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Re: Donald Trump in Hot Water

Posted: Sun May 22, 2022 4:24 pm
by batmagadanleadoff
Johnny Lunchbucket wrote: Sun May 22, 2022 12:47 pm Trump Junior delights in murdering wild animals and uses it to create a narrative that he's some kind of tough guy, but you'd never guess. His prize kills are fraudulently obtained too. ... ide-faces/
Shouldn't this go in the Trump is not in Hot Water thread? Like, sadly, everything ever posted about that scumbag monster. And his vile and dopey son.

Re: Donald Trump in Hot Water

Posted: Sun May 22, 2022 6:47 pm
by Lefty Specialist
Still waiting for that water to be anything other than tepid. I'm maddest at the Justice Department, who seem to be dragging their feet until Trump announces he's running and then any investigation of him will be declared politically off-limits. I don't know the inner workings of the DOJ, but it sure looks like that to an outsider.

I mean, he literally tried to get a top state election official to commit a crime, it's on tape, and you let the local district attorney handle the case? There's all kinds of malfeasance in Manhattan but the SDNY is doing nothing (and the Manhattan DA is covering up for him). That water is never getting hot.

Re: Donald Trump in Hot Water

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2022 12:52 pm
by MFS62
Ex- tRump aide Peter Navarro has been cited for two counts of Contempt of Congress for hsi actions with respect to the January 6th insurrection.(paywall) ... X1fifmi9LM


Re: Donald Trump in Hot Water

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2022 2:58 pm
by kcmets
Microwave some popcorn, Garland about to make a public statement.

Re: Donald Trump in Hot Water

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2022 3:57 pm
by Edgy MD
Not much, except that (1) Garland approved the warrant personally, and (2) the Justice Department is arguing for the warrant to be unsealed, sort of calling the former president's bluff.

Re: Donald Trump in Hot Water

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2022 4:14 pm
by Lefty Specialist
Once again, MAGAts are the dog that caught the car. They were screaming conspiracy theories about the raid, now they're going to find out exactly what the FBI were looking for. Should be fun.

If Trump wants to run for president as his 'get out of jail free' card, he better hurry up and announce. Events are moving fast. He pleaded the 5th hundreds of times in the New York civil case because his lawyers know there's a criminal case right around the corner. They're getting testimony in front of the grand jury in Atlanta. The January 6 Committee has basically branded him a criminal conspirator. And now Merrick Garland is warming up in the bullpen.

Fun days.

Re: Donald Trump in Hot Water

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2022 4:21 pm
by Willets Point
Anyone who thinks that running for President gets one out of jail should be haunted by the ghost of Eugene Debs.

Re: Donald Trump in Hot Water

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2022 6:25 pm
by MFS62
The warrant will be unsealed at 3PM tomorrow.
Once we know what he was hiding, the next question should be "What were you going to do with top secret information?"
My guess is to sell it to another country.


Re: Donald Trump in Hot Water

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2022 6:41 pm
by batmagadanleadoff
Lefty Specialist wrote: Thu Aug 11, 2022 4:14 pmHe pleaded the 5th hundreds of times in the New York civil case because his lawyers know there's a criminal case right around the corner.
What was he supposed to do? If he told the truth, that'd be tantamount to confessing to crimes. If he lied, he's be exposing himself to perjury charges by lying under oath.

Re: Donald Trump in Hot Water

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2022 7:07 pm
by Ceetar
I'm honestly surprised he could keep his mouth shut. how drugged up did they have him?

Re: Donald Trump in Hot Water

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2022 7:27 pm
by Frayed Knot
batmagadanleadoff wrote: Thu Aug 11, 2022 6:41 pm
Lefty Specialist wrote: Thu Aug 11, 2022 4:14 pmHe pleaded the 5th hundreds of times in the New York civil case because his lawyers know there's a criminal case right around the corner.
What was he supposed to do? If he told the truth, that'd be tantamount to confessing to crimes. If he lied, he's be exposing himself to perjury charges by lying under oath.
The fun part is that there are clips of him (unclear to me from where or when) mocking people who plead the 5th. "It's what gangsters do" ... "Why would you
need to plead the 5th unless you're guilty?" were among the remarks.

Re: Donald Trump in Hot Water

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2022 10:04 pm
by Edgy MD
Man killed attacking the Cincinnati FBI Office apparently thought he was doing the former president's bidding.

People are still dying for this guy.

