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Fun? | 13 votes |
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A Boy Named Seo Jul 02 2008 04:43 PM |
There was a thread before about chess sites and I've finally found a really cool one I totally recommend, [url=][/url]. Sounds like a sexy adult site, huh? It's not, though.
Rockin' Doc Jul 02 2008 05:52 PM |
I use to play as a kid. I enjoyed it, but played as if the NBA's 24 second shot clock was in effect for making moves. Opponents that desired to study the board and take several minutes to make a move frustrated me and would not be asked to play again. Obviously, my game was rudimentary at best and the multitude of subtle nuansances were lost on me.
seawolf17 Jul 02 2008 05:56 PM |
Ooh, backgammon! Fun.
OlerudOwned Jul 02 2008 06:41 PM |
A Boy Named Seo Jul 02 2008 06:54 PM |
A read a review of that place the other day. Are all the pieces Shaolin swordsman or whatever? Cause I like horsies and castles.
Vic Sage Jul 03 2008 09:18 AM CHESS MOVIES |
John Cougar Lunchbucket Jul 03 2008 09:51 AM |
There was a weird guy at the end of the hall freshman year. Heavyset, red hair, kinda smelly, no roommate. You know the type?
holychicken Jul 03 2008 10:08 AM |
There was a guy in college who was a chess shark.