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Fun presidential baseball trivia
metsguyinmichigan Jun 04 2008 07:53 AM |
Since William Howard Taft tossed out the first pitch on Opening Day in 1910, every president since has opened a baseball season. All but one, that is. Can you name that one president?
seawolf17 Jun 04 2008 08:21 AM |
I'll guess Gerald Ford.
AG/DC Jun 04 2008 08:21 AM |
John Paul I?
metirish Jun 04 2008 08:22 AM |
DocTee Jun 04 2008 08:48 AM |
metsguyinmichigan Jun 04 2008 08:48 AM |
Three swings and misses!
Benjamin Grimm Jun 04 2008 08:49 AM |
HahnSolo Jun 04 2008 08:50 AM |
Carter's my guess too.
metsguyinmichigan Jun 04 2008 08:50 AM |
metsguyinmichigan Jun 04 2008 08:53 AM |
Sweet! That's the first time I've ever inserted a photo properly.
metsguyinmichigan Jun 04 2008 08:55 AM |
metirish Jun 04 2008 09:05 AM |
I love the look on the cops face in the Reagan picture.
seawolf17 Jun 04 2008 09:12 AM |
Really? Jimmy Carter? He's probably attended more baseball games than any other president. He was the first guy I figured had done it.
metsguyinmichigan Jun 04 2008 09:15 AM |
The guy just over the shoulder of Peter Uberroth is a Secret Service agent who wrote a neat book about protecting Reagan. He wrote a lot about that game, and there was a reason he wasn't allowed to throw from the mound. But he said Reagan tried to buy hot dogs from a vendor, then realized he wasn't carrying money -- so a bunch of guys reached into their pockets to throw some bills his way to pay the guy.
Benjamin Grimm Jun 04 2008 09:27 AM |
Is that Mickey Mantle behind Nixon?
soupcan Jun 04 2008 09:37 AM |
I know Nixon was in the White House 1969 - 1974 and I know the Senators became the Rangers in '72 but I never put together or thought that Nixon was in the White House when the Senators were still a team. In my mind, Nixon's presidency was not so long ago but the second generation Senators had been gone for quite some time. Guess I imagined that DC hadn't had a team for much longer than it did.
MFS62 Jun 04 2008 10:58 AM |
Note to KC.
HahnSolo Jun 04 2008 02:20 PM |
They need gloves to throw out the first pitch...why?
seawolf17 Jun 04 2008 02:48 PM |
They bring their gloves so they can catch a foul ball. Duh.
HahnSolo Jun 04 2008 03:10 PM |
That partially obscured black kid to the right of Nixon: can that be Walt from Lost? Oh, my, they really can travel back in time from the island.
Centerfield Jun 04 2008 03:21 PM |
metsguyinmichigan Jun 04 2008 10:27 PM |
metsguyinmichigan Jun 04 2008 10:28 PM |