a song called November Rain and that if "wasn't recorded right, he'd retire." I was well over them by the time it finally came out. Soewhere in the bound copies of my kollege newspaper is my review of "Appetite" -- taken from a cassette version with the original sexist cover art -- welcoming the record as the rawest and realest of the fake 80s metal revolution. Nirvana gets credit for killing hairmetal dead but Appetite dealt it a deadly blow, years ahead.
metirish May 02 2008 12:45 PM |
IMO the riff to Welcome to the jungle is the best opening ever to an just rips......saw them at Slane Castle in 1991/2 and they rocked , especially Slash....
AG/DC May 02 2008 12:54 PM |
That second clip is confusing. It's like they fired the guitarists and Axl had some calypso players backing him on "Knocking on Heaven's Door."
seawolf17 May 02 2008 01:29 PM |
That's pretty much the way they've played "Knockin'" live forever.
AG/DC May 02 2008 01:31 PM |
Well, I know they do it with the reggae upbeat going, but didn't realize that they hired Van Morrison's keyboardist and let him dominate the mix while the guitars were all turned practially off.
Triple Dee May 03 2008 03:08 AM |
I don't consider myself qualified to give an objective opinion on November Rain because the song has symbolic meaning to me, but for a song that took 10 years to write, I can certainly understand why people would think it's overrated. I think one reason why it has aged so poorly is that the backing vocals make it sound too soppy. When it is performed live, it has more venom and the lack of backing vocals brings it more in-line with a classic rock ballad.
Elster88 May 05 2008 08:25 PM |
Fer cripes sake. Would all of you old men go back to pontificating on Steely Dan and ELO? :-)
Elster88 May 05 2008 08:28 PM |
Please tell me you're kidding??? Please? I thought you were on my side. How can you possible go from "Appetite is possibly the greatest hard metal album of all time" to "they're in the same boat as Crue and Poison"???
AG/DC May 05 2008 09:10 PM |
They may be far better than their genre-mates but that doesn't disqualify them from the tag.
TransMonk May 05 2008 09:38 PM |
I wouldn't go quite as far as cornering them with Poison and Crue, but I'd agree that GNR is hair-metal. Axl's "Welcome to the Jungle" hair-do sealed that for them.
AG/DC May 05 2008 09:43 PM |
Frayed Knot May 05 2008 09:58 PM |
Strange sensations coming over me
HahnSolo May 06 2008 10:30 AM |
I don't know whether it's appropriate to the discussion, but me, the wife, and the wedding party entered our reception to 'Welcome to the Jungle.'
AG/DC May 06 2008 10:34 AM |
You're gonna DIE!