One benefit of the Jerry Era is that beards are back. Oliver Perez looks like he's growing a real one and not that dotted-line thing; Show looks like Grizzly Jr. and even Pelfrey is losing his babyfacedness behind 4 days of shaggy sideburns.
Brings to mind Bunt the First Two's famous poem of 2006:
How I love my Mets Beard Which grows out of my face It takes us through the playoffs Since we came in firstest place
But my woman says I'm prickly Too roughened now to kiss "But that's my Mets Beard, Baby Makes Nomar swing and miss"
I'll ever love you, Mets Beard You understand me well For the mystic ways you help my team No human tongue can tell
But my boss says I look grubby A vagrant and a slob I tell them of the base hits My beard helped Shawn Green rob
Let them hate us, Mets Beard For you I give a shout As I listen to the Mets win As my desk I'm cleaning out
But my kids say that I'm scary That I don't look like Dad Perhaps more like Pat Zachry But how could that be bad?
But you'll not leave me, Mets Beard Though others turn away You power lends precision To each Reyes double play
And each double hit by Beltran Wright's bat and Glavine's arm You send the Mets your power And send the rivals harm
So be my wife, sweet Mets Beard Be my job and child Be my raison d'etre Make my visage wild
Somehow, someway we matter When the Mets are winning games Floyd, Martinez, Valentin And the other hallowed names
And when at last I shave you With the pennant on the wall I'll have naught left there with me To share this awesome fall
I'll return you to the cosmos Your power to dispense Of mighty magic strikeouts And balls hit o'er the fence
I'll restart my life clean-shaven No job or family, true But I'll wear the hat of champions Of Metly royal blue