Twenty-One Prediction Fun: Brandon Nimmo

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Edgy MD
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Twenty-One Prediction Fun: Brandon Nimmo

Post by Edgy MD » Wed Mar 31, 2021 11:29 pm

There's more to baseball to getting on base. That's why I do other things besides get on base. To compare me to Ron Hodges is a stretchy stretch, and not really respectful to either party, but WOW! There it is. But hey, we bat lefty both swing from the heels when we get one in our wheelhouse.

Hi, I'm Brandon Nimmo. I'm the first draft choice of the First Sandy Alderson Era, and somehow, I haven't even hit my first big payday yet. But I'm more than walks, and more than running out walks. I'm more than dimples and smiles and God acknowledgment. I'm a good player. A really good player. With the right handling and coaching and a little luck, I could be a great player. I'm not that off, and you know it's true. I'm sixth in the league in OBP among all active players. Let me list the players ahead of me.

1. Votto
2. Trout
3. Soto
4. Goldschmidt
5. Cabrera

That's a lot of all-star games, a lot of silver sluggers, even a lot of MVPs. Soto hasn't won one yet, but he's a baby. Goldy hasn't won one yet, but he's had two seconds and a third place in the voting, and it may put me in disagreement with 30 writers, but he probably deserved Harper's from 2015. The other guys? Get real. We're looking at a page in the Cooperstown phone book, right there ... if anybody actually opened a phone book anymore, and if those guys would actually be listed in it.

My point is that you may be overlooking some sh... some stuff. I'm not the centerfielder you want, but too much can sometimes be made of that. I cover the gaps pretty good, and I come in strong, but I don't go back as well as I should. My arm may be average, but don't act like it's for sh... terrible. I'm sorry. I don't want to be profane, but I get so darn grumpy when my weaknesses are magfinified. Why, o Wyoming do you have to do that? I'm the happiest guy in baseball but it still sticks in my craw.

So come on. I just turned 28 four days ago, and if I stay healthy and I shave off just one of those utterly shavable weaknesses — use the analytics, go back for balls with more confidence, steal some bases, hit just a few more doubles — I'm an All-Star. I'm an All-Star on paper, and I'm a guy who just looks like one out there on the field.

That's doable. But you know more about the future than I do. That's why we have this thread.

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Re: Twenty-One Prediction Fun: Brandon Nimmo

Post by MFS62 » Thu Apr 01, 2021 10:33 am

.268/ .415/ .490
Better defense.
But moving him out of center (to left) in late innings will hurt his All-Star chances. (darn it!)

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Johnny Lunchbucket
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Re: Twenty-One Prediction Fun: Brandon Nimmo

Post by Johnny Lunchbucket » Thu Apr 01, 2021 1:26 pm

Yeah I feel like Zimmo is somewhat underappreciated for his results and at the same time, over appreciated for his package of smiles and hustle. It's almost like a disguise but I don't believe Zimmo is calculated enough to do that.

Anyway I'll err in predicting a career year. And if it's a good year, it should be a great year for Metdom.

301/410/500 20 HR, 85 RS, 50 RBI
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