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Soul Kitchen (2009, Germany)

Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2024 9:39 pm
by Edgy MD
A funk-loving, hotheaded Greco-German operating a greasy spoon in Hamburg runs afoul of tax inspectors, unscrupulous land speculators, a parolee brother , his girlfriend's abandonment, and a slipped disc, as his psychopathic new chef tries to put a haute cuisine spin on his lowbrow soul food fare.

Do hijinks ensue? Ja, they do! (And they're currently streaming for free on Tubi.)


Re: Soul Kitchen (2009, Germany)

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2024 10:26 pm
by Edgy MD
I don't want to brag, but I'm on a nice little winning streak over at Tubi, and those creeps at Netflix can go cry, but their tears don't move me.

This movie was a good young-man-who-can't-get-his-shit-together film, with a lot in common with High Fidelity. It's maybe accidental, but kind of appropriate that the film seemingly borrows its title from a Doors song, because the protagonist (despite being an ethnically Greek German guy) kind of looks like Jim Morrison — albeit Jim Morrison in that awkward in-between period, after the weight started sticking to him, but before an early death released him from the indignities of the world and any need to live like a responsible adult.

Our man isn't into Doors music, however, but funky seventies soul, and there's a great delight in a groovy soundtrack being cued up as we see him explode at everyone around him as his life falls apart, and then seize up in pain because his explosions trigger the pain from a back injury which of course he brought on himself. (Comedy!) But like High Fidelity's Rob, he treats the misfits around him as a weight around his neck, which they certainly are, but they're also the only ones left standing by him.

Lots of raunch, but a solid small-businessman arc that'll bring out the dormant entrepreneurial spirit within you.