Re: Donald Trump in Hot Water

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2022 6:30 am
by roger_that
Frayed Knot wrote: Thu Aug 11, 2022 7:27 pm
batmagadanleadoff wrote: Thu Aug 11, 2022 6:41 pm
Lefty Specialist wrote: Thu Aug 11, 2022 4:14 pmHe pleaded the 5th hundreds of times in the New York civil case because his lawyers know there's a criminal case right around the corner.
What was he supposed to do? If he told the truth, that'd be tantamount to confessing to crimes. If he lied, he's be exposing himself to perjury charges by lying under oath.
The fun part is that there are clips of him (unclear to me from where or when) mocking people who plead the 5th. "It's what gangsters do" ... "Why would you
need to plead the 5th unless you're guilty?" were among the remarks.
The truly amusing part to me is his effrontery in pretending that he was honestly inquiring into the profound question of "Why would someone take the Fifth?" when, on planet earth, he was rhetorically mocking those who did. His recent comment was along the lines of "I have finally learned the answer to the serious question I was posing into people's reasons for taking the Fifth, it is to protect oneself from governmental abuses of power..." And no doubt some ardent MAGAts are now saying "See, he was studying this constitutional issue for many years, learned fellow that he is...."

Re: Donald Trump in Hot Water

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2022 9:12 am
by Lefty Specialist
He learned the value of taking the fifth, just like all those guilty people before him. He had to take the fifth in New York, even though it hurts him in the civil case. Had he testified truthfully, he would have been indicted before he left the building.

Re: Donald Trump in Hot Water

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2022 9:35 am
by Edgy MD
More important, we learn this morning that the docs we have been looking for are related to nukes.

It's very curious that someone accuses the FBI of planting evidence pre-emptively. You mean ... there's going to be evidence?

You kind of do better to wait and play that card later in the hand.

Re: Donald Trump in Hot Water

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2022 9:49 am
by kcmets
Goddamn libtard gestapos going after The Don's private nuclear files.

Cork smokers, every last one of them.

Re: Donald Trump in Hot Water

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2022 12:11 pm
by Frayed Knot
Mulvaney: "Someone very close" to Trump tipped off the FBI to the presence of the files at Mar-a-Lardo

Personally, I think it was Tessio. I initially thought Clemenza but it's the smart move and Tessio was always smarter.

Re: Donald Trump in Hot Water

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2022 12:42 pm
by kcmets
Lol -- "Now listen, whoever comes to you with this Barzini meeting, he's the
traitor. Don't forget that"

Re: Donald Trump in Hot Water

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2022 12:59 pm
by MFS62
I want to see Biden award the person the Medal of Freedom and watch donnie's head explode when he finds out it was Ivanka.

Re: Donald Trump in Hot Water

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2022 1:51 pm
by kcmets
That would be funny, throw in Melania too a co-rat and even funnier.

Re: Donald Trump in Hot Water

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2022 2:32 pm
by metsmarathon
my money is on jared.

btw, i love the notion that, hey, "he's the president. he can just declassify documents at will"

well, listen. it's not a document - a piece of paper - that's classified. it's the actual information contained therein. so if the president declassifies something, that means it's declassified on that document, and on any other document it appears on.

so like, if the documents were on, say, the capabilities of a particular nuclear missile, and suddenly that's declassified, well, that means we don't have to protect that information as strongly. and it gets a hell of a lot easier for adversaries to get at it.

so if you're cool with the president declassifying top secret information, then you're basically cool with handing over to our enemies information that poses an exceptionally grave threat to national security. cool. cool. patriotism FTW! 'murrica yeah!

uh... but her emails, i guess...

Re: Donald Trump in Hot Water

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2022 2:42 pm
by Ceetar
Jared, the guy who got 2 billion from the Saudi's mysteriously?

Re: Donald Trump in Hot Water

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2022 2:51 pm
by kcmets
Ceetar wrote: Fri Aug 12, 2022 2:42 pm Jared, the guy who got 2 billion from the Saudi's mysteriously?
T & E, haha

Re: Donald Trump in Hot Water

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2022 4:29 pm
by Lefty Specialist
DEVELOPING. A now public copy of the search warrant for Mar-a-Lago shows former President Donald Trump is under investigation for possible violations of the Espionage Act.

Can't wait to see how the right-wing noise machine spins this. Need more popcorn.

Re: Donald Trump in Hot Water

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2022 4:46 pm
by MFS62
Ex-CIA chief says the punishment should fit the crime of espionage:(Yahoo reprint of National Review article.) ... 11070.html
