Because most people are either dumb or uninformed. And that's who swung the election. I'm not saying that all Trump voters are dumb or uninformed. But that's who made the difference and swung the election. Politicians are always targeting demographics in their campaigns: suburban women, white men without a college degree, the under 25 crowd that never voted before, yada, yada, yada, etc., etc.
The lunatic went after the moron people demographic. It was a brilliant move because there's more of them than any other group. Ever hear the saying about how life is so hard and difficult and unfair and that the last thing you wanna do is to let a stupid fucking person get so close to you, get their hooks into you that they drag you down and your life with them? Ever hear that one? Well that's what fucking happened. The morons of America put this grifting, lying, deranged crook into the White House. The madman won the imbecile vote.